#include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "portable.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "nt4.h" #include "wormdna.h" #include "localmem.h" #include "cdnaAli.h" #include "htmshell.h" struct feature *makeExonList(struct cdna *cdnaList) /* Make an exon list out of a cdnaList. */ { struct cdna *cdna; struct ali *ali; struct block *block; struct feature *exon = NULL, *exonList = NULL; struct cdnaRef *ref; int exonCount = 0; printf("Making exons\n"); for (cdna = cdnaList; cdna != NULL; cdna = cdna->next) { /* Just take first alignment. */ ali = cdna->aliList; if (ali != NULL) { for (block = ali->blockList; block != NULL; block = block->next) { ref = allocA(struct cdnaRef); ref->ali = ali; exon = allocA(struct feature); exon->chrom = ali->chrom; exon->start = block->hStart; exon->end = block->hEnd; exon->gene = ali->gene; exon->cdnaCount = 1; exon->cdnaRefs = ref; slAddHead(&exonList, exon); ++exonCount; } } } slSort(&exonList, cmpFeatures); printf("Made %d exons.\n", exonCount); return exonList; } struct gene { struct gene *next; char *name; }; int cmpNames(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two introns. */ { struct gene **pA = (struct gene **)va; struct gene **pB = (struct gene **)vb; struct gene *a = *pA, *b = *pB; return strcmp(a->name, b->name); } boolean shareCdna(struct feature *aList, struct feature *bList) /* Returns TRUE if two features share a piece of cDNA * or share the other piece of a 3'/5' pair of ESTs. */ { struct cdnaRef *a, *b; char mateName[64]; boolean canMatch; char *bName; int bNameLen; for (a=aList->cdnaRefs; a!=NULL; a = a->next) for (b=bList->cdnaRefs; b!=NULL; b = b->next) { /* First see if there's a direct match. */ if (a->ali == b->ali) return TRUE; /* Then see if name indicates it could be part of * an EST pair, and if so look for it's mate. */ canMatch = FALSE; bName = b->ali->cdna->name; bNameLen = strlen(bName); if (bNameLen > 4) { if (bName[0] == 'y' && bName[1] == 'k') { if (bName[bNameLen-1] == '3') { strcpy(mateName, bName); mateName[bNameLen-1] = '5'; canMatch = TRUE; } else if (bName[bNameLen-1] == '5') { strcpy(mateName, bName); mateName[bNameLen-1] = '3'; canMatch = TRUE; } } else if (bName[0] == 'C' && bName[1] == 'E') { if (bName[bNameLen-1] == 'F') { strcpy(mateName, bName); mateName[bNameLen-1] = 'R'; canMatch = TRUE; } else if (bName[bNameLen-1] == 'R') { strcpy(mateName, bName); mateName[bNameLen-1] = 'F'; canMatch = TRUE; } } } if (canMatch && strcmp(mateName, a->ali->cdna->name) == 0) return TRUE; #ifdef NEVER /* It turns out that 3' 5' clone pairs aren't reliable. */ #endif /* NEVER */ } return FALSE; } struct cdnaRef *uniqifyRefs(struct cdnaRef *oldList) /* Remove duplicates from old list and return it. */ { struct cdnaRef *newList = NULL; struct cdnaRef *ref, *next; int listSize = slCount(oldList); /* For small lists don't bother hashing. */ if (listSize < 25) { next = oldList; for (;;) { if ((ref = next) == NULL) break; next = ref->next; if (inRefList(newList, ref->ali)==NULL) slAddHead(&newList, ref); } } /* Larger lists need to hash. */ else { struct hash *hash = newHash(10); next = oldList; for (;;) { if ((ref = next) == NULL) break; next = ref->next; if (!hashLookup(hash, ref->ali->cdna->name)) { hashAdd(hash, ref->ali->cdna->name, NULL); slAddHead(&newList, ref); } } freeHash(&hash); } slReverse(&newList); return newList; } struct cdnaRef *mergeRefLists(struct cdnaRef *aList, struct cdnaRef *bList) /* Return union of two ref lists. */ { struct cdnaRef *a; if (aList == NULL) return bList; if (bList == NULL) return aList; a = aList; while (a->next != NULL) a = a->next; a->next = bList; return uniqifyRefs(aList); } int clusterExons(struct feature *exonList, int intronMax) /* Cluster together exons that are within intronMax of each other * or that share cDNA. */ { struct feature *cluster, *exon; int mergeCount = 0; if ((cluster = exonList) == NULL) return 0; printf("Clustering %d exons\n", slCount(exonList)); for (exon = cluster->next; exon != NULL; exon = exon->next) { if ((exon->start > cluster->end + intronMax && !shareCdna(exon, cluster)) || exon->chrom != cluster->chrom) { cluster = exon; } else { struct cdnaRef *newRef = exon->cdnaRefs; ++mergeCount; if (cluster->end < exon->end) cluster->end = exon->end; cluster->cdnaRefs = mergeRefLists(cluster->cdnaRefs, newRef); cluster->next = exon->next; } } printf("Merged %d exons, finished with %d clusters\n", mergeCount, slCount(exonList)); return mergeCount; } struct feature *loadC2x(char *fileName) { FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "r"); struct feature *geneList = NULL; struct feature *gene; char lineBuf[512]; char *words[10]; int wordCount; char *parts[4]; int partCount; printf("Loading %s\n", fileName); while (fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f) != NULL) { wordCount = chopLine(lineBuf, words); if (wordCount == 0) continue; if (wordCount != 3) errAbort("Bad c2g file\n"); allocV(gene); partCount = chopString(words[0], ":-", parts, ArraySize(parts)); if (partCount != 3) errAbort("Bad c2g file\n"); gene->chrom = findInStrings(parts[0], chromNames, chromCount); gene->start = atoi(parts[1]); gene->end = atoi(parts[2]); gene->strand = words[1][0]; gene->gene = cloneString(words[2]); slAddHead(&geneList, gene); } slReverse(&geneList); fclose(f); printf("%d features in %s\n", slCount(geneList), fileName); return geneList; } struct feature *filterOutKnown(struct feature *clusterList, struct feature *known) /* Return parts of cluster list that don't overlap with known. */ { struct feature *cluster, *nextCluster; struct feature *newList = NULL; struct cdnaRef *ref; printf("Filtering out all within %d of known genes\n", GENE_SPACE); /* First pass dump features that overlap known features. */ nextCluster = clusterList; for (;;) { if ((cluster = nextCluster) == NULL) break; nextCluster = cluster->next; known = skipIrrelevant(known, cluster, GENE_SPACE); if (sortedSearchOverlap(known, cluster, GENE_SPACE) == NULL) { slAddHead(&newList, cluster); } else { for (ref = cluster->cdnaRefs; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { ref->ali->cdna->isUsed = TRUE; } } } /* Do second pass removing any features that hit known cDNA */ nextCluster = newList; newList = NULL; for (;;) { boolean isUsed = FALSE; if ((cluster = nextCluster) == NULL) break; nextCluster = cluster->next; for (ref = cluster->cdnaRefs; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { if (ref->ali->cdna->isUsed) { isUsed = TRUE; break; } } if (!isUsed) slAddHead(&newList, cluster); } return newList; } void finishClusters(struct feature *clusterList, struct feature *c2c) /* Gives names to cluster and removes duplicate cdna refs. */ { struct feature *cluster, *nextCluster; int clusterCount = 0; struct hash *c2cHash = newHash(12); struct feature *feat; int gapCount = 0; int mitoCount = 0; int nCount; struct feature *cosmid; char *baseName; char nameBuf[64]; /* Load up hash for c2c. */ for (feat = c2c; feat != NULL; feat = feat->next) hashAdd(c2cHash, feat->gene, feat); printf("Finishing clusters\n"); nextCluster = clusterList; for (;;) { if ((cluster = nextCluster) == NULL) break; nextCluster = cluster->next; c2c = skipIrrelevant(c2c, cluster,0); if ((cosmid = sortedSearchOverlap(c2c, cluster, 0)) != NULL) { nCount = ++cosmid->cdnaCount; /* Argh! Should define new struct. */ baseName = cosmid->gene; } else { if (!differentWord(cluster->chrom, "m")) { nCount = ++mitoCount; baseName = "MCGENOME"; } else { nCount = ++gapCount; baseName = "gap"; } } // cluster->cdnaRefs = uniqifyRefs(cluster->cdnaRefs); sprintf(nameBuf, "%s.N%d", baseName, nCount); cluster->gene = cloneString(nameBuf); cluster->strand = '.'; ++clusterCount; } printf("Finished %d distinct clusters\n", clusterCount); } void writeCdnaClusters(struct feature *clusterList, char *fileName) { struct feature *cluster; FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w"); struct cdnaRef *ref; htmStart(f, "Nameless Clusters"); fputs("
", f);
for (cluster = clusterList; cluster != NULL; cluster = cluster->next)
    if (differentWord(cluster->chrom, "m") )
        char upcChrom[16];
        strcpy(upcChrom, cluster->chrom);
        fprintf(f, "%-16s ",
                   cluster->gene, cluster->gene, cluster->gene);
        fprintf(f, "%5d %3s %8d", cluster->end - cluster->start, 
            upcChrom, cluster->start);
        for (ref = cluster->cdnaRefs; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
            fprintf(f, " %s", ref->ali->cdna->name);
        fprintf(f, "\n");
", f); htmEnd(f); fclose(f); } struct feature *updateC2g(struct feature *c2g, struct feature *updates) /* Add updates to features list and return merged, sorted list. */ { struct feature *c; if (c2g == NULL) c2g = updates; else { /* Find last element in old list. */ c = c2g; while (c->next != NULL) c = c->next; /* Add updates. */ c->next = updates; } slSort(&c2g, cmpFeatures); return c2g; } void writeC2g(struct feature *c2g, char *fileName) /* Write out features in c2g format. */ { struct feature *c; FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w"); for (c=c2g; c != NULL; c = c->next) fprintf(f, "%s:%d-%d %c %s\n", c->chrom, c->start, c->end, c->strand, c->gene); fclose(f); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int startTime, endTime; struct feature *clusterList; struct cdna *cdnaList; struct feature *c2g; struct feature *c2c; char fileName[512]; char *inName; char *sangerC2g; char *c2gOut; char *clusterOut; if (argc != 5) { errAbort("Usage:\n" " cluster good.txt c2g.sanger c2g.merged nameless.html"); } inName = argv[1]; sangerC2g = argv[2]; c2gOut = argv[3]; clusterOut = argv[4]; cdnaAliInit(); startTime = clock1000(); cdnaList = loadCdna(inName); endTime = clock1000(); printf("Loaded %s in %f seconds\n", inName, (endTime - startTime)*0.001); c2g = loadC2x(sangerC2g); sprintf(fileName, "%sc2c", wormFeaturesDir()); slSort(&c2g, cmpFeatures); c2c = loadC2x(fileName); clusterList = makeExonList(cdnaList); clusterList = filterOutKnown(clusterList, c2g); while (clusterExons(clusterList, GENE_SPACE) > 0) slSort(&cdnaList, cmpFeatures); finishClusters(clusterList, c2c); writeCdnaClusters(clusterList, clusterOut); c2g = updateC2g(c2g, clusterList); writeC2g(c2g, c2gOut); return 0; }