/* This program creates a list of introns in GFF format and * in a more elaborate text format. It also creates a list * of alternatively spliced genes. */ #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "portable.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "nt4.h" #include "wormdna.h" #include "localmem.h" #include "cda.h" #include "cdnaAli.h" #include "htmshell.h" struct nt4Seq **chromNt4; int cloneAliReverseStrand(struct ali *ali) /* Returns TRUE (1) if the alignment of the clone EST came from is on minus * strand, FALSE (0) otherwise. */ { struct cdna *cdna = ali->cdna; char *name = cdna->name; int nameLen = strlen(name); boolean isReverse = FALSE; if (nameLen > 1 && name[nameLen-1] == '3' && name[nameLen-2] == '.') isReverse = TRUE; if (ali->strand == '-') isReverse = !isReverse; return (isReverse ? 1 : 0); } int consensusStrand(struct cdnaRef *refList) /* Return most common strand in refList. */ { struct cdnaRef *ref; int counts[2]; counts[0] = counts[1] = 0; for (ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { counts[cloneAliReverseStrand(ref->ali)] += 1; } return (counts[0] >= counts[1] ? 0 : 1); } int blockListToCdaBlocks(struct block *blockList, struct cdaBlock *cbArray) { struct block *b; struct cdaBlock *c; int goodCount = 0; for (b = blockList,c=cbArray; b!=NULL; b=b->next, c++) { if (b->nStart < b->nEnd) { c->nStart = b->nStart; c->nEnd = b->nEnd; c->hStart = b->hStart; c->hEnd = b->hEnd; c->startGood = b->startGood; c->endGood = b->endGood; c->midScore = 255; ++goodCount; } } return goodCount; } struct cdaAli *cdnaAliToCdaAli(struct cdna *cdna, struct ali *ali) { struct cdaAli *c; allocV(c); c->name = cdna->name; c->baseCount = cdna->size; c->milliScore = (int)(ali->score*1000); c->chromIx = wormChromIx(ali->chrom); c->strand = ali->strand; c->blocks = alloc(slCount(ali->blockList) * sizeof(struct cdaBlock)); c->blockCount = blockListToCdaBlocks(ali->blockList, c->blocks); cdaFixChromStartEnd(c); return c; } struct feature *makeExons(struct cdna *cdnaList) { struct cdna *cdna; struct ali *ali; struct cdaBlock *block; struct feature *exon = NULL, *exonList = NULL; struct cdnaRef *ref; int exonCount = 0; struct cdaAli *c; int blockCount; int i; printf("Making exons\n"); for (cdna = cdnaList; cdna != NULL; cdna = cdna->next) { for (ali = cdna->aliList; ali != NULL; ali = ali->next) { c = cdnaAliToCdaAli(cdna, ali); cdaCoalesceBlocks(c); blockCount = c->blockCount; block = c->blocks; for (i=0, block = c->blocks; inEnd - block->nStart >= 16) { ref = allocA(struct cdnaRef); ref->ali = ali; exon = allocA(struct feature); exon->chrom = ali->chrom; exon->start = block->hStart; exon->end = block->hEnd; exon->gene = ali->gene; exon->cdnaCount = 1; exon->cdnaRefs = ref; exon->startGood = block->startGood; exon->endGood = block->endGood; slAddHead(&exonList, exon); ++exonCount; } } } } slSort(&exonList, cmpFeatures); printf("Made %d exons\n", exonCount); collapseFeatures(exonList); printf("Done making %d exons after removing dupes\n", slCount(exonList)); return exonList; } char intronStrand(DNA *start, int size, boolean *retPerfect) /* Returns '+', '-' or '.' for forward, reverse, and who knows. */ { DNA a,b,y,z; int fCount = 0, rCount = 0; a = start[0]; b = start[1]; y = start[size-2]; z = start[size-1]; if (a == 'g') ++fCount; if (b == 't') ++fCount; if (y == 'a') ++fCount; if (z == 'g') ++fCount; if (a == 'c') ++rCount; if (b == 't') ++rCount; if (y == 'a') ++rCount; if (z == 'c') ++rCount; *retPerfect = (fCount >= 4 || rCount >= 4); if (fCount >= 3 || rCount >= 3) return (fCount > rCount) ? '+' : '-'; else return '.'; } void writeIntron(FILE *f, struct feature *intron, DNA *dna, int dnaSize, char strand, int startExtra, int intronSize, int insideIntronSize) { int i; int countRefs = 0; struct cdnaRef *ref; fprintf(f, "%d %s %d %d %c %s ", intron->cdnaCount, intron->chrom, intron->start, intron->end, strand, intron->gene); for (i=0; icdnaRefs; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { fprintf(f, " %s", ref->ali->cdna->name); if( ++countRefs > 10 ) break; } fputc('\n', f); } void writeDnaText(FILE *f, char *dna, int dnaSize, int lineSize) /* Write out DNA to a file. */ { while (dnaSize > 0) { if (lineSize > dnaSize) lineSize = dnaSize; mustWrite(f, dna, lineSize); fputc('\n', f); dna += lineSize; dnaSize -= lineSize; } } void writeIntrons(struct feature *intronList, char *gffName, char *txtName, char *faName) { FILE *gff = mustOpen(gffName, "w"); FILE *txt = mustOpen(txtName, "w"); FILE *fa = mustOpen(faName, "w"); struct feature *intron; int intronSize; int intronCount = 0; int idealExtra = 30; int insideIntronSize = 40; int startExtra, endExtra; int dnaStart, dnaEnd, dnaSize; struct nt4Seq *chrom; DNA *dna; char strand; boolean sureAboutStrand; int fCount=0, rCount=0, qCount=0; static char strandIxToC[2] = {'+', '-'}; char cloneStrand; int consMismatchCount = 0; int nonconsMismatchCount = 0; printf("Writing introns gff\n"); fprintf(gff, "##gff-version 1\n"); fprintf(gff, "##source-version cDnaIntrons 1.0\n"); for (intron = intronList; intron != NULL; intron = intron->next) { /* Get the dna for this intron, and a little extra. */ chrom = chromNt4[ixInStrings(intron->chrom, chromNames, chromCount)]; dnaStart = intron->start - idealExtra; if (dnaStart < 0) dnaStart = 0; intronSize = intron->end - intron->start; startExtra = intron->start - dnaStart; dnaEnd = intron->end + idealExtra; if (dnaEnd > chrom->baseCount) dnaEnd = chrom->baseCount; endExtra = dnaEnd - intron->end; dnaSize = dnaEnd - dnaStart; dna = nt4Unpack(chrom, dnaStart, dnaSize); /* Figure out what strand it's on by match to consensus sequence. */ strand = intronStrand(dna + startExtra, intronSize, &sureAboutStrand); cloneStrand = strandIxToC[consensusStrand(intron->cdnaRefs)]; if (strand == '.') strand = cloneStrand; if (cloneStrand != strand) { //warn("Mixed signals on %s intron strand pos %s:%d-%d", // (sureAboutStrand ? "consensus" : "non-consensus"), // intron->chrom, intron->start, intron->end); if (sureAboutStrand) consMismatchCount += 1; else nonconsMismatchCount += 1; } if (strand == '.') ++qCount; else if (strand == '+') ++fCount; else if (strand == '-') ++rCount; /* Write line to gff file. */ fprintf(gff, "%s\t%s\tintron\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%c\t.\t%s\n", intron->chrom, intron->cdnaRefs->ali->cdna->name, intron->start + 1, intron->end, intron->cdnaCount, strand, intron->gene); /* Write line to txt file, reverse complementing if necessary. */ if (strand == '-') { int temp; reverseComplement(dna, dnaSize); temp = startExtra; startExtra = endExtra; endExtra = temp; } writeIntron(txt, intron, dna, dnaSize, strand, startExtra, intronSize, insideIntronSize); /* Write to fa file. */ fprintf(fa, ">%s_%d_%d%c C. elegans intron near %s\n", intron->chrom, intron->start+1, intron->end, strand, intron->gene); writeDnaText(fa, dna + startExtra, intronSize, 50); freeMem(dna); ++intronCount; } fclose(fa); fclose(gff); fclose(txt); printf("Wrote %d introns: %d + %d - %d ?\n", intronCount, fCount, rCount, qCount); printf("%d consensus mismatches, %d nonconsensus mismatches on strand\n", consMismatchCount, nonconsMismatchCount); } struct hiRange { struct hiRange *next; int start, end; }; struct hiRange *newHiRange(int start, int end) { struct hiRange *hi; allocV(hi); hi->start = start; hi->end = end; return hi; } boolean overlapFeatures(struct feature *a, struct feature *b) { if (a->start >= b->end || b->start >= a->end) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } struct hiRange *hiFromOverlap(struct feature *a, struct feature *b) /* Return hiRange from overlapping parts of feature a,b * (Assumes that a and b do overlap!) */ { int start, end; assert(overlapFeatures(a,b)); start = (a->start < b->start ? b->start : a->start); end = (a->end < b->end ? a->end : b->end); return newHiRange(start, end); } void hiEnds(struct hiRange *hiList, int *retStart, int *retEnd) /* Returns end points of list of hiRanges. */ { struct hiRange *hi; int start = 0x7fffffff; int end = -start; assert(hiList != NULL); for (hi = hiList; hi != NULL; hi = hi->next) { if (hi->start < start) start = hi->start; if (hi->end > end) end = hi->end; } *retStart = start; *retEnd = end; } struct hiRange *consolidateHi(struct hiRange *hiList) /* Make minimal list of hiRanges that would display the same. */ { int start, end; int count; struct hiRange *hi; struct hiRange *newList = NULL; char c, lastC = FALSE; int s = 0; int i = 0; static char *flagBuf; static int flagBufSize = 0; hiEnds(hiList, &start, &end); count = end-start; if (count > flagBufSize) { flagBufSize = count*2; flagBuf = alloc(flagBufSize); } memset(flagBuf, FALSE, count); for (hi = hiList; hi != NULL; hi = hi->next) memset(flagBuf+hi->start - start, TRUE, hi->end - hi->start); for (i=0; iintronIntronOverlap + g->intronExonOverlap; if (g->notGenomicContamination) score += 20; return score; } int cmpScores(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two introns. */ { struct gene **pA = (struct gene **)va; struct gene **pB = (struct gene **)vb; struct gene *a = *pA, *b = *pB; return scoreGene(b) - scoreGene(a); } int cmpNames(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two introns. */ { struct gene **pA = (struct gene **)va; struct gene **pB = (struct gene **)vb; struct gene *a = *pA, *b = *pB; return strcmp(a->name, b->name); } char *boos(boolean boo, char *trues, char *falses) /* Return string reflecting boolean value. */ { return boo ? trues : falses; } void findRefRange(struct cdnaRef *refList, char **retChrom, int *retStart, int *retEnd) /* Find the range covered by references. */ { struct cdnaRef *ref = refList; char *chrom = ref->ali->chrom; int start, end; blockEnds(ref->ali->blockList, &start, &end); for (ref = ref->next; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { int s, e; blockEnds(ref->ali->blockList, &s, &e); if (start > s) start = s; if (end < e) end = e; } *retChrom = chrom; *retStart = start; *retEnd = end; } int printGeneList(FILE *f, struct gene *geneList) { struct gene *gene; int geneCount = 0; int cse=0, csi=0, c3=0, c5=0; struct cdnaRef *ref; char *chrom; int start, end; struct hiRange *hiList, *hi; int GenesPrinted = 0; for (gene = geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) { ++geneCount; findRefRange(gene->cdnaRefs, &chrom, &start, &end); fprintf(f, "hi != NULL) { fputs("&hilite=", f); hiList = consolidateHi(gene->hi); for (hi = hiList; hi != NULL; hi = hi->next) { fprintf(f, "%d-%d", hi->start, hi->end); if (hi->next != NULL) fputc(',', f); } } fprintf(f, "&title=cDNA+Near+%s\">", gene->name); fprintf(f, "%-18s %s %s %s %5d %5d %5d %5d", gene->name, boos(gene->skippedExon, "EX", " "), boos(gene->skippedIntron, "IN", " "), boos(gene->notGenomicContamination, "NG", " "), gene->altIntronStart, gene->altIntronEnd, gene->intronExonOverlap, gene->intronIntronOverlap); GenesPrinted = 0; for (ref = gene->cdnaRefs; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { fprintf(f, " %s", ref->ali->cdna->name); ++GenesPrinted; if ( GenesPrinted > 10 ) break; } fprintf(f, "\n"); if (gene->skippedExon) ++cse; if (gene->skippedIntron) ++csi; if (gene->altIntronStart) ++c5; if (gene->altIntronEnd) ++c3; } printf("%d Alt spliced genes: %d with skipped introns, %d with skipped exons,\n", geneCount, cse, csi); printf("%d with alt 5' ends %d with alt 3' ends\n", c5, c3); return geneCount; } boolean hasIntrons(struct ali *ali) { struct block *block, *next; int hGap, nGap; for (block = ali->blockList;block != NULL; block = block->next) { if ((next = block->next) == NULL) return FALSE; nGap = next->nStart - block->nEnd; hGap = next->hStart - block->hEnd; if (hGap >= 16 && nGap >= -1 && nGap <= 1) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void writeAlts(struct feature *intronList, struct feature *exonList, char *altFileName, char *justGenesName) /* Find alt-spliced genes by looking for overlapping introns. */ /* Needs work ~~~ */ { struct feature *intron, *nextIntron; int overlap; int noiseFudge = 2; int thisSize, nextSize; FILE *out = mustOpen(altFileName, "w"); FILE *justGenes = mustOpen(justGenesName, "w"); struct hash *altHash = newHash(12); int altGeneCount = 0; struct gene *geneList = NULL, *gene; struct feature *segList, *seg; struct hashEl *hel; struct hiRange *hi; printf("Looking for alt genes with overlapping introns\n"); nextIntron = intronList; segList = intronList; for (intron = intronList; intron != NULL; intron = intron->next) { seg = segList = skipIrrelevant(segList, intron, -noiseFudge); while ((seg = sortedSearchOverlap(seg, intron, -noiseFudge)) != NULL) { /* Filter out introns not on same strand */ if (consensusStrand(seg->cdnaRefs) == consensusStrand(intron->cdnaRefs)) { /* Filter out introns that are almost identical. */ overlap = intron->end - seg->start; thisSize = intron->end - intron->start; nextSize = seg->end - seg->start; if ( !(overlap - 2*noiseFudge <= nextSize && nextSize <= overlap + 2*noiseFudge) || (!(thisSize - noiseFudge <= nextSize && nextSize <= thisSize + noiseFudge))) { fprintf(out, "%s intron %s (%d %d) overlaps intron %s (%d %d)\n", intron->gene, intron->cdnaRefs->ali->cdna->name, intron->start, intron->end, seg->cdnaRefs->ali->cdna->name, seg->start, seg->end); if ((hel = hashLookup(altHash, intron->gene)) == NULL) { gene = allocA(struct gene); gene->name = intron->gene; if (wormIsChromRange(gene->name)) uglyf("Really weird %s!\n", gene->name); slAddHead(&geneList, gene); hashAdd(altHash, intron->gene, gene); } else { gene = hel->val; } hi = hiFromOverlap(intron, seg); slAddHead(&gene->hi, hi); if (intron->start == seg->start) { int dif = intAbs(intron->end - seg->end); if (dif > gene->altIntronEnd) gene->altIntronEnd = dif; } if (intron->end == seg->end) { int dif = intAbs(intron->start - seg->start); if (dif > gene->altIntronStart) gene->altIntronStart = dif; } overlap = hi->end - hi->start; if (overlap > gene->intronIntronOverlap) { gene->intronIntronOverlap = overlap; } gene->cdnaRefs = addUniqRefs(gene->cdnaRefs, seg->cdnaRefs); gene->cdnaRefs = addUniqRefs(gene->cdnaRefs, intron->cdnaRefs); gene->notGenomicContamination = TRUE; } } seg = seg->next; } } htmStart(justGenes, "Alt Spliced Genes"); fputs("
", justGenes);
printf("%d genes with overlapping introns\n", slCount(geneList));
printf("Looking for alt genes with overlapping exon/introns\n");
for (intron = intronList; intron != NULL; intron = intron->next)
    struct feature *exon;
    exon = exonList = skipIrrelevant(exonList, intron, -noiseFudge);
    while ((exon = sortedSearchOverlap(exon, intron, -noiseFudge)) != NULL)
        int overlap;
        int oStart, oEnd;
        boolean exonHasIntrons;
        int endGood;

        /* Filter out introns/exons  not on same strand */
        if (consensusStrand(exon->cdnaRefs) == consensusStrand(intron->cdnaRefs))
            oStart = (exon->start > intron->start ? exon->start : intron->start);
            oEnd = (exon->end < intron->end ? exon->end : intron->end);
            endGood = (exon->start > intron->start ? exon->startGood : exon->endGood);
            overlap = oEnd - oStart;
            exonHasIntrons = hasIntrons(exon->cdnaRefs->ali);
            if ((overlap >= 10) || (endGood >= 5 && (overlap >= 5 || exonHasIntrons)))
                fprintf(out, "%s exon %s (%d %d) overlaps intron %s (%d %d)\n",
                    exon->cdnaRefs->ali->cdna->name, exon->start, exon->end,
                    intron->cdnaRefs->ali->cdna->name, intron->start, intron->end);
                if ((hel = hashLookup(altHash, intron->gene)) == NULL)
                    gene = allocA(struct gene);
                    gene->name = intron->gene;
                    slAddHead(&geneList, gene);
                    hashAdd(altHash, intron->gene, gene);
                    gene = hel->val;
                hi = hiFromOverlap(intron, exon);
                slAddHead(&gene->hi, hi);
                if (exon->start < intron->start && exon->end > intron->end)
                    gene->skippedIntron = TRUE;
                if (intron->start < exon->start && intron->end > exon->end) 
                    gene->skippedExon = TRUE;
                if (overlap > gene->intronExonOverlap)
                    gene->intronExonOverlap = overlap;
                if (exonHasIntrons)
                    gene->notGenomicContamination = TRUE;
                gene->cdnaRefs = addUniqRefs(gene->cdnaRefs, exon->cdnaRefs);
                gene->cdnaRefs = addUniqRefs(gene->cdnaRefs, intron->cdnaRefs);
        exon = exon->next;
slSort(&geneList, cmpNames);
altGeneCount = printGeneList(justGenes, geneList);
printf("Wrote %d alt genes\n", altGeneCount);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *inName, *intronTxtName, *intronGffName, *altIntronsName, *altGenesName,
struct cdna *cdnaList;
long startTime, endTime;
struct feature *intronList;
struct feature *exonList;

if (argc != 7)
    errAbort("Introns - finds the introns in a file and writes them to gff.\n"
             "    introns good.txt introns.gff introns.txt altintrons.txt altgenes.txt introns.fa\n");

inName = argv[1];
intronGffName = argv[2];
intronTxtName = argv[3];
altIntronsName = argv[4];
altGenesName = argv[5];
intronFaName = argv[6];


startTime = clock1000();
cdnaList = loadCdna(inName);
endTime = clock1000();
printf("Loaded %s in %f seconds\n", inName, (endTime - startTime)*0.001);

startTime = clock1000();
wormLoadNt4Genome(&chromNt4, &chromCount);
endTime = clock1000();
printf("Loaded genome in %f seconds\n", (endTime - startTime)*0.001);

intronList = makeIntrons(cdnaList);
writeIntrons(intronList, intronGffName, intronTxtName, intronFaName);

exonList = makeExons(cdnaList);
writeAlts(intronList, exonList, altIntronsName, altGenesName);

return 0;