/* Aladdin.c - main file for the small scale gene-finder. */ #include "common.h" #include "portable.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "codebias.h" #include "fa.h" #include "hmmstats.h" #include "wormdna.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" boolean isOnWeb; enum aStates /* Internal states for HMM. */ { aIg, /* Intergenic non-promoter. */ aTxnFac, /* Promoter conserved element. */ aSpace, /* Promoter non-conserved element. */ aStart1, aStart2, aStart3, /* Start codon. */ aC1, aC2, aC3, /* Regular codon. */ aEnd1, aEnd2, aEnd3, /* End codon. */ aI1Start1, aI1Start2, aI1Start3, aI1Start4, aI1Start5,aI1Start6, /* 3' splice site frame 1 intron. */ aI1Loc1, aI1Loc2, aI1Loc3, aI1Loc4, /* Mid codon (4 states for size distribution) */ aI1End1, aI1End2, aI1End3, aI1End4, aI1End5, aI1End6, aI1End7, aI1End8, aI1End9, /* 5' splice site */ aI1C2, aI1C3, /* Partial codon at end. */ aI2Start1, aI2Start2, aI2Start3, aI2Start4, aI2Start5,aI2Start6, /* 3' splice site frame 1 intron. */ aI2Loc1, aI2Loc2, aI2Loc3, aI2Loc4, /* Mid codon (4 states for size distribution) */ aI2End1, aI2End2, aI2End3, aI2End4, aI2End5, aI2End6, aI2End7, aI2End8, aI2End9, /* 5' splice site */ aI2C3, /* Partial codon at end. */ aI3Start1, aI3Start2, aI3Start3, aI3Start4, aI3Start5,aI3Start6, /* 3' splice site frame 1 intron. */ aI3Loc1, aI3Loc2, aI3Loc3, aI3Loc4, /* Mid codon (4 states for size distribution) */ aI3End1, aI3End2, aI3End3, aI3End4, aI3End5, aI3End6, aI3End7, aI3End8, aI3End9, /* 5' splice site */ aStateCount, }; char visStates[] = /* User visible states of HMM. */ { '.', /* Intergenic non-promoter. */ 'P', /* Promoter conserved element. */ 's', /* Promoter non-conserved element. */ 'A', 'A', 'A', /* Start codon. */ '1', '2', '3', /* Regular codon. */ 'Z', 'Z', 'Z', /* End codon. */ '(', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', /* 3' splice site frame 1 intron. */ '-', '-', '-', '-', /* Mid codon (4 states for size distribution) */ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', ')', /* 5' splice site */ '2', '3', /* Partial codon at end. */ '(', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', /* 3' splice site frame 1 intron. */ '-', '-', '-', '-', /* Mid codon (4 states for size distribution) */ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', ')', /* 5' splice site */ '3', /* Partial codon at end. */ '(', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', /* 3' splice site frame 1 intron. */ '-', '-', '-', '-', /* Mid codon (4 states for size distribution) */ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', ')', /* 5' splice site */ }; typedef UBYTE State; /* A state. We'll only have 256 at most for now. */ /* This lets us keep the last two columns of scores. */ static int *scoreColumns[2]; static int *curScores, *prevScores; static int scoreFlopper = 0; /* Flops between 0 and 1. */ static void flopScores() /* Advance to next column. */ { scoreFlopper = 1-scoreFlopper; curScores = scoreColumns[scoreFlopper]; prevScores = scoreColumns[1-scoreFlopper]; } static void initScores() /* Allocate and initialize score columns. */ { int i; for (i=0; i<2; ++i) scoreColumns[i] = needMem(aStateCount * sizeof(scoreColumns[0][0]) ); flopScores(); } /* Transition probabilities. */ static int *transProbLookup[256]; int twiceScaledLog(double val, double scale) /* Return scaled scaled log of val */ { return round(scale * logScaleFactor * log(val)); } #define unlikelyProb (1.0E-20) static void makeTransitionProbs() /* Allocate transition probabilities and initialize them. */ { int i, j; int unlikely = scaledLog(unlikelyProb); int always = scaledLog(1.0); /* In this loop allocate transition table and set all values to * something improbable, but not so improbable that the log value * will overflow. */ for (i=0; i maxScore) { maxScore = scores[i]; maxState = i; } } for (i = dnaSize-1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { tStates[i] = visStates[maxState]; if (maxState == aStart1 || maxState == aStart2 || maxState == aStart3 || maxState == aC1 || maxState == aC2 || maxState == aC3 || maxState == aI1C2 || maxState == aI1C3 || maxState == aI2C3) dna[i] = toupper(dna[i]); states = allStates[maxState]; maxState = states[i]; } for (i=0; i maxLineSize) lineSize = maxLineSize; mustWrite(out, dna+i, lineSize); fprintf(out, " %d\n",i+lineSize); mustWrite(out, tStates+i, lineSize); fputc('\n', out); fputc('\n', out); } } #define startState(curState) \ { \ int destState = curState; \ int newScore = -0x3fffffff; \ State parent; \ int oneScore; #define endState(curState) \ curScores[destState] = newScore; \ allStates[destState][dnaIx] = parent; \ } #define source(sourceState, emitScore) \ if ((oneScore = transProbLookup[sourceState][destState] + emitScore + prevScores[sourceState]) > newScore) \ { \ newScore = oneScore; \ parent = sourceState; \ } typedef int Mark0[5]; typedef int Mark1[5][5]; typedef int Mark2[5][5][5]; inline int prob0(Mark0 m, DNA base) /* Return probability of base considering 0 before */ { return m[ntVal[base]+1]; } inline int prob1(Mark1 m, DNA *dna) /* Return probability of base considering 1 before */ { return m[ntVal[dna[-1]]+1][ntVal[dna[0]]+1]; } inline int prob2(Mark2 m, DNA *dna) /* Return probability of base considering 2 before */ { return m[ntVal[dna[-2]]+1][ntVal[dna[-1]]+1][ntVal[dna[0]]+1]; } void makeM2Ig(Mark2 m, int unlikely) /* Make approximation of intergenic. */ { int i,j; for (i=0; i<5; i++) { for (j=0; j<5; j++) { m[i][j][A_BASE_VAL+1] = m[i][j][T_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(0.32); m[i][j][C_BASE_VAL+1] = m[i][j][G_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(0.18); m[i][j][0] = unlikely; } } } void makeM2End3(Mark2 m, int unlikely) /* Make Markov approximation model for stop codon. */ { int i,j,k; /* Set all codons to unlikely. */ for (i=0; i<5; i++) { for (j=0; j<5; j++) for (k=0; k<5; ++k) { m[i][j][k] = unlikely; } } m[T_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(0.5); m[T_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1][G_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(0.5); m[T_BASE_VAL+1][G_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(1.0); } void makeM0End2(Mark0 m, int unlikely) /* Make approximation of m0end2 (second base in end codon). */ { m[A_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(0.666); m[G_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(0.334); m[T_BASE_VAL+1] = m[C_BASE_VAL+1] = m[0] = unlikely; } void mark0Exclusive(Mark0 m, DNA base, int unlikely) /* Make model only use base. */ { int i; for (i=0; i<5; ++i) m[i] = unlikely; m[ntVal[base]+1] = scaledLog(1.0); } void mark1GcRich(Mark1 m, double gcRatio, int unlikely) /* Make a Markov level 1 model of GC richness. * (This is just an approximation. It could be * a level 0 model and work as well, but eventually * I'll replace this with a better one. */ { int i; double atRatio = 1.0-gcRatio; int gc = scaledLog(gcRatio*0.5); int at = scaledLog(atRatio*0.5); for (i=0; i<5; ++i) { m[i][0] = unlikely; m[i][A_BASE_VAL+1] = at; m[i][T_BASE_VAL+1] = at; m[i][G_BASE_VAL+1] = gc; m[i][C_BASE_VAL+1] = gc; } } void makeThreeMarkovs(Mark0 m0, Mark1 m1, Mark2 m2, char *faName) /* Fill in zeroeth, first and second order markov models * from file */ { FILE *f = mustOpen(faName, "rb"); struct dnaSeq *seq; int hist0[5], hist1[5][5], hist2[5][5][5]; int i, size; DNA *dna; int val, lastVal, lastLastVal; int total = 0; zeroBytes(hist0, sizeof(hist0)); zeroBytes(hist1, sizeof(hist1)); zeroBytes(hist2, sizeof(hist2)); while ((seq = faReadOneDnaSeq(f, NULL, TRUE)) != NULL) { size = seq->size; dna = seq->dna; if (size > 0) { val = ntVal[dna[0]]+1; hist0[val] += 1; } if (size > 1) { lastVal = val; val = ntVal[dna[1]]+1; hist0[val] += 1; hist1[lastVal][val] += 1; } for (i=2; isize-3; dna = seq->dna; frame = 2; for (i=0; i= 3) frame = 0; } freeDnaSeq(&seq); } /* Convert counts to log-probs. */ for (frame = 0; frame < 3; ++frame) { int j,k; for (i=0; i<5; ++i) { for (j=0; j<5; ++j) { for (k=0; k<5; ++k) { m[frame][i][j][k] = scaledLog((hist2[frame][i][j][k]+1.0)/(hist1[frame][i][j]+5.0)); } } } } /* Explicitly set stop codons to unlikely value (some noise in data set...) */ m[2][T_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1] = unlikely; m[2][T_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1][G_BASE_VAL+1] = unlikely; m[2][T_BASE_VAL+1][G_BASE_VAL+1][A_BASE_VAL+1] = unlikely; fclose(f); } void makeM0(Mark0 m, double a, double c, double g, double t, int unlikely) /* Make 0th level model based on probabilities passed in. */ { m[A_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(a); m[C_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(c); m[G_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(g); m[T_BASE_VAL+1] = scaledLog(t); m[0] = unlikely; } int reorder[4] = {A_BASE_VAL+1,C_BASE_VAL+1,G_BASE_VAL+1,T_BASE_VAL+1}; void dumpMark0(Mark0 m, char *name) { int i; printf("Mark0 %s = { ", name); for (i=0; i<5; ++i) printf("%5d,",m[i]); printf("};\n"); } void dumpMark1(Mark1 m, char *name) { int i,j; printf("Mark1 %s = {\n", name); for (i=0; i<5; ++i) { printf(" {"); for (j=0; j<5; ++j) printf("%5d,", m[i][j]); printf("},\n"); } printf("};\n"); } void dumpMark2(Mark2 m, char *name) { int i,j,k; printf("Mark2 %s = {\n", name); for (i=0; i<5; ++i) { printf(" {\n"); for (j=0; j<5; ++j) { printf(" {"); for (k=0; k<5; ++k) printf("%5d,", m[i][j][k]); printf("},\n"); } printf(" },\n"); } printf("};\n"); } Mark0 m0IntronStart[6], m0IntronEnd[9]; /* Start Programatically generated tables - don't bother editing */ double aFiveSplice[6] = { 0.001, 0.001, 0.578, 0.658, 0.103, 0.195, }; double cFiveSplice[6] = { 0.001, 0.003, 0.016, 0.079, 0.034, 0.098, }; double gFiveSplice[6] = { 0.996, 0.001, 0.242, 0.096, 0.745, 0.091, }; double tFiveSplice[6] = { 0.002, 0.996, 0.164, 0.168, 0.118, 0.616, }; double aThreeSplice[9] = {0.399, 0.418, 0.275, 0.056, 0.012, 0.093, 0.032, 0.995, 0.002, }; double cThreeSplice[9] = {0.118, 0.079, 0.081, 0.034, 0.016, 0.158, 0.829, 0.001, 0.002, }; double gThreeSplice[9] = {0.072, 0.068, 0.065, 0.019, 0.005, 0.083, 0.004, 0.002, 0.995, }; double tThreeSplice[9] = {0.410, 0.435, 0.580, 0.891, 0.966, 0.667, 0.135, 0.002, 0.001, }; Mark0 m0A = { -46050,-46050,-46050, 0,-46050,}; Mark0 m0T = { -46050, 0,-46050,-46050,-46050,}; Mark0 m0G = { -46050,-46050,-46050,-46050, 0,}; Mark0 m0C2 = { -46050,-1385,-1385,-1385,-1385,}; Mark0 m0C3 = { -46050,-1385,-1385,-1385,-1385,}; Mark0 m0End2 = { -46050,-46050,-46050, -405,-1096,}; Mark1 m1Intron = { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-14816, -784,-1712,-1634,-1779,}, {-14146,-1235,-1606,-1094,-1745,}, {-14787,-1317,-1985, -785,-1968,}, {-14085,-1280,-1622,-1084,-1704,}, }; Mark2 m2Intron = { { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-14031, -681,-1703,-1855,-1857,}, {-13103,-1200,-1643,-1102,-1747,}, {-13181,-1191,-1826,-1022,-1738,}, {-13036,-1235,-1672,-1068,-1722,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-12909,-1078,-1505,-1447,-1593,}, {-12539,-1353,-1588,-1095,-1590,}, {-13050,-1402,-1740, -903,-1749,}, {-12400,-1404,-1633,-1074,-1522,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-13469, -752,-1851,-1505,-1893,}, {-12801,-1179,-1665,-1049,-1871,}, {-14001,-1299,-2170, -663,-2314,}, {-12818,-1208,-1682,-1076,-1853,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-12804, -953,-1739,-1470,-1562,}, {-12462,-1265,-1482,-1145,-1753,}, {-13001,-1451,-2022, -771,-1760,}, {-12380,-1369,-1442,-1139,-1662,}, }, }; Mark2 m2C1 = { { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608, -915,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-1945,-1945,-1945,-1945,-1945,}, }, { {-1608,-1608, -915,-1608,-1608,}, {-10055,-1208, -725,-1385, -482,}, {-10451,-1814,-1929,-1162,-1365,}, {-9993,-1857,-2015,-1780,-2027,}, {-10766,-2241,-2166,-1542,-1695,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608, -915,}, {-9667,-1175, -679,-1347, -380,}, {-9470,-1694,-1745, -829, -827,}, {-9586,-1280,-1356, -860,-1222,}, {-10130,-1966,-2310,-1425,-1675,}, }, { {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1098,-1791,}, {-10127,-1121, -865,-1082, -574,}, {-10068,-1503,-1953, -983,-1137,}, {-10540,-1528,-1447,-1116,-1003,}, {-10402,-1962,-1585,-1199,-1523,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-9606,-1502,-1124,-1452, -596,}, {-9738,-1901,-1982,-1482,-1717,}, {-10296,-1716,-1930,-1144,-1358,}, {-10035,-2601,-2294,-1859,-2309,}, }, }; Mark2 m2C2 = { { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608, -915,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608, -915,-1608,}, {-1608, -915, -915,-1608,-1608,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-10246,-1177,-1324,-2118,-2020,}, {-10112,-1025,-1105, -778,-1363,}, {-9472, -505,-1027, -641,-1628,}, {-9483, -292, -258, 265, -240,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-10050,-1572,-1555,-1908,-2163,}, {-9932,-1883,-2029,-1606,-1922,}, {-10271,-1450,-1518, -871,-1988,}, {-9647,-1258,-1217, -366,-1054,}, }, { {-1608, -915,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-10417,-1305,-1408,-2202,-2098,}, {-10078,-1370,-1431,-1119,-1761,}, {-10719,-1389,-1775,-1200,-2152,}, {-8984, -787, -721, -206,-1169,}, }, { {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-10143,-1506,-1824,-2325,-2260,}, {-10236,-1688,-1934,-1589,-2592,}, {-10846,-1915,-2293,-1395,-2504,}, {-10070,-1785,-1474, -811,-2076,}, }, }; Mark2 m2C3 = { { {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608, -915,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, }, { {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-10555,-1683,-1379,-2397,-1582,}, {-9625,-1518,-1998,-1258,-1741,}, {-9464, -647, -820,-46050,-46050,}, {-10285,-1857,-2107,-46050,-1819,}, }, { {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-10231,-1096,-1440,-2302,-1807,}, {-9677,-1495,-2299, -352,-1337,}, {-10504,-1744,-2193,-1106,-1741,}, {-9724,-1111,-1987,-1087,-2095,}, }, { {-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,-1791,}, {-9933,-1227,-1648,-2689,-1291,}, {-10125,-1205,-1742,-1112,-1891,}, {-9982,-1254,-1741,-1126,-1345,}, {-10256,-1769,-2177,-1492,-2950,}, }, { { -915,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-9893, -689,-1170,-1643,-1275,}, {-9372, -154, -691, -328,-1219,}, {-10191, -525,-1247, -440, -907,}, {-9191, -698,-1296, 394,-1861,}, }, }; Mark2 m2Ig = { { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-7243, -665,-1644,-2006,-1849,}, {-6488, -991,-1628,-1252,-1924,}, {-6296, -993,-1877,-1166,-1819,}, {-6228,-1116,-1684,-1224,-1653,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* N */ {-6257,-1121,-1109,-1692,-1850,}, /* T */ {-5939,-1462,-1119,-1304,-1796,}, /* C */ {-6202,-1334,-1637, -944,-1884,}, /* A */ {-5612,-1335,-1605,-1080,-1642,}, /* G */ }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-6660, -749,-1856,-1512,-1897,}, {-5910,-1165,-1647,-1148,-1735,}, {-6941,-1160,-2205, -765,-2214,}, {-5813,-1238,-1824,-1104,-1579,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-5995,-1068,-1474,-1565,-1530,}, {-5567,-1277,-1578,-1125,-1676,}, {-6110,-1282,-1806, -858,-2050,}, {-5672,-1483,-1629,-1108,-1410,}, }, }; Mark2 m2Promo = { { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* N */ {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* T */ {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* C */ {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* A */ {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* G */ }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-5504, -993,-1427,-2008,-1515,}, {-5346,-1069,-1683,-1339,-1735,}, {-4761,-1206,-1503,-1178,-1928,}, {-5152,-1182,-1201,-1439,-1974,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-5208,-1201,-1034,-1913,-1743,}, {-4778,-1446,-1559,-1252,-1482,}, {-5225,-1487,-1274,-1217,-1698,}, {-4709,-1413,-1713,-1182,-1450,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-5152,-1145,-1302,-1687,-1597,}, {-5003,-1196,-1912, -960,-1867,}, {-5379,-1354,-1595,-1159,-1690,}, {-4867,-1608,-1648, -915,-1648,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-4926,-1315,-1559,-1748,-1142,}, {-4811,-1315,-1377,-1315,-1767,}, {-5049,-1438,-1791,-1042,-1465,}, {-4594,-1227,-1416,-1459,-1598,}, }, }; Mark2 m2Space = { { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-7243, -665,-1644,-2006,-1849,}, {-6488, -991,-1628,-1252,-1924,}, {-6296, -993,-1877,-1166,-1819,}, {-6228,-1116,-1684,-1224,-1653,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, /* N */ {-6257,-1121,-1109,-1692,-1850,}, /* T */ {-5939,-1462,-1119,-1304,-1796,}, /* C */ {-6202,-1334,-1637, -944,-1884,}, /* A */ {-5612,-1335,-1605,-1080,-1642,}, /* G */ }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-6660, -749,-1856,-1512,-1897,}, {-5910,-1165,-1647,-1148,-1735,}, {-6941,-1160,-2205, -765,-2214,}, {-5813,-1238,-1824,-1104,-1579,}, }, { {-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,-1608,}, {-5995,-1068,-1474,-1565,-1530,}, {-5567,-1277,-1578,-1125,-1676,}, {-6110,-1282,-1806, -858,-2050,}, {-5672,-1483,-1629,-1108,-1410,}, }, }; Mark2 m2End3 = { { {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, }, { {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050, -692, -692,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050, 0,-46050,}, }, { {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, }, { {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, }, { {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, {-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,-46050,}, }, }; /* End Programatically generated tables - resume editing */ char *amemeDir() /* Return directory name ameme files are in. */ { static char dir[512]; static boolean initted = FALSE; if (!initted) { char *jkwebDir; initted = TRUE; if ((jkwebDir = getenv("JKWEB")) == NULL) jkwebDir = ""; sprintf(dir, "%sameme.dir", jkwebDir); firstWordInFile(dir, dir, sizeof(dir)); } return dir; } void makeMarkovModels(boolean doLoad) /* Make all the Markov models we'll use. */ { int unlikely; char *dir = amemeDir(); char fileName[512]; int i; unlikely = scaledLog(unlikelyProb); if (doLoad) { mark0Exclusive(m0A, 'a', unlikely); mark0Exclusive(m0T, 't', unlikely); mark0Exclusive(m0G, 'g', unlikely); makeM0(m0C2, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, unlikely); makeM0(m0C3, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, unlikely); makeM0End2(m0End2, unlikely); makeM2End3(m2End3, unlikely); sprintf(fileName, "%s%s", dir, "ceLongIntron3.fa"); makeThreeMarkovs(NULL, m1Intron, m2Intron, fileName); sprintf(fileName, "%s%s", dir, "cecoding.fa"); makeFrameModels(m2C1, m2C2, m2C3, fileName, unlikely); sprintf(fileName, "%s%s", dir, "ceig.fa"); makeThreeMarkovs(NULL, NULL, m2Ig, fileName); sprintf(fileName, "%s%s", dir, "ceig.fa"); makeThreeMarkovs(NULL, NULL, m2Space, fileName); sprintf(fileName, "%s%s", dir, "cepromoCons.fa"); makeThreeMarkovs(NULL, NULL, m2Promo, fileName); } for (i=0; i
puts("Aladdin - the toy worm gene finder. Predicted coding regions appear\n"
     "in upper case.  The symbols underneath the nucleotide sequence are:\n"
     "    .  intergenic\n"
     "    P  promoter area transcription factor binding site\n"
     "    s  spacing region between txn factor sites in promoter\n"
     "    A  start codon\n"
     "    1  first base of normal codon\n"
     "    2  second base of normal codon\n"
     "    3  third base of normal codon\n"
     "    Z  end codon\n"
     "    (  intron start\n"
     "    -  intron middle\n"
     "    )  intron end\n");
aladdin(dna, dnaSize, stdout);

void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
errAbort("Aladdin - not nearly as good as Genie, but still capable of\n"
         "telling exon from intron some of the time.\n"
         "    aladdin in.fa outFile\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Program entry point. Check to see if on Web.  If not check command
 * line parameters and load sequence. Call routines that do rest of
 * the work. */
isOnWeb = cgiIsOnWeb();
if (isOnWeb)
    htmShell("Aladdin Results", doMiddle, NULL);
    FILE *out;
    struct dnaSeq *seq;

    if (argc != 3)
    out = mustOpen(argv[2], "w");
    seq = faReadDna(argv[1]);
    aladdin(seq->dna, seq->size, out);
return 0;