/* patSpace - cDNA alignment algorithm that occurs mostly in * pattern space (as opposed to offset space). This particular * implementation tried to stitch together small contigs in * unfinished Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs) by looking * for spanning cDNAs. A BAC is a roughly 150,000 base sequence * of genomic DNA. An unfinished BAC consists of multiple * unordered non-overlapping subsequences. */ #include "common.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "portable.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "nt4.h" #include "fa.h" #include "fuzzyFind.h" #include "cda.h" #include "sig.h" #include "htmshell.h" FILE *bigHtmlFile; FILE *littleHtmlFile; int htmlIx; #define blockSize (1024) #define maxBlockCount (8*1024) #define maxGenomeSize (blockSize*maxBlockCount) #define patSize 11 #define patBitSize (2*(patSize)) #define patSpaceSize (1<<(patBitSize)) #define maxIntron (32*1024) #define minMatch 4 #define maxPatCount (1024*16) /* Maximum allowed count for one pattern. */ FILE *hitOut; /* Output file for cDNA/BAC hits. */ FILE *mergerOut; /* Output file for mergers. */ FILE *dumpOut; boolean dumpMe = FALSE; /* Set on if dumping extra info. */ int polyT; int polyA; int polyG; int polyC; void makePolys() /* Create value for poly T, which will be ignored (since * N's get mapped to T's) */ { int i; for (i=0; iseq; int size = seq->size - bp->offset; if (size > blockSize) size = blockSize; bp->size = size; if (dumpMe) fprintf(dumpOut, "%d (%d %d) %s %d %d\n", blockIx, bp->bacIx, bp->seqIx, seq->name, bp->offset, bp->size); } struct patSpace *newPatSpace() /* Return an empty pattern space. */ { struct patSpace *ps; long startTime, endTime; startTime = clock1000(); ps = needLargeMem(sizeof(*ps)); endTime = clock1000(); startTime = clock1000(); memset(ps, 0, sizeof(*ps)); endTime = clock1000(); return ps; } void countPatSpace(struct dnaSeq *seq, struct patSpace *ps) /* Add up number of times each pattern occurs in sequence into ps->listSizes. */ { int size = seq->size; int mask = patSpaceSize-1; DNA *dna = seq->dna; int i; int bits = 0; int bVal; int ls; for (i=0; ilistSizes[bits]; if (ls < maxPatCount) ps->listSizes[bits] = ls+1; } } int allocPatSpaceLists(struct patSpace *ps) /* Allocate pat space lists and set up list pointers. * Returns size of all lists. */ { int maxCount = 64*1024-1; int oneCount; int count = 0; int i; bits16 *listSizes = ps->listSizes; bits16 **lists = ps->lists; bits16 *allocated; int ignoreCount = 0; bits16 maxPat = ps->maxPat; int size; int usedCount = 0, overusedCount = 0; for (i=0; iallocated = allocated = needLargeMem(count*sizeof(allocated[0])); for (i=0; isize; int mask = patSpaceSize-1; DNA *dna = seq->dna; int i; int bits = 0; int bVal; int blockMod = blockSize; int curCount; bits16 maxPat = ps->maxPat; bits16 *listSizes = ps->listSizes; bits16 **lists = ps->lists; struct blockPos *bp = &blockPos[startBlock]; bp->bacIx = bacIx; bp->seqIx = seqIx; bp->seq = seq; bp->offset = 0; fixBlockSize(bp, startBlock); ++bp; for (i=0; ibacIx = bacIx; bp->seqIx = seqIx; bp->seq = seq; bp->offset = i - (patSize-1) + 1; fixBlockSize(bp, startBlock); ++bp; } } for (i=0; imaxPat = maxPatCount; for (i=0; inext) { total += seq->size; countPatSpace(seq, ps); } } endTime = clock1000(); printf("%4.2f seconds to countPatSpace %d bases\n", 0.001*(endTime-startTime), total ); listSizes = ps->listSizes; /* Scan through over-popular patterns and set their count to value * where they won't be added to pat space. */ { bits32 sig, psz; FILE *f = mustOpen(oocFileName, "rb"); bits32 oli; mustReadOne(f, sig); mustReadOne(f, psz); if (sig != oocSig) errAbort("Bad signature on %s\n", oocFileName); if (psz != patSize) errAbort("Oligo size mismatch in %s. Expecting %d got %d\n", oocFileName, patSize, psz); while (readOne(f, oli)) listSizes[oli] = maxPat; fclose(f); } startTime = clock1000(); allocPatSpaceLists(ps); endTime = clock1000(); printf("%4.2f seconds to allocPatSpaceLists\n", 0.001*(endTime-startTime) ); startTime = clock1000(); /* Zero out pattern counts that aren't oversubscribed. */ for (i=0; inext, ++j) { startIx = addToPatSpace(i, j, seq, startIx, ps); if (startIx >= maxBlockCount) errAbort("Too many blocks, can only handle %d\n", maxBlockCount); } } ps->blocksUsed = startIx; if (dumpMe) fprintf(dumpOut, "\n"); printf("%d blocks of %d used\n", ps->blocksUsed, maxBlockCount); /* Zero local over-popular patterns. */ for (i=0; i= maxPat) listSizes[i] = 0; } endTime = clock1000(); printf("%4.2f seconds to addToPatSpace\n", 0.001*(endTime-startTime) ); return ps; } void bfFind(int block, struct blockPos *ret) /* Find dna sequence and position within sequence that corresponds to block. */ { assert(block >= 0 && block < maxBlockCount); *ret = blockPos[block]; } void ffFindEnds(struct ffAli *ff, struct ffAli **retLeft, struct ffAli **retRight) /* Find left and right ends of ffAli. */ { while (ff->left != NULL) ff = ff->left; *retLeft = ff; while (ff->right != NULL) ff = ff->right; *retRight = ff; } int scoreCdna(struct ffAli *left, struct ffAli *right) /* Score ali using cDNA scoring. */ { int size, nGap, hGap; struct ffAli *ff, *next; int score = 0, oneScore; for (ff=left; ;) { next = ff->right; size = ff->nEnd - ff->nStart; oneScore = ffScoreMatch(ff->nStart, ff->hStart, size); if (next != NULL && ff != right) { /* Penalize all gaps except for intron-looking ones. */ nGap = next->nStart - ff->nEnd; hGap = next->hStart - ff->hEnd; /* Process what are stretches of mismatches rather than gaps. */ if (nGap > 0 && hGap > 0) { if (nGap > hGap) { nGap -= hGap; oneScore -= hGap; hGap = 0; } else { hGap -= nGap; oneScore -= nGap; nGap = 0; } } if (nGap < 0) nGap = -nGap-nGap; if (hGap < 0) hGap = -hGap-hGap; if (nGap > 0) oneScore -= 8*nGap; if (hGap > 30) oneScore -= 1; else if (hGap > 0) oneScore -= 8*hGap; } score += oneScore; if (ff == right) break; ff = next; } return score; } boolean solidMatch(struct ffAli **pLeft, struct ffAli **pRight, DNA *needle, int *retStartN, int *retEndN) /* Return start and end (in needle coordinates) of solid parts of * match if any. Necessary because fuzzyFinder algorithm will extend * ends a little bit beyond where they're really solid. We want * to effectively save these bases for aligning somewhere else. */ { int minSegSize = 11; struct ffAli *next; int segSize; int runTotal = 0; int gapSize; struct ffAli *left = *pLeft, *right = *pRight; /* Get rid of small segments on left end that are separated from main body. */ for (;;) { if (left == NULL) return FALSE; next = left->right; segSize = left->nEnd - left->nStart; runTotal += segSize; if (segSize > minSegSize || runTotal > minSegSize*2) break; if (next != NULL) { gapSize = next->nStart - left->nEnd; if (gapSize > 1) runTotal = 0; } left = next; } *retStartN = left->nStart - needle; /* Do same thing on right end... */ runTotal = 0; for (;;) { if (right == NULL) return FALSE; next = right->left; segSize = right->nEnd - right->nStart; runTotal += segSize; if (segSize > minSegSize || runTotal > minSegSize*2) break; if (next != NULL) { gapSize = next->nStart - left->nEnd; if (gapSize > 1) runTotal = 0; } right = next; } *retEndN = right->nEnd - needle; *pLeft = left; *pRight = right; return *retEndN - *retStartN >= minSegSize; } struct cdnaAliList /* This structure keeps a list of where a particular cDNA aligns. * The list isn't kept long, just while that cDNA is in memory. */ { struct cdnaAliList *next; /* Link to next element on list. */ int bacIx; /* Which BAC. */ int seqIx; /* Which sequence in BAC. */ int start, end; /* Position within cDNA sequence. */ char strand; /* Was cdna reverse complemented? + if no, - if yes. */ double cookedScore; }; struct cdnaAliList *calFreeList = NULL; /* List of reusable cdnaAliList elements. */ struct cdnaAliList *newCal(int bacIx, int seqIx, int start, int end, int size, char strand, double cookedScore) /* Get a new element for this cdnaList, off of free list if possible. */ { struct cdnaAliList *cal; if ((cal = calFreeList) == NULL) { AllocVar(cal); } else { calFreeList = cal->next; } cal->next = NULL; cal->bacIx = bacIx; cal->seqIx = seqIx;; cal->strand = strand; cal->cookedScore = cookedScore; if (strand == '-') { cal->start = size - end; cal->end = size - start; } else { cal->start = start; cal->end = end; } return cal; } void freeCal(struct cdnaAliList *cal) /* Free up one cal. */ { slAddHead(&calFreeList, cal); } void freeCalList(struct cdnaAliList **pList) /* Free up cal list for reuse. */ { struct cdnaAliList *cal, *next; for (cal = *pList; cal != NULL; cal = next) { next = cal->next; freeCal(cal); } *pList = NULL; } int ffSubmitted = 0; int ffAccepted = 0; int ffOkScore = 0; int ffSolidMatch = 0; void writeClump(struct blockPos *first, struct blockPos *last, char *cdnaName, char strand, DNA *cdna, int cdnaSize, struct cdnaAliList **pList) /* Write hitOut one clump. */ { struct dnaSeq *seq = first->seq; char *bacName = seq->name; int seqIx = first->seqIx; int start = first->offset; int end = last->offset+last->size; struct ffAli *ff, *left, *right; int extraAtEnds = minMatch*patSize; struct cdnaAliList *cal; start -= extraAtEnds; if (start < 0) start = 0; end += extraAtEnds; if (end >seq->size) end = seq->size; ++ffSubmitted; if (dumpMe) fprintf(dumpOut, "%s %d %s %d-%d\n", cdnaName, cdnaSize, bacName, start, end); ff = ffFind(cdna, cdna+cdnaSize, seq->dna+start, seq->dna+end, ffCdna); if (dumpMe) { fprintf(dumpOut, "ffFind = %x\n", ff); } if (ff != NULL) { int ffScore = ffScoreCdna(ff); ++ffAccepted; if (dumpMe) fprintf(dumpOut, "ffScore = %d\n", ffScore); if (ffScore >= 22) { int hiStart, hiEnd; int oldStart, oldEnd; ffFindEnds(ff, &left, &right); hiStart = oldStart = left->nStart - cdna; hiEnd = oldEnd = right->nEnd - cdna; ++ffOkScore; if (solidMatch(&left, &right, cdna, &hiStart, &hiEnd)) { int solidSize = hiEnd - hiStart; int solidScore; int seqStart, seqEnd; double cookedScore; solidScore = scoreCdna(left, right); cookedScore = (double)solidScore/solidSize - 0.01; if (cookedScore > 0.01) { ++ffSolidMatch; seqStart = left->hStart - seq->dna; seqEnd = right->hEnd - seq->dna; fprintf(hitOut, "%3.1f%% %c %s:%d-%d (old %d-%d) of %d at %s.%d:%d-%d\n", 100.0 * cookedScore, strand, cdnaName, hiStart, hiEnd, oldStart, oldEnd, cdnaSize, bacName, seqIx, seqStart, seqEnd); if (dumpMe) { fprintf(bigHtmlFile, "", htmlIx); fprintf(bigHtmlFile, "

%4.1f%% %4d %4d %c %s:%d-%d of %d at %s.%d:%d-%d

", 100.0 * cookedScore, solidScore, ffScore, strand, cdnaName, hiStart, hiEnd, cdnaSize, bacName, seqIx, seqStart, seqEnd); fprintf(bigHtmlFile, "
"); ffShAli(bigHtmlFile, ff, cdnaName, cdna, cdnaSize, 0, bacName, seq->dna+start, end-start, start, FALSE); fprintf(bigHtmlFile, "

\n"); fprintf(littleHtmlFile, "", htmlIx); fprintf(littleHtmlFile, "%4.1f%% %4d %4d %c %s:%d-%d of %d at %s.%d:%d-%d\n", 100.0 * cookedScore, solidScore, ffScore, strand, cdnaName, hiStart, hiEnd, cdnaSize, bacName, seqIx, seqStart, seqEnd); fprintf(littleHtmlFile, "
"); ++htmlIx; } cal = newCal(first->bacIx, seqIx, hiStart, hiEnd, cdnaSize, strand, cookedScore); slAddHead(pList, cal); } } } ffFreeAli(&ff); } } boolean noMajorOverlap(struct cdnaAliList *cal, struct cdnaAliList *clump) /* Return TRUE if cal doesn't overlap in a big way with what's already in clump. */ { int calStart = cal->start; int calEnd = cal->end; int calSize = calEnd - calStart; int maxOverlap = calSize/3; int s, e, o; for (; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { s = max(calStart, clump->start); e = min(calEnd, clump->end); o = e - s; if (o > maxOverlap) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void writeMergers(struct cdnaAliList *calList, char *cdnaName, int cdnaSize, char *bacNames[]) /* Write out any mergers indicated by this cdna. This destroys calList. */ { struct cdnaAliList *startBac, *endBac, *cal, *prevCal, *nextCal; int bacCount; int bacIx; for (startBac = calList; startBac != NULL; startBac = endBac) { /* Scan until find a cal that isn't pointing into the same BAC. */ bacCount = 1; bacIx = startBac->bacIx; prevCal = startBac; for (cal = startBac->next; cal != NULL; cal = cal->next) { if (cal->bacIx != bacIx) { prevCal->next = NULL; break; } ++bacCount; prevCal = cal; } endBac = cal; if (bacCount > 1) { while (startBac != NULL) { struct cdnaAliList *clumpList = NULL, *leftoverList = NULL; for (cal = startBac; cal != NULL; cal = nextCal) { nextCal = cal->next; if (noMajorOverlap(cal, clumpList)) { slAddHead(&clumpList, cal); } else { slAddHead(&leftoverList, cal); } } slReverse(&clumpList); slReverse(&leftoverList); if (slCount(clumpList) > 1) { char lastStrand = 0; boolean switchedStrand = FALSE; fprintf(mergerOut, "%s glues %s contigs", cdnaName, bacNames[bacIx]); lastStrand = clumpList->strand; for (cal = clumpList; cal != NULL; cal = cal->next) { if (cal->strand != lastStrand) switchedStrand = TRUE; fprintf(mergerOut, " %d %c (%d-%d) %3.1f%%", cal->seqIx, cal->strand, cal->start, cal->end, 100.0*cal->cookedScore); } fprintf(mergerOut, "\n"); } freeCalList(&clumpList); startBac = leftoverList; } } else { freeCalList(&startBac); } } } void clumpHits(int hitBlocks[], int hitCount, int posBuf[], char *dnaName, DNA *dna, int dnaSize, char strand, struct cdnaAliList **pList) /* Double-check blocks, do fuzzy find. */ { /* Clump together hits. */ int clumpSize = 1; int block; int i; struct blockPos first, cur, pre; if (dumpMe) { fprintf(dumpOut, "hitBlocks[] = "); for (i=0; i maxIntron) { /* Write hitOut old clump and start new one. */ writeClump(&first, &pre, dnaName, strand, dna, dnaSize, pList); first = cur; } else { /* Extend old clump. */ } pre = cur; } /* Write hitOut last clump. */ writeClump(&first, &pre, dnaName, strand, dna, dnaSize, pList); } int grandTotalHits = 0; void patSpaceFindOne(struct patSpace *ps, DNA *dna, int dnaSize, char strand, char *estName, int estIx, struct cdnaAliList **pList) /* Find occurrences of DNA in patSpace and print to hitOut. */ { int lastStart = dnaSize - patSize; int i,j; int pat; static int posBuf[maxBlockCount]; static int hitBlocks[maxBlockCount]; int hitBlockCount = 0; int totalSigHits = 0; DNA *tile = dna; int blocksUsed = ps->blocksUsed; memset(posBuf, 0, sizeof(posBuf)); for (i=0; i<=lastStart; i += patSize) { pat = 0; for (j=0; jlists[pat]; bits16 count = ps->listSizes[pat]; for (j=0; j= minMatch) { if (a > 0) { if (hitBlockCount == 0 || hitBlocks[hitBlockCount-1] != i) { hitBlocks[hitBlockCount++] = i; totalSigHits += a; hitsAt[i] += 1; } } if (b > 0) { hitBlocks[hitBlockCount++] = i+1; totalSigHits += b; hitsAt[i+1] += 1; } } } grandTotalHits += totalSigHits; /* Output data on cDNA with significant hits. */ if (hitBlockCount > 0 && totalSigHits*patSize*8 > dnaSize) { clumpHits(hitBlocks, hitBlockCount, posBuf, estName, dna, dnaSize, strand, pList); } } void usage() { errAbort("patSpace - tell where a cDNA is located quickly.\n" "usage:\n" " patSpace genomeListFile cdnaListFile ignore.ooc hitFile.out mergerFile.out"); } boolean fastFaReadNext(FILE *f, DNA **retDna, int *retSize, char **retName) /* Read in next FA entry as fast as we can. Return FALSE at EOF. */ { static int bufSize = 0; static DNA *buf; int c; int bufIx = 0; static char name[256]; int nameIx = 0; boolean gotSpace = FALSE; /* Seek to next '\n' and save first word as name. */ name[0] = 0; for (;;) { if ((c = fgetc(f)) == EOF) { *retDna = NULL; *retSize = 0; *retName = NULL; return FALSE; } if (!gotSpace && nameIx < ArraySize(name)-1) { if (isspace(c)) gotSpace = TRUE; else { name[nameIx++] = c; } } if (c == '\n') break; } name[nameIx] = 0; /* Read until next '>' */ for (;;) { c = fgetc(f); if (isspace(c) || isdigit(c)) continue; if (c == EOF || c == '>') c = 0; else c = tolower(c); if (bufIx >= bufSize) { if (bufSize == 0) { bufSize = 64 * 1024; buf = needMem(bufSize); } else { DNA *newBuf; int newBufSize = bufSize + bufSize; newBuf = needMem(newBufSize); memcpy(newBuf, buf, bufIx); freeMem(buf); buf = newBuf; bufSize = newBufSize; } } buf[bufIx++] = c; if (c == 0) { *retDna = buf; *retSize = bufIx-1; *retName = name; return TRUE; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *genoListName; char *cdnaListName; char *oocFileName; char *hitFileName; char *mergerFileName; struct patSpace *patSpace; long startTime, endTime; char **genoList; int genoListSize; char *genoListBuf; char **cdnaList; int cdnaListSize; char *cdnaListBuf; char *genoName; int i; int estIx = 0; struct dnaSeq **seqListList = NULL, *seq; if (dumpMe) { bigHtmlFile = mustOpen("C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\test\\patAli.html", "w"); littleHtmlFile = mustOpen("C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\test\\patSpace.html", "w"); htmStart(bigHtmlFile, "PatSpace Alignments"); htmStart(littleHtmlFile, "PatSpace Index"); } if (argc != 6) usage(); startTime = clock1000(); dnaUtilOpen(); makePolys(); genoListName = argv[1]; cdnaListName = argv[2]; oocFileName = argv[3]; hitFileName = argv[4]; mergerFileName = argv[5]; readAllWords(genoListName, &genoList, &genoListSize, &genoListBuf); readAllWords(cdnaListName, &cdnaList, &cdnaListSize, &cdnaListBuf); hitOut = mustOpen(hitFileName, "w"); mergerOut = mustOpen(mergerFileName, "w"); dumpOut = mustOpen("dump.out", "w"); seqListList = needMem(genoListSize*sizeof(seqListList[0]) ); fprintf(hitOut, "Pattern space 0.2 cDNA matcher\n"); fprintf(hitOut, "cDNA files: ", cdnaListSize); for (i=0; inext) fprintf(hitOut, "%d ", seq->size); fprintf(hitOut, "\n"); } } patSpace = makePatSpace(seqListList, genoListSize, oocFileName); for (i=0; i') break; printf("%s", cdnaList[i]); fflush(stdout); while (fastFaReadNext(f, &dna, &size, &estName)) { if (size < maxSizeForFuzzyFind) /* Some day need to fix this somehow... */ { struct cdnaAliList *calList = NULL; patSpaceFindOne(patSpace, dna, size, '+', estName, estIx, &calList); reverseComplement(dna, size); patSpaceFindOne(patSpace, dna, size, '-', estName, estIx, &calList); slReverse(&calList); writeMergers(calList, estName, size, genoList); ++estIx; if ((estIx & 0xfff) == 0) { printf("."); ++dotCount; fflush(stdout); } } } printf("\n"); } printf("raw %4d ffSubmitted %3d ffAccepted %3d ffOkScore %3d ffSolidMatch %2d\n", grandTotalHits, ffSubmitted, ffAccepted, ffOkScore, ffSolidMatch); endTime = clock1000(); printf("Total time is %4.2f\n", 0.001*(endTime-startTime)); if (dumpMe) { htmEnd(bigHtmlFile); htmEnd(littleHtmlFile); } return 0; }