table altProbe "Little info about the probe sets for altGraphX." ( string chrom; "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold" int chromStart; "Chromosome Start." int chromEnd; "Chromosome End." int type; "Type of splicing event 2==cassette." char[2] strand; "Genomic Strand." string name; "Name from altSplice clustering." int maxCounts; "Maximum possible counts, used for memory management." int contProbeCount; "Number of constitutive probe sets." string[contProbeCount] contProbeSets; "Names of constitutive probe sets." int alt1ProbeCount; "Number of alternate1 probe sets." string[alt1ProbeCount] alt1ProbeSets; "Names of alternate1 probe sets." int alt2ProbeCount; "Number of alternate2 probe sets." string[alt2ProbeCount] alt2ProbeSets; "Names of alternate2 probe sets." int transcriptCount; "Number of altMerge transcripts involved." string[transcriptCount] transcriptNames; "Names of altMerge transcripts." )