table pfamHit "Data about a pfam global hit." ( string model; "Model hit with sequence." string descript; "Description of Model hit with sequence." double score; "Bit score of hit." double eval; "E-values of hit." uint numTimesHit; "Number of times hit was found in sequence." ) table pfamDHit "Data about a pfam domain hit." ( string model; "Model of domain." int domain; "Domain number of hit." int numDomain; "Number of domains for a hit." uint seqStart; "Start in sequence of hit." uint seqEnd; "End in sequence of hit." string seqRep; "String representation of where hit is located in seq, '[.','..','.]','[]'" uint hmmStart; "Start in profile hmm of hit." uint hmmEnd; "End in profile hmm of hit." string hmmRep; "String representation of where hit is located in seq, '[.','..','.]','[]'" double dScore; "Score for domain hit." double dEval; "Evalue for domain." string alignment; "Text based alignment." ) table pfamDat "Structure to hold results of one hmmpfam run. Distributed by Sean Eddy. See" ( string seqName; "Sequence name." string sequence; "Sequence run against library." object pfamHit pfamHitList; "Global hits." object pfamDHit pfamDHitList; "Domain hits." )