baseMask [options] in1.bama [in2.bama [o.bama]] Process baseMasks. If only one file in1.bama is specified, report bases covered statistics. If two baseMasks in1.bama and in2.bama are specified then combine them using options '-or' or '-and' (union or intersection), and report the resulting bases covered. Create output baseMask file o.bama, if specified. Options: -or : 'or' the basemasks together (union). (output file will have all chroms in either file, and all ranges will be merged.) -and : 'and' the basemasks together (intersection). (output file will have the subset of chroms and bases, or ranges, common to both files.) -quiet : Do not calculate or output the base cover statistics. Might be slightly faster. -saveMem : Try and reduce memory usage. Might be slightly slower. -orDirectToFile : Write 'or' directly to file range by range, bypassing whole chromosome buffering. Might be slower. -verbose=n : verbose > 0 prints some details.