test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with chrom not described in chromInfo. test.genePredCTCBad item endGTChrom chrFake_random:0-101: txEnd > chromSize 100 test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: txEnd < txStart test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with end < start. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with end > chromSize. test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: cdsEnd (0) < cdsStart (2) test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with cdsEnd < cdsStart. test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: blockStarts[0] (relative) should be 0, but is -2 test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: start of block 0 (0) is less than start. test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: starts of blocks -1 and 0 not in ascending order. test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: blockEnd[0] (2) > chromEnd. test.genePredCTCBad item endLTStart chrFake_random:2-0: end of last block (2) is not the same as chromEnd (0). test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blockStart[0] != start. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blockStart[i] < start. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blocks not in ascending order. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blockEnd[i] > end. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blockEnd[n-1] != end. test.genePredCTCBad item cdsELTCS chrFake:10-20: cdsEnd (12) < cdsStart (18) test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with cdsEnd < cdsStart. test.genePredCTCBad item bSNotStart chrFake:10-20: blockStarts[0] (relative) should be 0, but is 5 test.genePredCTCBad item bELTBS chrFake:10-20: blockStarts[0] (relative) should be 0, but is 10 test.genePredCTCBad item bELTBS chrFake:10-20: blockSize[0] is -10. test.genePredCTCBad item bELTBS chrFake:10-20: end of last block (10) is not the same as chromEnd (20). test.genePredCTCBad item bENotEnd chrFake:10-20: end of last block (15) is not the same as chromEnd (20). test.genePredCTCBad item bNotAscend chrFake:10-30: starts of blocks 1 and 2 not in ascending order. test.genePredCTCBad item bNotAscend chrFake:10-30: end of last block (17) is not the same as chromEnd (30). test.genePredCTCBad item bOverlap chrFake:10-30: blocks 0 and 1 overlap. test.genePredCTCBad item bOverlap chrFake:10-30: blocks 1 and 2 overlap. test.genePredCTCBad has 2 records with blockStart[0] != start. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blockEnd[i] < blockStart[i]. test.genePredCTCBad has 1 records with blocks not in ascending order. test.genePredCTCBad has 2 records with overlapping blocks. test.genePredCTCBad has 3 records with blockEnd[n-1] != end.