"""Module that handles shared functions used by the ENCODE Report Charts set of CGI scripts. """ import datetime import os import re import sys import gviz_api __author__ = "Bernard Suh" __email__ = "bsuh@soe.ucsc.edu" __version__ = "1.0.0" # Given the directory of reports, find the latest report # Return the filename of the latest report def getRecentReport (reportDir = "/hive/groups/encode/dcc/reports"): # Regex for the report file pattern = re.compile("newreport\.(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})\.dcc\.txt") # Scan the report directory and find the most recent report currentDate = 19010101 currentFile = "NULL" try: dirList = os.listdir(reportDir) except: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Can't open dir '%s'" % reportDir sys.exit(-1) # Try to use the file 'latest' rather than doing the linear file scan # Note: The 'latest' file is often one day off try: latestFile = os.path.join(reportDir, 'latest') realFile = os.readlink(latestFile) baseName = os.path.basename(realFile) m = pattern.match(baseName) if m: date = int(m.group(1)) * 10000 + int(m.group(2)) * 100 + int(m.group(3)) currentFile = realFile currentDate = date except: currentFile = 'NULL' # Perform linear scan for most recent filename if currentFile == 'NULL': for f in dirList: m = pattern.match(f) if m: # Convert date into an int date = int(m.group(1)) * 10000 + int(m.group(2)) * 100 + int(m.group(3)) if date > currentDate: # Update the current latest date currentDate = date currentFile = f if currentFile == "NULL": print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Can't find a report file in dir '%s'" % reportDir sys.exit(-1) currentFile = os.path.join(reportDir, currentFile) return currentFile, currentDate # Read and parse the important dates file # Return a dict where key = event date and value = event label def readImportantDatesFile (currentDate): file = "/hive/groups/encode/dcc/charts/important.dates.tab" importantDateHash = {} try: f = open(file, "r") except: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Can't open file '%s'" % file sys.exit(-1) for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('#'): continue (date, text) = line.split('\t') date = int(date) if date > currentDate: continue importantDateHash[date] = text return importantDateHash # Convert stringdates into the datetime objects (or None if can't parse) def convertToDate (d): # Convert MM/DD/YY try: pyDateObj = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%m/%d/%y").date() except: pass else: return pyDateObj try: pyDateObj= datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d").date() except: pass else: return pyDateObj return None # Convert dates into Python datetime objects def convertDate (d): # Convert MM/DD/YY pattern = re.compile("(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})") m = pattern.match(d) if m: dateNum = 20000000 + int(m.group(3)) * 10000 + int(m.group(1)) * 100 + int(m.group(2)) return dateNum # Convert YYYY-MM-DD pattern = re.compile("(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})") m = pattern.match(d) if m: dateNum = int(m.group(1)) * 10000 + int(m.group(2)) * 100 + int(m.group(3)) return dateNum return d # Converts a date int into a Python date object def dateIntToObj (date): stringDate = str(date) dateObj = datetime.date(int(stringDate[0:4]), int(stringDate[4:6]), int(stringDate[6:8])) return dateObj # Converts a date int into a pretty formatted string def dateIntToDateStr (date): dateObj = dateIntToObj(date) return dateObj.strftime("%b %d, %Y") # Standard HTML template for ENCODE Report charts def renderHtml(template_vars, mouseover, clickable): template_vars['mouseJS'] = """ """ if mouseover: template_vars['mouseJS'] = """ google.visualization.events.addListener(viz, 'onmouseover', vizMouseOver); google.visualization.events.addListener(viz, 'onmouseout', vizMouseOut); function vizMouseOver(e) { viz.setSelection([e]); } function vizMouseOut(e) { viz.setSelection([{'row':null, 'column':null}]); } """ if clickable: template_vars['mouseJS'] = """ google.visualization.events.addListener(viz, 'onmouseover', vizMouseOver); google.visualization.events.addListener(viz, 'onmouseout', vizMouseOut); function vizMouseOver(e) { viz.setSelection([e]); } function vizMouseOut(e) { viz.setSelection([{'row':null, 'column':null}]); } google.visualization.events.addListener(viz, 'select', clickBlock); function clickBlock() { var selection = viz.getSelection(); var item = selection[0]; var urlString = "http://genecats.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/ENCODE/encodeReportFilter.py?" + "key=%s" + "&value=" + jscode_data.getValue(item.row, 0) + "&status=" + jscode_data.getColumnLabel(item.column) + "&species=%s" + "&norelease=%s" ; window.open(urlString); } """ % (template_vars['keyField'], template_vars['species'], template_vars['norelease']) # The html template. Will be filled in by string subs # Added tag to fix IE8 issues page_template = """ %(title)s

(Report Date: %(dateStamp)s)

""" # Commented out but could serve this page dynamically print "Content-type: text/html" print # Print out the webpage print page_template % template_vars return # Sort the freeze dates def orderFreezeDateLabels (dateList): dateHash = {} pattern = re.compile("(post)?\s*(.+)\-(\d{4})") for i in dateList: m = pattern.match(i) if m: day = 1 if m.group(1): day += 1 datestring = "%s %d, %s" % (m.group(2), day, m.group(3)) d = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(datestring, "%b %d, %Y").strftime("%Y%m%d")) dateHash[d] = i sortList = [] for i in sorted(dateHash): sortList.append(dateHash[i]) return sortList # Convert freeze to standard format if non-standard # standard is Month-Year (Jun-2010) # non-standard example is "post ENCODE June 2010" def parseFreezeLabel (freeze): pattern = re.compile("post ENCODE (.+) (\d{4}) Freeze") m = pattern.match(freeze) if m: return "post %.3s-%s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2)) else: return freeze def getColorArray (size): # Can't specify "orange" since IE8 doesn't support CSS2.1 colors = ['red', '#ffa500', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'fuchsia'] colors_len = len(colors) i = 0 new = [] while (i colors_len): new.extend(colors) i += colors_len else: new.extend(colors[0:leftover]) break return new