class PipelineController < ApplicationController include PipelineBackground include SortHelper # TODO: move some stuff into the private area so it can't be called by URL-hackers #CONSTANTS AUTOUPLOADLABEL = "Submit" helper :sort before_filter :login_required before_filter :check_user_is_owner, :except => [ :new, :create, :list, :show_active, :show_user, :show, :valid_status, :load_status, :unload_status, :upload_status, :show_tools, :mass_tools, :mass_ftp, :mass_url, :delete_archive ] layout 'main' def list sort_init 'updated_at', {:default_order => 'desc'} sort_update #@autoRefresh = true @sort_key = params[:sort_key] if @sort_key == "pi" || @sort_key == "login" @projects = Project.find(:all, :include => :user, :order => sort_clause) elsif @sort_key @projects = Project.find(:all, :order => sort_clause) else @projects = Project.find(:all, :order => 'updated_at DESC') end end def show_active sort_init 'updated_at', {:default_order => 'desc'} sort_update #@autoRefresh = true active_conditions = [ "status != 'reviewing' and " + "status != 'displayed' and " + "status != 'approved' and " + "status != 'revoked' and " + "status != 'released'" ] @sort_key = params[:sort_key] if @sort_key == "pi" || @sort_key == "login" @projects = Project.find(:all, :include => :user, :order => sort_clause, :conditions => active_conditions) elsif @sort_key @projects = Project.find(:all, :order => sort_clause, :conditions => active_conditions) else @projects = Project.find(:all, :order => 'updated_at DESC', :conditions => active_conditions) end render :action => 'list' end def show_user sort_init 'updated_at', {:default_order => 'desc'} sort_update @sort_key = params[:sort_key] @user = params[:submitter] ? User.find(:first, :conditions => {:login => params[:submitter]}) : User.find( if @sort_key @projects = Project.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id =>}, :order => sort_clause) else @projects = Project.find(:all, :conditions => {:user_id =>}, :order => 'updated_at DESC') end @projects.each do |p| if p.run_stat @autoRefresh = true end end render :action => 'list' end def show @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat @autoRefresh = true end @errText = "" case @project.status when "upload failed" @errText = getUploadErrText(@project) when "expand failed" @errText = getExpandErrText(@project) when "validate failed" @errText = getValidateErrText(@project) when "load failed" @errText = getLoadErrText(@project) when "unload failed" @errText = getUnloadErrText(@project) when "uploading" # old wget method #upText = getUploadErrText(@project) #unless upText.blank? # upText = upText.split("\n") # if upText.last # upText = upText.last.split(" ").first # if upText.last(1) == "K" # @uploadText = upText # end # end #end # new paraFetch method upName,upText = getNewestFileByExtensionIgnoringCase(, "paraFetchStatus") unless upText.blank? upText = upText.split("\n") unless upText.length < 4 url = upText.shift size = upText.shift.to_i fdate = upText.shift downloaded = 0 while not upText.empty? l = upText.shift downloaded += l.split(" ").last.to_i end @uploadText = "#{goGreek(downloaded)} of #{goGreek(size)} #{url}" end end end @dafName,@dafText = getDafText(@project) @ddfName,@ddfText = getDdfText(@project) if @project.run_stat and @project.run_stat == "waiting" job = QueuedJob.find(:first, :conditions => ["project_id = ?",]) if job @aheadOfYou = QueuedJob.count_by_sql "select count(*) from queued_jobs where id < #{} and source_code <> 'done'" else @aheadOfYou = nil end end @deadline = get_deadline rescue redirect_to :action => 'show_user' return end def valid_status @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @errText = getValidateErrText(@project) end def load_status @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @errText = getLoadErrText(@project) end def unload_status @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @errText = getUnloadErrText(@project) end def upload_status @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @errText = getUploadErrText(@project) end def expand_status @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @errText = getExpandErrText(@project) end def show_daf @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @dafName,@dafText = getDafText(@project) end def download_daf @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @dafName,@dafText = getDafText(@project) headers.merge!('Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{@dafName}\"") render :text => @dafText, :content_type => 'text/plain' end def show_ddf @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @ddfName,@ddfText = getDdfText(@project) end def download_ddf @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @ddfName,@ddfText = getDdfText(@project) headers.merge!('Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{@ddfName}\"") render :text => @ddfText, :content_type => 'text/plain' end def db_load @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end if @project.status == "validated" new_status @project, "load requested" unless queue_job, "load_background(#{})" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end end redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => end def validate @project = Project.find(params[:id]) allowReloads = "" if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end if (@project.status == "expanded") or (@project.status == "validate failed") new_status @project, "validate requested" unless queue_job, "validate_background(#{}, \"#{allowReloads}\")" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end end redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => end def new @project = @projectTypes = getProjectTypes @deadline = get_deadline #@projectTypesArray = @projectTypes.to_a.sort_by { |x| x[1]["displayOrder"] } end def create if params[:commit] == "Cancel" redirect_to :action => 'show_user' return end @project =[:project]) @project.user_id = @project.status = 'new' @project.archives_active = "" if redirect_to :action => 'upload', :id => log_project_status @project else @projectTypes = getProjectTypes render :action => 'new' end end def edit @project = Project.find(params[:id]) @projectTypes = getProjectTypes #@projectTypesArray = @projectTypes.to_a.sort_by { |x| x[1]["displayOrder"] } end def update @project = Project.find(params[:id]) old_project_type_id = @project.project_type_id if @project.update_attributes(params[:project]) if old_project_type_id != @project.project_type_id if @project.project_archives.length == 0 @project.status = "new" else @project.status = "expanded" end new_status @project, @project.status end redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @project else render :action => 'edit' end end def unload @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end projectDir= path_to_project_dir( msg = "" msg += "Submission unload requested." new_status @project, "unload requested" unless queue_job, "unload_background(#{})" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end flash[:notice] = msg redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @project end def delete @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end projectDir= path_to_project_dir( msg = "" msg += "Submission delete requested." new_status @project, "delete requested" unless queue_job, "delete_background(#{})" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end flash[:notice] = msg redirect_to :action => 'show_user' end def mass_ftp @user = current_user get_ftp_list return unless if params[:commit] == "Cancel" redirect_to :action => 'show_user' return end # create submissions @ftpList.each do |file| #take project name from archive filename project_name = file #chop off archive file extension @extensions.each do |ext| if project_name.ends_with?("." + ext) project_name = project_name[0..(project_name.length - 1 - (ext.length + 1))] end end #if a submission with that name exists already, tweak the name with (number) until unique. base_name = project_name suffix = "" retryCount = 0 unique = false while not unique project_name = base_name + suffix @existing = Project.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => project_name}) if @existing retryCount += 1 suffix = " (" + retryCount.to_s + ")" else unique = true end end @project = = project_name @project.project_type_id = 5 @project.user_id = @project.status = 'new' @project.archives_active = "" if # queue it up to be uploaded etc. @upurl = "" @upload = "" @upftp = file @filename = sanitize_filename(@upftp) upload_one else msg = ("Error creating submission for "+file+" as "+project_name+"
") if flash[:error] flash[:error] += msg else flash[:error] = msg end end end redirect_to :action => 'show_user' end def mass_url @user = current_user return unless if params[:commit] == "Cancel" redirect_to :action => 'show_user' return end uplist = params[:url_list].split("\n") @extensions = ["zip", "ZIP", "tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tar.bz2", "TAR.BZ2", "tgz", "TGZ"] # check urls have correct extension uplist.each do |url| # get trim lead/trail whitespace url.strip! if url.blank? next end @filename = sanitize_filename(url) # todo may need to move this up earlier? unless @extensions.any? {|ext| @filename.ends_with?("." + ext) } flash[:error] = "File name #{@filename} is invalid. " + "Only a compressed archive file (tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip) is allowed." return end end # create submissions uplist.each do |url| # get trim lead/trail whitespace url.strip! if url.blank? next end #take project name from archive filename project_name = url #chop off archive file extension @extensions.each do |ext| if project_name.ends_with?("." + ext) project_name = project_name[0..(project_name.length - 1 - (ext.length + 1))] end end #if a submission with that name exists already, tweak the name with (number) until unique. base_name = project_name suffix = "" retryCount = 0 unique = false while not unique project_name = base_name + suffix @existing = Project.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => project_name}) if @existing retryCount += 1 suffix = " (" + retryCount.to_s + ")" else unique = true end end @project = = project_name @project.project_type_id = 5 @project.user_id = @project.status = 'new' @project.archives_active = "" if # queue it up to be uploaded etc. @upurl = url @upload = "" @upftp = "" @filename = sanitize_filename(@upurl) upload_one else msg = ("Error creating submission for "+url+" as "+project_name+"
") if flash[:error] flash[:error] += msg else flash[:error] = msg end end end redirect_to :action => 'show_user' end def upload @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end @user = current_user @autoUploadLabel = AUTOUPLOADLABEL get_ftp_list return unless if params[:commit] == "Cancel" redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @project return end @upurl = params[:upload_url] @upload = params[:upload_file] @upftp = params[:ftp] if @upurl == "http://" @upurl = "" end unless @upftp @upftp = "" end return if @upload.blank? && @upurl.blank? && @upftp.blank? unless @upurl.blank? @protos = ["ftp", "http", "https"] unless @protos.any? {|proto| @upurl.starts_with?(proto+"://") } flash[:error] = "only these protocols are allowed in the url:" @protos.each do |proto| flash[:error] += (" "+proto) end return end @filename = sanitize_filename(@upurl) #TODO add a HEAD would check it exists before starting? else unless @upftp.blank? @filename = sanitize_filename(@upftp) else @filename = sanitize_filename(@upload.original_filename) extensionsByMIME = { "application/zip" => ["zip", "ZIP"], "application/x-compressed-tar" => ["tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tar.bz2", "TAR.BZ2", "tgz", "TGZ"], "application/x-tar" => ["tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tar.bz2", "TAR.BZ2", "tgz", "TGZ"], "application/octet-stream" => ["tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tar.bz2", "TAR.BZ2", "tgz", "TGZ"], "application/gzip" => ["tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tgz", "TGZ"], "application/x-gzip" => ["tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tgz", "TGZ"] } @extensions = extensionsByMIME[@upload.content_type.chomp] unless @extensions flash[:error] = "Invalid content_type=#{@upload.content_type.chomp}." return end end end unless @extensions.any? {|ext| @filename.ends_with?("." + ext) } flash[:error] = "File name #{@filename} is invalid. " + "Only a compressed archive file (tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip) is allowed." return end upload_one redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @project end def delete_archive # This is really a toggle on/off and the archives are only marked for exclusion archive = ProjectArchive.find(params[:id]) params[:id] = archive.project_id unless check_user_is_owner return false end msg = "" @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end n = archive.archive_no-1 c = @project.archives_active[n..n] if c == "1" c = "0" msg += "Archive deleted." else c = "1" msg += "Archive undeleted." end @project.archives_active[n..n] = c unless flash[:error] = "System error - project record save failed." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @project return false end flash[:notice] = msg new_status @project, "re-expand all requested" unless queue_job, "reexpand_all_background(#{})" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => end def reexpand_all @project = Project.find(params[:id]) if @project.run_stat flash[:error] = "Please wait, a background job is still running." redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => return end if @project.status != "new" new_status @project, "re-expand all requested" unless queue_job, "reexpand_all_background(#{})" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end flash[:notice] = "re-expanding all" end redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => end # --------- PRIVATE --------- private def check_user_is_owner @project = Project.find(params[:id]) unless @project.user_id == or @current_user.role == "admin" flash[:error] = "That project does not belong to you." redirect_to :action => 'list' return false end return true end def get_ftp_list @ftpUrl = "ftp://#{@user.login}@#{ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV]['ftpServer']}"+ ":#{ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV]['ftpPort']}" @ftpList = [] @fullPath = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV]['ftpMount']+'/'+@user.login @extensions = ["zip", "ZIP", "tar.gz", "TAR.GZ", "tar.bz2", "TAR.BZ2", "tgz", "TGZ"] if File.exists?(@fullPath) Dir.entries(@fullPath).each do |file| fullName = File.join(@fullPath,file) if File.ftype(fullName) == "file" if @extensions.any? {|ext| file.ends_with?("." + ext) } @ftpList << file end end end end @ftpList.sort! end def upload_one bg_local_path = "" msg = "" # make sure parent paths exist projectDir = path_to_project_dir( Dir.mkdir(projectDir,0775) unless File.exists?(projectDir) nextArchiveNo = @project.archive_count+1 plainName = @filename @filename = "#{"%03d" % nextArchiveNo}_#{@filename}" #debugging #msg += "sanitized filename=#{@filename}
" #msg += "upload path=#{ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV]['upload']}
" #msg += "path_to_file=#{pf}
" #msg += "nextArchiveNo=#{nextArchiveNo}
" msg += "Uploading/expanding #{plainName}.
" # local file upload by browser cannot be passed in bg job params if @upurl.blank? if @upftp.blank? # should be local-file upload, Hmm... where does Mongrel put it during upload? pf = path_to_file(, @filename) if @upload.respond_to?(:local_path) and @upload.local_path and File.exists?(@upload.local_path) "#DEBUG local_path=#{@upload.local_path} length=#{@upload.length} original_filename=#{@upload.original_filename}" #debug bg_local_path = "#{@upload.local_path}_BG", bg_local_path) # we want the file to be preserved beyond cgi call for bg to use elsif @upload.respond_to?(:read) "#DEBUG length=#{@upload.length} original_filename=#{@upload.original_filename}" #debug, "wb") { |f| f.write(; f.close } else raise"Do not know how to handle #{@upload.inspect}?") end @upload.close # old way #if defined? @upload.local_path # FileUtils.copy(@upload.local_path, pf) # else #, "wb") { |f| f.write( } # end end end allowReloads = ""; if (defined? @params['allow_reloads']) and (@params['allow_reloads']['0'] == "1") allowReloads = "-allowReloads" end # need to preserve the status for the archive NOW if @project.project_archives.last @project.project_archives.last.status = @project.status @project.project_archives.last.archives_active = @project.archives_active unless saver @project.project_archives.last flash[:error] = "unable to save @project.project_archives.last" end end new_status @project, "upload requested" upload_name = @upload.blank? ? "" : @upload.original_filename param_string = "#{},\"#{@upurl}\", \"#{@upftp}\", \"#{upload_name}\", \"#{bg_local_path}\", \"#{allowReloads}\"" unless queue_job, "upload_background(#{param_string})" flash[:error] = "System error - queued_jobs save failed." return end if flash[:notice] flash[:notice] += msg else flash[:notice] = msg end end end