class CreateProjectArchiveActive < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :project_archive_active do |t| t.column :archive_id, :integer t.column :archive_no, :integer t.column :active, :boolean end # We don't need this anymore anyway, because the whole table got dropped. # But, just as a note, Postgres and Mysql are not compatible for # any boolean type columns, so DO NOT USE BOOLEAN columns. # use a char(1) instead or something like that. #execute "insert into project_archive_active (archive_id, archive_no, active) select, b.archive_no, #{true} from project_archives a, project_archives b where a.project_id = b.project_id and a.archive_no >= b.archive_no order by, b.archive_no" end def self.down drop_table :project_archive_active end end