class ActiveRecord::Base # method to allow a child process to establish a new connection while letting # the parent retain the original connection def self.reconnect_in_child(klass=self) spec = @@defined_connections[] konn = active_connections[] @@defined_connections.delete_if { |key, value| value == spec } active_connections.delete_if { |key, value| value == konn } establish_connection(spec ? spec.config : nil) end # monkey patch to fix threading problems, # see: def self.clear_reloadable_connections! if @@allow_concurrency # Hash keyed by thread_id in @@active_connections. Hash of hashes. @@active_connections.each do |thread_id, conns| conns.each do |name, conn| if conn.requires_reloading? conn.disconnect! @@active_connections[thread_id].delete(name) end end end else # Just one level hash, no concurrency. @@active_connections.each do |name, conn| if conn.requires_reloading? conn.disconnect! @@active_connections.delete(name) end end end end end