table improbRunInfo "Information on one Improbizer run plus motifs." ( string name; "Motif name." float runScore; "Score of motifFound." float bestControlScore; "Score of best control run." float meanControlScore; "Mean of control runs." float sdControlScore; "Control run standard deviation." int seqCount; "Number of sequences used to generate it." string consensus; "Motif consensus sequence." float runPos; "Position of motif in run." float runPosSd; "Standard deviation of position in run." int columnCount; "Count of columns in motif." float[columnCount] aProb; "Probability of A's in each column." float[columnCount] cProb; "Probability of C's in each column." float[columnCount] gProb; "Probability of G's in each column." float[columnCount] tProb; "Probability of T's in each column." int controlCount; "Count of controls." float[controlCount] controlScores; "Scores of controls." )