object submission "Keeps track of a job submission" ( string id; "Submission ID from scheduler" lstring errFile; "Error file associated with submission" lstring outFile; "Output file associated with submission" float cpuTime; "CPU time in seconds" string submitTime; "Time submitted" string startTime; "Start time of job" string endTime; "End time of job" int retVal; "Return value of job" ubyte gotRetVal; "True if got return value" ubyte submitError; "An error occurred submitting it" ubyte inQueue; "Currently in queuing system" ubyte queueError; "In error stat in queue" ubyte trackingError; "Have lost track of this somehow - no output, not on queue" ubyte running; "Currently running" ubyte crashed; "Looks like it ran but crashed" ubyte slow; "Run so long we warn user" ubyte hung; "Run so long we kill it" ubyte ranOk; "Looks like it ran and finished ok" ) object check "How to check a job" ( string when; "When to check - currently either 'in' or 'out'" string what; "What to check - 'exists' 'nonzero' 'lastLine'" lstring file; "File to check" ) object job "Keeps track of a job" ( lstring command; "Command line for job" int checkCount; "Count of checks" object check[checkCount] checkList; "Ways to check success of job." int submissionCount; "The number of times submitted" object submission[submissionCount] submissionList; "List of submissions" lstring spec; "Specification for job" ) object jobDb "Keeps track of a batch of jobs. " ( int jobCount; "The number of total jobs" object job[jobCount] jobList; "List of all jobs" )