/* getSeq - pages to get protein and nucleic acid sequence. */ #include "common.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "cart.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "hPrint.h" #include "gsidTable.h" static void getSeqFromBlob(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *siList, char *tableName, char *xrefField) /* Get sequence from blob field in table and print it as fasta. */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; struct subjInfo *si; int seqCnt = 0; hPrintf("
for (si = siList; si != NULL; si = si->next)
    char *subjId = si->fields[0];
    /* currently just 3 Thailand or 4 US */
    safef(query, sizeof(query),
        "select id, seq from %s s, gsIdXref g where g.subjId='%s' and g.%s=s.id", 
	tableName, subjId, xrefField);
    sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
        char *id = row[0];
        char *seq = row[1];
        hPrintf(">%s", id);
        hPrintf(":%s\n", subjId);
        writeSeqWithBreaks(stdout, seq, strlen(seq), 60);
if (seqCnt == 0) hPrintf("No sequence data available for subject(s) selected.");
"); } static void getProtein( struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *siList) /* Print out proteins. */ { getSeqFromBlob(conn, siList, "aaSeq", "aaSeqId"); } static void getGenomic( struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *siList) /* Print out dna. */ { getSeqFromBlob(conn, siList, "dnaSeq", "dnaSeqId"); } void doGetSeq(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *siList, char *how) /* Put up the get sequence page. */ { if (sameString(how, "protein")) getProtein(conn, siList); else if (sameString(how, "genomic")) getGenomic(conn, siList); else errAbort("Unrecognized %s value %s", getSeqHowVarName, how); } static void howRadioButton(char *how) /* Put up a getSeqHow radio button. */ { char *howName = getSeqHowVarName; char *oldVal = cartUsualString(cart, howName, "protein"); cgiMakeRadioButton(howName, how, sameString(how, oldVal)); } void doGetSeqPage(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* Put up the get sequence page asking how to get sequence. */ { hPrintf("

Get Sequence

"); hPrintf("
\n"); cartSaveSession(cart); hPrintf("Select sequence type:
\n"); howRadioButton("protein"); hPrintf("Protein
\n"); howRadioButton("genomic"); hPrintf("Genomic
\n"); cgiMakeButton(getSeqVarName, "get sequence"); hPrintf("
\n"); }