/* gsidTable - GSID Table View */ #include "common.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "hash.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "htmshell.h" #include "cart.h" #include "hPrint.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "hui.h" #include "web.h" #include "ra.h" #include "hgColors.h" #include "trashDir.h" #include "gsidTable.h" #include "versionInfo.h" char *excludeVars[] = { "submit", "Submit", "submit_filter", NULL }; /* The excludeVars are not saved to the cart. (We also exclude * any variables that start "near.do.") */ /* ---- Global variables. ---- */ struct cart *cart; /* This holds cgi and other variables between clicks. */ char *database; /* Name of genome database - hg15, mm3, or the like. */ char *genome; /* Name of genome - mouse, human, etc. */ char *orderOn; /* Current sorting column name. */ int displayCount; /* Number of items to display. */ char *displayCountString; /* Ascii version of display count, including 'all'. */ struct hash *oldCart; /* Old cart hash. */ struct hash *columnHash; /* Hash of active columns keyed by name. */ int passedFilterCount; /* number of subjects passing filter */ struct sqlConnection *conn; struct column *colList, *col; void controlPanelStart() /* Put up start of tables around a control panel. */ { hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("
"); } void controlPanelEnd() /* Put up end of tables around a control panel. */ { hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
"); } static void mainControlPanel() /* Make control panel. */ { controlPanelStart(); /* advFilter, configure buttons */ { cgiMakeButton(confVarName, "configure"); hPrintf(" "); if (gotAdvFilter()) cgiMakeButton(advFilterVarName, "filter (now on)"); else cgiMakeButton(advFilterVarName, "filter (now off)"); hPrintf(" "); } /* Do items to display drop-down */ { int i=0; static char *menu[] = {"25", "50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "all"}; hPrintf(" display "); hPrintf("\n"); } /* Make getDna, getText buttons */ { hPrintf(" output "); cgiMakeOptionalButton(getSeqPageVarName, "sequence", FALSE); hPrintf(" "); cgiMakeOptionalButton(getTextVarName, "text", FALSE); } controlPanelEnd(); } void makeTitle(char *title, char *helpName) /* Make title bar. */ { hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("", wrapWhiteFont("Home")); hPrintf("", title); hPrintf("
%s%s%s", wrapWhiteFont("")); hPrintf("
"); } int totalHtmlColumns(struct column *colList) /* Count up columns in big-table html. */ { int count = 0; struct column *col; for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { if (col->on) count += col->tableColumns(col); } return count; } void bigTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct subjInfo *siList) /* Put up great big table. */ { struct column *col; struct subjInfo *si; if (siList == NULL) { if (gotAdvFilter()) { warn("No subjects passed filter."); } return; } hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("\n", totalHtmlColumns(colList)); /* Print label row. */ hPrintf(""); for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { if (col->on) { col->labelPrint(col); } } hPrintf("\n"); /* Print other rows. */ hPrintf(""); for (si = siList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { hPrintf(""); for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { if (col->on) { if (col->cellPrint == NULL) hPrintf(""); else col->cellPrint(col,si,conn); } } hPrintf("\n"); if (ferror(stdout)) errAbort("Write error to stdout"); } hPrintf(""); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("
Displayed %d out of %d subjects passing filter.", slCount(siList), passedFilterCount); hPrintf("
"); } void doGetText(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct subjInfo *subjList) /* Put up great big table. */ { struct subjInfo *si; struct column *col; boolean first = TRUE; char *chp, *chp9; if (subjList == NULL) { hPrintf("empty table"); return; } hPrintf("

/* Print labels. */
for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
    if (col->on)
	if (first)
	    first = FALSE;
        hPrintf("%s", col->shortLabel);
for (si = subjList; si != NULL; si = si->next)
    first = TRUE;
    for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
        if (col->on)
	    boolean special;
            char *val = col->cellVal(col, si, conn);
            if (first)
                first = FALSE;
            if (val == NULL)
		special = FALSE;

                if (sameWord(col->type, "integer") || sameWord(col->type, "double"))
                    /* special processing for missing data */
                    if (sameWord(col->name, "SDayLastPTest")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "SDayLastTrTest")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastPMNNeutral")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "artDaei")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "seqDay")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "firstRNAPosDay")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "lastSeroNegDay")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastTrVisit")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastPVisit")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastPCD4Blk")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastTrCD4Blk")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastPAntiGP120")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastTrAntiGP120")
                    ||  sameWord(col->name, "LastTrMnNeutral"))
                        if (sameWord(val, "-1"))
                            special = TRUE;
                        if (sameWord(val, "-2"))
                            special = TRUE;
                        if (sameWord(val, "-3"))
                            hPrintf(" ");
                            special = TRUE;
                        if (sameWord(val, "-3.000"))
                            hPrintf(" ");
                            special = TRUE;

		if (sameWord(col->name, "cd4Count"))
    		    if (sameWord(val, "-1") || sameWord(val, "0"))
			special = TRUE;
		if (sameWord(col->name, "hivQuan"))
    		    if (sameWord(val, "-1"))
			special = TRUE;
		if (sameWord(col->name, "DAEI"))
    		    if (sameWord(val, "-1"))
			special = TRUE;
		if (sameWord(col->name, "esdi"))
    		    if (sameWord(val, "-1"))
			special = TRUE;
		if (sameWord(col->name, "hivQuan"))
    		    if (sameWord(val, "1000000"))
			hPrintf("> 1000000");
			special = TRUE;
		if (sameWord(col->name, "hivQuan"))
    		    if (sameWord(val, "200"))
			hPrintf("< 400");
			special = TRUE;
		if ((sameWord(col->name, "dnaSeqs")) || (sameWord(col->name, "aaSeqs")))
      		    chp = val;
		    chp = strstr(chp, "#35;");
      		    while (chp != NULL)
			chp = chp +strlen("#35;");
			chp9 = strstr(chp, " ");
			*chp9 = '\0';

      			hPrintf("%s ", chp);
			chp = strstr(chp9, "#35;");
      		    special = TRUE;

		if (!special)
    		    hPrintf("%s", val);
"); } void hotLinks() /* Put up the hot links bar. */ { hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("\n"); /* Home */ hPrintf(""); //, orgEnc); /* Blat */ hPrintf(""); /* Subject View */ hPrintf(""); /* Sequence View */ hPrintf("", database); /* Help */ if (cartVarExists(cart, advFilterVarName)) { hPrintf(""); } else { hPrintf(""); } hPuts("
" "HomeBlat" "Subject ViewSequence View GatewayHelpHelp
"); hPuts("
\n"); } void doMainDisplay(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct subjInfo *subjList) /* Put up the main gene sorter display - a control panel followed by * a big table. */ { char buf[128]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "GSID %s Table View", genome); hPrintf("
\n"); hotLinks(); cartSaveSession(cart); printf("Table View"); mainControlPanel(); if (subjList != NULL) { printf("Use the \"configure\" button above to access additional data fields,"); printf(" including infection date details, sequencing and ART date information,"); printf(" and immunogenicity data."); bigTable(conn, colList,subjList); } printf("
* Estimated Study Day of Infection (ESDI), "); printf("click here "); printf(" for further explanation.\n"); printf("
* Days After Estimated Infection (DAEI), "); printf("click here "); printf(" for further explanation.\n"); hPrintf("
\n"); } char *mustFindInRaHash(char *fileName, struct hash *raHash, char *name) /* Look up in ra hash or die trying. */ { char *val = hashFindVal(raHash, name); if (val == NULL) errAbort("Missing required %s field in %s", name, fileName); return val; } /* ---- Some helper routines for column methods. ---- */ boolean wildMatchAny(char *word, struct slName *wildList) /* Return TRUE if word matches any thing in wildList. */ { struct slName *w; for (w = wildList; w != NULL; w = w->next) if (wildMatch(w->name, word) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } boolean wildMatchAll(char *word, struct slName *wildList) /* Return TRUE if word matches all things in wildList. */ { struct slName *w; for (w = wildList; w != NULL; w = w->next) if (!wildMatch(w->name, word) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } boolean wildMatchList(char *word, struct slName *wildList, boolean orLogic) /* Return TRUE if word matches things in wildList. */ { if (orLogic) return wildMatchAny(word, wildList); else return wildMatchAll(word, wildList); } char *columnSetting(struct column *col, char *name, char *defaultVal) /* Return value of named setting in column, or default if it doesn't exist. */ { char *result = hashFindVal(col->settings, name); if (result == NULL) result = defaultVal; return result; } void fixSafariSpaceInQuotes(char *s) /* Safari on the Mac changes a space (ascii 32) to a * ascii 160 if it's inside of a single-quote in a * text input box!? This tuns it back to a 32. */ { unsigned char c; while ((c = *s) != 0) { if (c == 160) *s = 32; ++s; } } struct column *findNamedColumn(char *name) /* Return column of given name from list or NULL if none. */ { if (columnHash == NULL) internalErr(); return hashFindVal(columnHash, name); } char *colVarName(struct column *col, char *prefix) /* Return variable name prefix.col->name. This is just a static * variable, so don't nest these calls*/ { static char name[64]; safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s%s", prefix, col->name); return name; } void colButton(struct column *col, char *prefix, char *label) /* Make a button named prefix.col->name with given label. */ { static char name[64]; safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s%s", prefix, col->name); cgiMakeButton(name, label); } struct column *colButtonPressed(struct column *colList, char *prefix) /* See if a button named prefix.column is pressed for some * column, and if so return the column, else NULL. */ { static char pattern[64]; char colName[64]; char *match; safef(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "%s*", prefix); match = cartFindFirstLike(cart, pattern); if (match == NULL) return NULL; /* Construct column name. If variable is from an file upload * there __filename suffix attached that we need to remove. */ safef(colName, sizeof(colName), "%s", match + strlen(prefix)); if (endsWith(colName, "__filename")) { int newLen = strlen(colName) - strlen("__filename"); colName[newLen] = 0; } return findNamedColumn(colName); } void columnVarsFromSettings(struct column *col, char *fileName) /* Grab a bunch of variables from col->settings and * move them into col proper. */ { struct hash *settings = col->settings; col->name = mustFindInRaHash(fileName, settings, "name"); spaceToUnderbar(col->name); col->shortLabel = mustFindInRaHash(fileName, settings, "shortLabel"); col->longLabel = mustFindInRaHash(fileName, settings, "longLabel"); col->priority = atof(mustFindInRaHash(fileName, settings, "priority")); col->on = col->defaultOn = sameString(mustFindInRaHash(fileName, settings, "visibility"), "on"); col->filterOn = FALSE; col->type = mustFindInRaHash(fileName, settings, "type"); col->query = hashFindVal(settings, "query"); col->filterDropDown = sameOk(hashFindVal(settings, "filterDropDown"), "on"); col->colNo = -1; } static boolean alwaysExists(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* We always exist. */ { return TRUE; } static char *noVal(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Return not-available value. */ { return cloneString("N/A"); } static int oneColumn(struct column *col) /* Return that we have single column. */ { return 1; } int columnSettingInt(struct column *col, char *name, int defaultVal) /* Return value of named integer setting or default if it doesn't exist. */ { char *result = hashFindVal(col->settings, name); if (result == NULL) return defaultVal; return atoi(result); } static void hPrintSpaces(int count) /* Print count number of spaces. */ { while (--count >= 0) hPrintf(" "); } void colSortLink(struct column *col) /* print link that will activate sorting on the column */ { char *plusMinus = "%2B"; /* "+" cgi encoded */ if (sameString(orderOn+1,col->name)&&orderOn[0]=='+') plusMinus = "-"; hPrintf("", genome, database, cartSidUrlString(cart), orderVarName, plusMinus, col->name); } void labelSimplePrint(struct column *col) /* This just prints cell->shortLabel. If colWidth is * set it will add spaces, center justifying it. */ { int colWidth = columnSettingInt(col, "colWidth", 0); hPrintf("
/* The 
 above helps Internet Explorer avoid wrapping
 * in the label column, which helps us avoid wrapping in
 * the data columns below.  Wrapping in the data columns
 * makes the expression display less effective so we try
 * to minimize it.  -jk */
if (sameWord(col->name, "dnaSeqs") || sameWord(col->name, "aaSeqs"))
    printf("%s", col->shortLabel);
"); return; } if (colWidth == 0) { colSortLink(col); hPrintf("%s
", col->shortLabel); } else { int labelLen = strlen(col->shortLabel); int diff = colWidth - labelLen; if (diff < 0) diff = 0; colSortLink(col); hPrintf("%s", col->shortLabel); hPrintSpaces(diff); } hPrintf("
"); } void cellSimplePrint(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* This just prints one field from table. */ { char *s = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); boolean isSubjID = sameString(col->name,"subjId"); hPrintf(""); if (s == NULL) { hPrintf("N/A"); } else { if (isSubjID) hPrintf("",cartSidUrlString(cart),s, '%'); if (sameString(s,"")) { freeMem(s); s = cloneString(" "); } if (! (sameString(col->name,"dnaSeqs") || sameString(col->name,"aaSeqs")) ) hPrintNonBreak(s); else /* special processing for DNA and protein sequences */ hPrintf("%s", s); if (isSubjID) hPrintf(""); freeMem(s); } hPrintf("\n"); } int sortCmpString(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort rows based on string value. */ { const struct subjInfo *a = *((struct subjInfo **)va); const struct subjInfo *b = *((struct subjInfo **)vb); return strcmp(a->sortString, b->sortString); } int sortCmpInteger(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort rows based on integer value. */ { const struct subjInfo *a = *((struct subjInfo **)va); const struct subjInfo *b = *((struct subjInfo **)vb); return a->sortInteger - b->sortInteger; } int sortCmpDouble(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort rows based on double value. */ { const struct subjInfo *a = *((struct subjInfo **)va); const struct subjInfo *b = *((struct subjInfo **)vb); if (a->sortDouble < b->sortDouble) return 1; if (a->sortDouble == b->sortDouble) return 0; return -1; } static char *keyFileName(struct column *col) /* Return key file name for this column. Return * NULL if no key file. */ { char *fileName = advFilterVal(col, "keyFile"); if (fileName == NULL) return NULL; if (!fileExists(fileName)) { cartRemove(cart, advFilterName(col, "keyFile")); return NULL; } return fileName; } struct slName *keyFileList(struct column *col) /* Make up list from key file for this column. * return NULL if no key file. */ { char *fileName = keyFileName(col); char *buf; struct slName *list; if (fileName == NULL) return NULL; readInGulp(fileName, &buf, NULL); list = stringToSlNames(buf); freez(&buf); return list; } static struct hash *upcHashWordsInFile(char *fileName, int hashSize) /* Create a hash of space delimited uppercased words in file. */ { struct hash *hash = newHash(hashSize); struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line, *word; while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL)) { while ((word = nextQuotedWord(&line)) != NULL) { touppers(word); hashAdd(hash, word, NULL); } } lineFileClose(&lf); return hash; } int countQuotedWordsInFile(char *fileName) /* Count Quoted Words in a file */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line, *word; int cnt; cnt = 0; while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL)) { while ((word = nextQuotedWord(&line)) != NULL) { cnt++; } } lineFileClose(&lf); return cnt; } struct hash *keyFileHash(struct column *col) /* Make up a hash from key file for this column. * Return NULL if no key file. */ { char *fileName = keyFileName(col); if (fileName == NULL) return NULL; return upcHashWordsInFile(fileName, 16); } struct subjInfo *intAdvFilter(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *list) /* Do advanced filter on string in main table. */ { char *minString = advFilterVal(col, "min"); char *maxString = advFilterVal(col, "max"); if (minString || maxString) { int min = minString ? sqlSigned(minString) : 0; int max = maxString ? sqlSigned(maxString) : 0; struct subjInfo *newList = NULL, *next, *si; for (si = list; si != NULL; si = next) { char *cell = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); int val = sqlSigned(cell); freez(&cell); next = si->next; if (!((minString && (val < min)) || (maxString && (val > max)))) { slAddHead(&newList, si); } } slReverse(&newList); list = newList; } return list; } struct subjInfo *doubleAdvFilter(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *list) /* Do advanced filter on string in main table. */ { char *minString = advFilterVal(col, "min"); char *maxString = advFilterVal(col, "max"); if (minString || maxString) { double min = minString ? sqlDouble(minString) : 0.0; double max = maxString ? sqlDouble(maxString) : 0.0; struct subjInfo *newList = NULL, *next, *si; for (si = list; si != NULL; si = next) { char *cell = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); boolean invalid = sameString(cell,"."); double val = invalid ? 0.0 : sqlDouble(cell); freez(&cell); next = si->next; if (!invalid && !((minString && (val < min)) || (maxString && (val > max)))) { slAddHead(&newList, si); } } slReverse(&newList); list = newList; } return list; } struct subjInfo *stringAdvFilter(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct subjInfo *list) /* Do advanced filter on string in main table. */ { char *wild = advFilterVal(col, "wild"); struct hash *keyHash = keyFileHash(col); if (keyHash != NULL) { struct subjInfo *newList = NULL, *next, *si; for (si = list; si != NULL; si = next) { char *cell = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); next = si->next; if (hashLookupUpperCase(keyHash, cell)) { slAddHead(&newList, si); } freez(&cell); } slReverse(&newList); list = newList; } if (wild != NULL) { boolean orLogic = advFilterOrLogic(col, "logic", TRUE); struct subjInfo *newList = NULL, *next, *si; struct slName *wildList = stringToSlNames(wild); for (si = list; si != NULL; si = next) { char *cell = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); next = si->next; if (wildMatchList(cell, wildList, orLogic)) { slAddHead(&newList, si); } freez(&cell); } slReverse(&newList); list = newList; } hashFree(&keyHash); return list; } /* forward reference */ void showListOfFilterValues(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Print out list of values availabe for filter. */ void lookupAdvFilterControls(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print out controls for advanced filter on lookup column. */ { char *fileName = advFilterVal(col, "keyFile"); hPrintf("%s search (including * and ? wildcards):", col->shortLabel); advFilterRemakeTextVar(col, "wild", 18); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("Include if "); advFilterAnyAllMenu(col, "logic", TRUE); hPrintf("words in search term match.
"); if (!columnSetting(col, "noKeys", NULL)) { hPrintf("Limit to items (no wildcards) in list: "); advFilterKeyPasteButton(col); hPrintf(" "); advFilterKeyUploadButton(col); hPrintf(" "); if (fileName != NULL) { if (fileExists(fileName)) { int count = countQuotedWordsInFile(fileName); advFilterKeyClearButton(col); hPrintf("
\n"); if (count == 1) hPrintf("(There is currently 1 item in the list.)"); else hPrintf("(There are currently %d items in the list.)", count); } else { cartRemove(cart, advFilterName(col, "keyFile")); } } } if (col->filterDropDown) showListOfFilterValues(col, conn); } void columnDefaultMethods(struct column *col) /* Set up default methods. */ { col->exists = alwaysExists; col->cellVal = noVal; col->sortCmp = sortCmpString; col->cellPrint = cellSimplePrint; col->labelPrint = labelSimplePrint; col->tableColumns = oneColumn; col->filterControls = lookupAdvFilterControls; col->advFilter = stringAdvFilter; } char *queryCellVal(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* return query lookup on subj id */ { char query[256]; char *answer; safef(query, sizeof(query), col->query, si->fields[0]); answer = sqlQuickString(conn, query); if ((answer == NULL) && sameWord(col->type, "integer")) { return(cloneString("-1")); } else if ((answer == NULL) && sameWord(col->type, "string")) { return(cloneString("N/A")); } else { return answer; } } char *stringCellVal(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Return clone of geneId */ { if (col->query) return queryCellVal(col,si,conn); else return cloneString(si->fields[col->colNo]); } void setupColumnString(struct column *col, char *parameters) /* Set up a column that displays the geneId (accession) */ { col->cellVal = stringCellVal; } void integerCellPrint(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print value including favorite hyperlink in debug column. */ { boolean special; special = FALSE; char *s = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); hPrintf(""); /* special processing for missing data */ if (sameWord(col->name, "SDayLastPTest") || sameWord(col->name, "SDayLastTrTest") || sameWord(col->name, "LastPMNNeutral") || sameWord(col->name, "artDaei") || sameWord(col->name, "seqDay") || sameWord(col->name, "firstRNAPosDay") || sameWord(col->name, "lastSeroNegDay") || sameWord(col->name, "LastTrMnNeutral")) { if (sameWord(s, "-1")) { hPrintf("N/A"); special = TRUE; } if (sameWord(s, "-2")) { hPrintf("N/D"); special = TRUE; } if (sameWord(s, "-3")) { hPrintf(" "); special = TRUE; } } if (sameWord(col->name, "cd4Count")) { if (sameWord(s, "-1") || sameWord(s, "0")) { printf("N/A"); special = TRUE; } } if (sameWord(col->name, "hivQuan")) { if (sameWord(s, "-1")) { printf("N/A"); special = TRUE; } } if (sameWord(col->name, "DAEI")) { if (sameWord(s, "-1")) { printf("N/A"); special = TRUE; } } if (sameWord(col->name, "esdi")) { if (sameWord(s, "-1")) { printf("N/A"); special = TRUE; } } if (sameWord(col->name, "hivQuan")) { if (sameWord(s, "1000000")) { printf("> 1000000"); special = TRUE; } } if (sameWord(col->name, "hivQuan")) { if (sameWord(s, "200")) { printf("< 400"); special = TRUE; } } if (!special) { hPrintf("%s", s); } freeMem(s); } void doubleCellPrint(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* print double value */ { char *s = col->cellVal(col, si, conn); char buf[256]; if (sameString(s,".")) // known bad data value safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s", s); else { if (sameWord(col->name, "LastPVisit") || sameWord(col->name, "LastTrVisit")) { if (sameWord(s, "-1")) { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"N/A"); } else if (sameWord(s, "-2")) { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"N/D"); } else if (sameWord(s, "-3.000")||sameWord(s, "-3.0")||sameWord(s, "-3")) { safef(buf,sizeof(buf)," "); } else { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"%.1f",sqlDouble(s)); } } else if (sameWord(col->name, "LastTrCD4Blk") || sameWord(col->name, "LastPCD4Blk") || sameWord(col->name, "LastPAntiGP120") || sameWord(col->name, "LastTrAntiGP120")) { if (sameWord(s, "-3.000")) { safef(buf,sizeof(buf)," "); } else if (sameWord(s, "-2")) { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"N/D"); } else if (sameWord(s, "-1")) { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"N/A"); } else { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"%.3f",sqlDouble(s)); } } else { safef(buf,sizeof(buf),"%.1f",sqlDouble(s)); } } freeMem(s); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("%s", buf); hPrintf(""); } /* TODO: assuming we want to keep this approach, for cleanup need to rename struct col member filterDropDown to something like showAvailableValues. Then remove dropDownAdvFilterControls() and rename showListOfFilterValues() to showListOfAvailableValues() */ void showListOfFilterValues(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print out list of values availabe for filter. */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; struct slName *list=NULL, *el; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct %s from gsidSubjInfo", col->name); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *val = row[0]; if (col->remap) val = hashFindVal(col->remap,val); slNameAddHead(&list, val); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); slNameSort(&list); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("Available Values:
\n"); hPrintf("\n"); for (el = list; el; el = el->next) { hPrintf("\n", el->name); } hPrintf("
\n"); slFreeList(&list); } void dropDownAdvFilterControls(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print out controls for dropdown list filter. */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; struct slName *list=NULL, *el; safef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct %s from gsidSubjInfo", col->name); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *val = row[0]; if (col->remap) val = hashFindVal(col->remap,val); slNameAddHead(&list, val); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); slNameSort(&list); hPrintf("choose: "); hPrintf("\n"); slFreeList(&list); } void minMaxAdvFilterControls(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print out controls for min/max advanced filter. */ { hPrintf("minimum: "); advFilterRemakeTextVar(col, "min", 8); hPrintf(" maximum: "); advFilterRemakeTextVar(col, "max", 8); } void setupColumnInteger(struct column *col, char *parameters) /* Set up a column that displays an integer */ { col->cellVal = stringCellVal; col->cellPrint = integerCellPrint; col->sortCmp = sortCmpInteger; col->filterControls = minMaxAdvFilterControls; col->advFilter = intAdvFilter; } void setupColumnDouble(struct column *col, char *parameters) /* Set up a column that displays an double */ { col->cellVal = stringCellVal; col->cellPrint = doubleCellPrint; col->sortCmp = sortCmpDouble; col->filterControls = minMaxAdvFilterControls; col->advFilter = doubleAdvFilter; } char *remapCellVal(struct column *col, struct subjInfo *si, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Return clone of value */ { char *s = stringCellVal(col,si,conn); char *result = cloneString(hashFindVal(col->remap,s)); freeMem(s); return result; } void setupColumnRemap(struct column *col, char *parameters) /* Set up a column that remaps one string to another via .ra settings-made hash */ { col->remap=newHash(5); col->cellVal = remapCellVal; char wordBuf[256]; char valueBuf[256]; char *word = NULL, *wEnd = wordBuf+sizeof(wordBuf); char *value = NULL, *vEnd = valueBuf+sizeof(valueBuf); char c = ' '; while (*parameters != 0) { word = wordBuf; value = valueBuf; c = (*parameters++); if (c != '"') errAbort("remap syntax error in %s",col->name); while(TRUE) { c = *parameters++; if (c == '"') break; *word++= c; if (word >= wEnd) errAbort("remap syntax error in %s",col->name); } *word = 0; c = (*parameters++); if (c != '=') errAbort("remap syntax error in %s",col->name); c = (*parameters++); if (c != '"') errAbort("remap syntax error in %s",col->name); while(TRUE) { c = *parameters++; if (c == '"') break; *value++= c; if (value >= vEnd) errAbort("remap syntax error in %s",col->name); } *value = 0; word = wordBuf; value = valueBuf; hashAdd(col->remap, word, cloneString(value)); if (*parameters == ' ') ++parameters; } } void setupColumnType(struct column *col) /* Set up methods and column-specific variables based on * track type. */ { char *dupe = cloneString(col->type); char *s = dupe; char *type = nextWord(&s); columnDefaultMethods(col); if (type == NULL) warn("Missing type value for column %s", col->name); if (sameString(type, "integer")) setupColumnInteger(col, s); else if (sameString(type, "double")) setupColumnDouble(col, s); else if (sameString(type, "string")) setupColumnString(col, s); else if (sameString(type, "remap")) setupColumnRemap(col, s); else errAbort("Unrecognized type %s for %s", col->type, col->name); freez(&dupe); } static struct hash *hashColumns(struct column *colList) /* Return a hash of columns keyed by name. */ { struct column *col; struct hash *hash = hashNew(8); for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { if (hashLookup(hash, col->name)) warn("duplicate %s in column list", col->name); hashAdd(hash, col->name, col); } return hash; } static char *rootDir = "gsidTableData"; struct hash *readRa(char *rootName) /* Read in ra in root, root/org, and root/org/database. */ { return hgReadRa(genome, database, rootDir, rootName, NULL); } int columnCmpPriority(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort columns based on priority. */ { const struct column *a = *((struct column **)va); const struct column *b = *((struct column **)vb); float dif = a->priority - b->priority; if (dif < 0) return -1; else if (dif > 0) return 1; else return 0; } void refineVisibility(struct column *colList) /* Consult cart to set on/off visibility. */ { char varName[128], *val; struct column *col; for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s%s.vis", colConfigPrefix, col->name); val = cartOptionalString(cart, varName); if (val != NULL) col->on = sameString(val, "1"); } } void refineFilterOn(struct column *colList) /* Consult cart to see if filtering is on/off. */ { char *val; struct column *col; for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { val = advFilterVal(col,"max"); if (val != NULL) col->filterOn = TRUE; //sameString(val, "1"); val = advFilterVal(col,"wild"); if (val != NULL) col->filterOn = TRUE; //sameString(val, "1"); } } struct column *getColumns(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Return list of columns for big table. */ { char *raName = "columnDb.ra"; struct column *col, *colList = NULL; struct hash *raList = readRa(raName), *raHash = NULL; /* Create built-in columns. */ if (raList == NULL) errAbort("Couldn't find anything from %s", raName); for (raHash = raList; raHash != NULL; raHash = raHash->next) { AllocVar(col); col->settings = raHash; columnVarsFromSettings(col, raName); if (!hashFindVal(raHash, "hide")) { setupColumnType(col); slAddHead(&colList, col); } } /* Put columns in hash */ columnHash = hashColumns(colList); /* Tweak ordering and visibilities as per user settings. */ //refinePriorities(columnHash); refineVisibility(colList); refineFilterOn(colList); slSort(&colList, columnCmpPriority); return colList; } boolean anyRealInCart(struct cart *cart, char *wild) /* Return TRUE if variables are set matching wildcard. */ { struct hashEl *varList = NULL, *var; boolean ret = FALSE; varList = cartFindLike(cart, wild); for (var = varList; var != NULL; var = var->next) { char *s = var->val; if (s != NULL) { s = trimSpaces(s); if (s[0] != 0) { ret = TRUE; break; } } } hashElFreeList(&varList); return ret; } void saveSubjList(struct subjInfo *subjList) /* save the filtered list of subject gsids to a file for other applications to use */ { char *outName = cartOptionalString(cart, gsidSubjList); char *outName2= cartOptionalString(cart, gsidSeqList); struct tempName tn; struct tempName tn2; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[255]; char *chp; int cnt; if (!outName) { trashDirFile(&tn, "ct", "gsidSubj", ".list"); outName = tn.forCgi; } if (!outName2) { trashDirFile(&tn2, "ct", "gsidSeq", ".list"); outName2 = tn2.forCgi; } FILE *outF = mustOpen(outName,"w"); FILE *outF2= mustOpen(outName2,"w"); cnt = 0; while (subjList) { fprintf(outF, "%s\n", subjList->fields[0]); safef(query, sizeof(query), "select dnaSeqId from gsIdXref where subjId='%s'", subjList->fields[0]); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { /* Remove "ss." from the front of the DNA sequence ID, so that they could be used both for DNA and protein MSA maf display */ chp = strstr(row[0], "ss."); if (chp != NULL) { fprintf(outF2, "%s\t%s\n", chp+3L, subjList->fields[0]); } else { fprintf(outF2, "%s\t%s\n", row[0], subjList->fields[0]); } cnt++; } sqlFreeResult(&sr); subjList=subjList->next; } carefulClose(&outF); carefulClose(&outF2); cartSetString(cart, gsidSubjList, outName); cartSetString(cart, gsidSeqList, outName2); } struct column *curOrder(struct column *ordList) /* Get ordering currently selected by user, or default * (first in list that is on) if none selected. */ { char *selName; struct column *ord, *ordDefault = NULL; if (ordList == NULL) errAbort("No orderings available"); selName = orderOn+1; for (ord = ordList; ord != NULL; ord = ord->next) { if (ord->on && sameString(ord->name, selName)) return ord; if (!ordDefault && ord->on) ordDefault = ord; } return ordDefault; } struct subjInfo *getOrderedList(struct column *ord, struct column *colList, struct sqlConnection *conn, int maxCount) /* Return sorted list of subjects. */ { struct subjInfo *subjList = advFilterResults(colList, conn); struct subjInfo *si; passedFilterCount = slCount(subjList); for (si=subjList;si;si=si->next) { char *s = ord->cellVal(ord, si, conn); if (sameString(ord->type,"integer")) { si->sortInteger = sqlSigned(s); freeMem(s); } else if (sameString(ord->type,"double")) { if (sameString(s,".")) si->sortDouble = 0; else si->sortDouble = sqlDouble(s); freeMem(s); } else { si->sortString = s; } } slSort(&subjList, ord->sortCmp); if (orderOn[0]=='-') slReverse(&subjList); /* Trim list to max number. */ si = slElementFromIx(subjList, maxCount-1); if (si != NULL) si->next = NULL; return subjList; } void displayData(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* Display data in neighborhood of gene. */ { struct subjInfo *subjList = NULL; struct column *ordList = colList; struct column *ord = curOrder(ordList); if (ord == NULL) /* no columns are visible, go to back to configure page */ { doConfigure(conn, colList); return; } if (cartVarExists(cart, getTextVarName)) { subjList = getOrderedList(ord, colList, conn, BIGNUM); doGetText(conn, colList, subjList); } else if (cartVarExists(cart, getSeqVarName)) { subjList = getOrderedList(ord, colList, conn, BIGNUM); doGetSeq(conn, subjList, cartString(cart, getSeqHowVarName)); } else if (cartVarExists(cart, redirectName)) { subjList = getOrderedList(ord, colList, conn, BIGNUM); if (subjList) { cartRemove(cart, redirectName); } else /* if everything has been filtered out, we'll have to go back */ { hPrintf("No subject(s) found with the filtering conditions specified.
"); hPrintf("Click here to return to Select Subjects.
", '%', '%'); } } else { subjList = getOrderedList(ord, colList, conn, displayCount); doMainDisplay(conn, colList, subjList); } } void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart) /* Write the middle parts of the HTML page. * This routine sets up some globals and then * dispatches to the appropriate page-maker. */ { cart = theCart; if (cartVarExists(cart, confVarName)) doConfigure(conn, colList); else if (cartVarExists(cart, defaultConfName)) doDefaultConfigure(conn, colList); else if (cartVarExists(cart, hideAllConfName)) doConfigHideAll(conn, colList); else if (cartVarExists(cart, showAllConfName)) doConfigShowAll(conn, colList); else if (cartVarExists(cart, getSeqPageVarName)) doGetSeqPage(conn, colList); else if (cartVarExists(cart, advFilterVarName)) doAdvFilter(conn, colList); else if (cartVarExists(cart, advFilterClearVarName)) doAdvFilterClear(conn, colList); else if ((col = advFilterKeyPastePressed(colList)) != NULL) doAdvFilterKeyPaste(conn, colList, col); else if ((col = advFilterKeyPastedPressed(colList)) != NULL) doAdvFilterKeyPasted(conn, colList, col); else if ((col = advFilterKeyUploadPressed(colList)) != NULL) doAdvFilterKeyUpload(conn, colList, col); else if ((col = advFilterKeyClearPressed(colList)) != NULL) doAdvFilterKeyClear(conn, colList, col); else displayData(conn, colList); cartRemovePrefix(cart, "gsidTable.do."); } void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "gsidTable - subjects table view - a cgi script\n" "usage:\n" " gsidTable\n" ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { pushCarefulMemHandler(100000000); cgiSpoof(&argc, argv); htmlSetStyle(htmlStyleUndecoratedLink); htmlSetBgColor(HG_CL_OUTSIDE); oldCart = hashNew(10); cart = cartAndCookie(hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldCart); getDbAndGenome(cart, &database, &genome, oldCart); //hSetDb(database); conn = hAllocConn(database); /* Get sortOn. Revert to default by subject Id. */ orderOn = cartUsualString(cart, orderVarName, "+subjId"); displayCountString = cartUsualString(cart, countVarName, "50"); if (sameString(displayCountString, "all")) displayCount = BIGNUM; else displayCount = atoi(displayCountString); colList = getColumns(conn); if (cgiVarExists("submit_filter")) { struct dyString *head = dyStringNew(1024); boolean redir = cgiVarExists(redirectName); struct subjInfo *subjList = NULL; struct column *ordList = colList; struct column *ord = curOrder(ordList); subjList = getOrderedList(ord, colList, conn, BIGNUM); saveSubjList(subjList); if ((!subjList || redir)) { if (subjList && redir) { dyStringPrintf(head, "" "" "" , cgiString(redirectName)); cartRemove(cart, redirectName); } htmStartWithHead(stdout, head->string, "GSID Table View"); if (!subjList) /* if everything has been filtered out, we'll have to go back */ { hPrintf("No subject(s) found with the filtering conditions specified.
"); hPrintf("Click here " "to return to Select Subjects.
"); } cartCheckout(&cart); htmlEnd(); hFreeConn(&conn); return 0; } } htmStart(stdout, "GSID Table View"); cartWarnCatcher(doMiddle, cart, htmlVaWarn); cartCheckout(&cart); htmlEnd(); hFreeConn(&conn); return 0; }