/* correlate - handle correlating beds. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "portable.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "cart.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "trackDb.h" #include "bits.h" #include "bed.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "featureBits.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "wiggle.h" #include "customTrack.h" #include "jsHelper.h" #include "hgTables.h" #define INCL_HELP_TEXT #include "correlate.h" /* our structure defns and the corrHelpText string */ #include "bedGraph.h" #include "hgMaf.h" #define MAX_POINTS_STR "300,000,000" #define MAX_POINTS 300000000 static char *maxResultsMenu[] = { "20,000,000", "40,000,000", "60,000,000", MAX_POINTS_STR, }; static int maxResultsMenuSize = ArraySize(maxResultsMenu); struct dataVector *dataVectorNew(char *chrom, int size) /* allocate a dataVector for 'size' number of data points on specified chrom */ { struct dataVector *v; AllocVar(v); v->chrom = cloneString(chrom); v->start = 0; v->end = 0; v->name = NULL; v->position = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(int) * size)); v->value = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(float) * size)); v->count = 0; /* nothing here yet */ v->maxCount = size; /* do not run past this limit */ v->min = INFINITY; /* must be less than this */ v->max = -INFINITY; /* must be greater than this */ v->sumData = 0.0; /* starting sum is zero */ v->sumSquares = 0.0; /* starting sum is zero */ v->sumProduct = 0.0; /* starting sum is zero */ v->r = 0.0; /* an initial r is zero */ v->fetchTime = 0; /* will accumulate fetch timings */ v->calcTime = 0; /* will accumulate calculation timings */ return v; } void freeDataVector(struct dataVector **v) /* free up space belonging to a dataVector */ { struct dataVector *dv; dv=*v; if (dv) { freeMem(dv->chrom); freeMem(dv->name); freeMem(dv->position); freeMem(dv->value); } freez(v); } static struct trackTable *allocTrackTable() /* allocate a trackTable item */ { struct trackTable *t; AllocVar(t); /* everything is zero which is what we want */ return t; } static void freeTrackTable(struct trackTable **t) /* free up space belonging to a trackTable */ { struct trackTable *tTable; tTable=*t; if (tTable) { freeMem(tTable->tableName); freeMem(tTable->shortLabel); freeMem(tTable->longLabel); freeMem(tTable->actualTable); freeMem(tTable->bedGraphColumnName); freeDataVector(&tTable->vSet); } freez(t); } static void freeTrackTableList(struct trackTable **tl) /* free a list of track tables */ { struct trackTable *table, *next; for (table = *tl; table != NULL; table = next) { next = table->next; freeTrackTable(&table); } *tl = NULL; } /* This restrictedTrackList is created in getLimitedTrackList() * It is a subset of the fullTrackList */ static struct trackDb *restrictedTrackList = NULL; /* We keep two copies of variables, so that we can * cancel out of the page. */ static char *curVars[] = {hgtaCorrelateGroup, hgtaCorrelateTrack, hgtaCorrelateTable, hgtaCorrelateOp, }; static char *nextVars[] = {hgtaNextCorrelateGroup, hgtaNextCorrelateTrack, hgtaNextCorrelateTable, hgtaNextCorrelateOp, }; boolean anyCorrelation() /* Return TRUE if there's an correlation to do. */ { return cartVarExists(cart, hgtaCorrelateTrack); } static char *onChangeEnd(struct dyString **pDy) /* Finish up javascript onChange command. */ { dyStringAppend(*pDy, "document.hiddenForm.submit();\""); return dyStringCannibalize(pDy); } static struct dyString *onChangeStart() /* Start up a javascript onChange command */ { struct dyString *dy = jsOnChangeStart(); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextCorrelateGroup); jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextCorrelateTrack); /*jsTrackedVarCarryOver(dy, hgtaNextCorrelateOp, "op");*/ return dy; } static char *onChangeEither() /* Get group-changing javascript. */ { struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart(); return onChangeEnd(&dy); } #ifdef NOT static void makeOpButton(char *val, char *selVal) /* Make op radio button including a little Javascript * to save selection state. */ { jsMakeTrackingRadioButton(hgtaNextCorrelateOp, "op", val, selVal); } #endif boolean correlateTrackTableOK(struct trackDb *tdb, char *table) /* is this table OK to correlate with ? */ { if (!tdb) return FALSE; if (startsWithWord("bedGraph", tdb->type) || startsWithWord("bed5FloatScore",tdb->type) || startsWith("wig ",tdb->type) || startsWithWord("genePred",tdb->type) || startsWithWord("psl",tdb->type) || startsWithWord("narrowPeak",tdb->type) || startsWithWord("broadPeak",tdb->type) || startsWithWord("gappedPeak",tdb->type) || startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type) || startsWithWord("bed",tdb->type)) return TRUE; if (startsWith("wigMaf ",tdb->type)) { /* can correlate if we've picked a conservation wiggle, otherwise not. * later we can add support for the other table types */ if (table == NULL) /* don't care about table */ return TRUE; struct consWiggle *wig, *wigs = wigMafWiggles(database, tdb); if (!wigs) return FALSE; /* check if table is one of the wiggles */ for (wig = wigs; wig != NULL; wig = wig->next) if (sameString(table, wig->table)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } return FALSE; } boolean correlateTrackOK(struct trackDb *tdb) /* is this track OK to correlate with ? */ { return correlateTrackTableOK(tdb, NULL); } static struct trackDb *getLimitedTrackList(struct grp **grpList) /* create list of tracks limited to specific types, and return the * groups of those tracks */ { struct trackDb *tdb; struct hash *groupsInTrackList = newHash(0); struct grp *groupsAll, *groupList = NULL, *group; if (NULL == fullTrackList) errAbort("fullTrackList is null in getLimitedTrackList"); /* already been done ? Then return previous answer */ if (restrictedTrackList) return(restrictedTrackList); /* for each track that is OK to correlate, remember its group on * the groupsInTrackList, and clone the trackDb structure onto the * restrictedTrackList */ for (tdb = fullTrackList; tdb != NULL; tdb = tdb->next) { if (correlateTrackOK(tdb)) { struct trackDb *tdbClone; if (!hashLookup(groupsInTrackList,tdb->grp)) { hashAdd(groupsInTrackList, tdb->grp, NULL); } tdbClone = cloneMem(tdb,sizeof(struct trackDb)); tdbClone->next = NULL; slAddHead(&restrictedTrackList, tdbClone); } } if (grpList) { groupsAll = hLoadGrps(database); for (group = slPopHead(&groupsAll); group != NULL; group = slPopHead(&groupsAll)) { if (hashLookup(groupsInTrackList, group->name)) { slAddTail(&groupList, group); } else grpFree(&group); } *grpList = groupList; } hashFree(&groupsInTrackList); slReverse(&restrictedTrackList); return(restrictedTrackList); } static struct trackDb *showTrackFieldLimited(struct grp *selGroup, char *trackVar, char *trackScript, struct trackDb *limitedTrackList) /* Show track control. Returns selected track. Limited to limitedTrackList */ { struct trackDb *track, *selTrack = NULL; if (trackScript == NULL) trackScript = ""; if (sameString(selGroup->name, "allTables") && allowAllTables()) { char *selDb = findSelDb(); struct slName *dbList = getDbListForGenome(), *db; hPrintf("database:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); } else { boolean allTracks = sameString(selGroup->name, "allTracks"); hPrintf("track:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); } hPrintf("\n"); return selTrack; } static void fillInTrackTable(struct trackTable *table, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* determine real tdb, and attach labels, only tdb and tableName * have been set so far, these may be composites, wigMafs or * something like that where the actual tdb and table is something * else. */ { boolean isCustomDbTable = FALSE; struct customTrack *ct = NULL; struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database,table->tdb,table->tableName, ctLookupName); if (tdb == NULL) errAbort("fillInTrackTable: tdb is NULL!"); table->shortLabel = cloneString(tdb->shortLabel); table->longLabel = cloneString(tdb->longLabel); table->actualTdb = tdb; table->actualTable = cloneString(tdb->table); table->isBedGraph = FALSE; table->isWig = FALSE; table->isBigWig = FALSE; table->dbTableName = NULL; if (isCustomTrack(table->actualTable)) { ct = ctLookupName(table->actualTable); table->dbTableName = ct->dbTableName; isCustomDbTable = TRUE; } if (startsWithWord("bedGraph", tdb->type)) { table->isBedGraph = TRUE; /* find the column name that belongs to the specified numeric * column from the bedGraph type line */ if (isCustomDbTable) { conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); freeMem(table->actualTable); table->actualTable = cloneString(ct->dbTableName); } /* there are no bedGraph custom tracks yet, but when they do show * up, they will only correlate if they are in the database * XXXX Hiram, what does this mean? Why would the custom tables not be in the db? * Also, what's up with the following || test? */ if (!table->isCustom || isCustomDbTable) { char query[256]; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; int wordCount; char *words[8]; char *typeLine = cloneString(tdb->type); int colCount = 0; wordCount = chopLine(typeLine,words); if (wordCount > 1) table->bedGraphColumnNum = sqlUnsigned(words[1]); freez(&typeLine); safef(query, ArraySize(query), "describe %s", table->actualTable); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { ++colCount; if ((1 == colCount) && sameString(row[0], "bin")) colCount = 0; if (colCount == table->bedGraphColumnNum) table->bedGraphColumnName = cloneString(row[0]); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); if (isCustomDbTable) hFreeConn(&conn); } } else if (startsWithWord("bigWig", tdb->type)) { table->isBigWig = TRUE; } else if (sameString("cpgIsland", tdb->table)) { table->isBedGraph = TRUE; table->bedGraphColumnName = cloneString("perCpg"); table->bedGraphColumnNum = 8; } else if (startsWith("narrowPeak", tdb->type) || startsWith("broadPeak",tdb->type)) { table->isBedGraph = TRUE; table->bedGraphColumnName = cloneString("signalValue"); table->bedGraphColumnNum = 8; } else if (startsWith("gappedPeak",tdb->type)) { table->isBedGraph = TRUE; table->bedGraphColumnName = cloneString("signalValue"); table->bedGraphColumnNum = 14; } else if (startsWith("bed ", tdb->type)) { int wordCount; char *words[8]; char *typeLine = cloneString(tdb->type); wordCount = chopLine(typeLine,words); if ((wordCount > 1) && differentWord(".",words[1])) { table->bedColumns = sqlUnsigned(words[1]); if ((table->bedColumns > 4) && (table->bedColumns < 12)) { table->isBedGraph = TRUE; table->bedGraphColumnName = cloneString("score"); } } else table->bedColumns = 3; } else if (startsWith("bed5FloatScore", tdb->type)) { table->isBedGraph = TRUE; table->bedGraphColumnName = cloneString("floatScore"); table->bedGraphColumnNum = 6; } else if (startsWith("wig",tdb->type)) { if (startsWith("wigMaf",tdb->type)) { struct consWiggle *wig, *wiggles = wigMafWiggles(database, tdb); if (!wiggles) /* should have found this earlier (correlateOK) */ errAbort("No conservation wiggle found for track %s", tdb->table); boolean found = FALSE; for (wig = wiggles; wig != NULL; wig = wig->next) { if (sameString(table->tableName, wig->table)) found = TRUE; } if (!found) errAbort("Conservation wiggle %s not found for track %s", table->tableName, tdb->table); freeMem(table->actualTable); table->actualTable = cloneString(table->tableName); } table->isWig = TRUE; } table->isCustom = isCustomTrack(table->actualTable); } /* static void fillInTrackTable() */ struct trackTable *trackTableNew(struct trackDb *tdb, char *tableName, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Allocate, fill in and return a trackTable. */ { struct trackTable *tt = allocTrackTable(); if (tdb == NULL) errAbort("Program error: NULL tdb passed to trackTableNew"); tt->tdb = tdb; tt->tableName = cloneString(tableName); fillInTrackTable(tt, conn); return tt; } /**************************** NOTE ******************************** * the following showGroupFieldLimited, showTable2FieldLimited and * showGroupTrackRowLimited, are almost near duplicates of the * same functions showGroupField, showTableField and showTrackField * in mainPage.c - the specialized limited list function in these * instances should be folded back into the mainPage ones so there * would be only one copy. **********************************************************************/ static struct grp *showGroupFieldLimited(char *groupVar, char *groupScript, boolean allTablesOk, struct grp *groupList) /* Show group control. Returns selected group. */ { struct grp *group; struct grp *selGroup = findSelectedGroup(groupList, groupVar); /* findSelectedGroup() returns the first one on the list if no match */ hPrintf("group:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); return selGroup; } static char *showTable2FieldLimited(struct trackDb *track, char *table) /* Show table control and label. */ { struct slName *name, *nameList = NULL; char *selTable; if (track == NULL) nameList = tablesForDb(findSelDb()); else nameList = tablesForTrack(track, FALSE); /* Get currently selected table. If it isn't in our list * then revert to first in list. */ selTable = cartUsualString(cart, table, nameList->name); if (!slNameInList(nameList, selTable)) selTable = nameList->name; /* Print out label and drop-down list. */ hPrintf("table: "); hPrintf("\n"); return selTable; } static struct trackDb *showGroupTrackRowLimited(char *groupVar, char *groupScript, char *trackVar, char *trackScript, char *tableVar, char **table2Return) /* Show group & track row of controls, limited by track type. Returns selected track */ { struct trackDb *track2, *trackList; struct grp *selGroup, *groupList = NULL; char *table2; trackList = getLimitedTrackList(&groupList); hPrintf("Select a group, track and table to correlate with:\n"); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("\n"); if (table2Return) *table2Return = table2; hPrintf("
"); selGroup = showGroupFieldLimited(groupVar, groupScript, FALSE, groupList); nbSpaces(3); track2 = showTrackFieldLimited(selGroup, trackVar, trackScript, trackList); hPrintf("
"); table2 = showTable2FieldLimited(track2, tableVar); hPrintf("
\n"); return track2; } static void freeWigAsciiData(struct wigAsciiData **wigData) /* free up the wiggle ascii data list */ { if (wigData) { struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL; /* create an otherwise empty wds so we can use the object's free */ wds = wiggleDataStreamNew(); wds->ascii = *wigData; wiggleDataStreamFree(&wds); *wigData = NULL; } } static void correlateReadBed(struct trackTable *table, struct dataVector *vector, struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* reads any kind of bed file, from db or custom track */ { int vIndex = vector->count; /* it is starting at zero */ struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed; int bedFieldCount = 0; struct lm *lm = lmInit(64*1024); char *dbTableName = table->actualTable; if (NULL != table->dbTableName) { dbTableName = table->dbTableName; conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); } /* cookedBedList can read anything but bedGraph, so read bedGraph * by itself, use cookedBedList for the other types. * NOTE - this isn't intersecting the bedGraph types ! * but it is doing the data filter if it is set. */ if (table->isBedGraph) { char *filter = filterClause(database, table->actualTable, region->chrom, NULL); char fields[256]; struct sqlResult *sr = NULL; char **row; int rowOffset = 0; if (table->isCustom && (NULL == table->dbTableName)) errAbort("Custom track bed graph correlations not yet implemented"); safef(fields,ArraySize(fields), "chromStart,chromEnd,%s", table->bedGraphColumnName); sr = hExtendedRangeQuery(conn, dbTableName, region->chrom, region->start, region->end, filter, TRUE, fields, &rowOffset); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { struct bedGraph *bedItem; lmAllocVar(lm,bedItem); bedItem->chrom = region->chrom; bedItem->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); bedItem->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[1]); bedItem->dataValue = sqlFloat(row[2]); slAddHead(&bedList, (struct bed *)bedItem); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); bedFieldCount = 4; } else { /* other bed types have their vector filled with zero first */ int i; int indx = vIndex; register float value = 0.0; for (i = region->start; (i < region->end) && (indx < vector->maxCount); ++i, ++indx) { vector->value[indx] = value; vector->position[indx] = i; } vector->count = indx; /* this is how many there are */ /* and now read in the bed list for this data set */ bedList=cookedBedList(conn, table->actualTable, region, lm, &bedFieldCount); } if (NULL != table->dbTableName) hFreeConn(&conn); slSort(&bedList, bedLineCmp); /* make sure it is sorted by chrom,chromStart*/ if (table->isBedGraph) /* bedGraphs fill with their value */ { /* this lastEnd business will take care of the overlapping bed * situation. As each bed item is processed, it determines the * lastEnd position at its end, the next item has to have data beyond * that position. The bed list was ordered by chromStart above so * we know they will be processed in the proper order. */ int lastEnd = 0; /* to ensure ever increasing positions */ if (vector->count > 0) lastEnd = vector->position[(vector->count)-1]; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { register int bases = 0; int cStart = bed->chromStart; int cEnd = bed->chromEnd; int start, size, vEnd; int i; /* make sure we stay within the region specified */ if (cEnd < region->start || cStart > region->end) continue; /* item is completely out of the region */ /* trim to region if necessary */ if (cStart < region->start) cStart = region->start; if (cEnd > region->end) cEnd = region->end; if (cEnd <= lastEnd) continue; /* no new area covered by this item */ start = cStart; if (start < lastEnd) start = lastEnd; size = cEnd - start; vEnd = vIndex + size; if (vEnd > vector->maxCount) { vEnd = vector->maxCount; size = vEnd - vIndex; } if (size > 0) { register float value = ((struct bedGraph *)bed)->dataValue; for (i = start; vIndex < vEnd; ++i, ++vIndex) { vector->value[vIndex] = value; vector->position[vIndex] = i; } bases += size; lastEnd = i; vector->count += bases; } } /* for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) */ } /* processing bedGraph data */ else if (bedFieldCount < 12) /* positional only beds fill each item's span with 1.0 */ { for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { register float value = 1.0; int cStart = bed->chromStart; int cEnd = bed->chromEnd; int vEnd; /* make sure we stay within the region specified */ if (cEnd < region->start || cStart > region->end) continue; if (cStart < region->start) cStart = region->start; if (cEnd > region->end) cEnd = region->end; /* index 0 is the first base in region */ vIndex = cStart - region->start; vEnd = cEnd - region->start; if (vEnd > vector->maxCount) vEnd = vector->maxCount; for ( ; vIndex < vEnd; ++vIndex) vector->value[vIndex] = value; } } else if (bedFieldCount > 11) /* bed 12 +, filling exon locations with 1.0 */ { register float value = 1.0; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { int blockCount = bed->blockCount; int *sizes = bed->blockSizes; int *starts = bed->chromStarts; int block = 0; int chromStart = bed->chromStart; for (block = 0; block < blockCount; ++block) { int blockStart = starts[block] + chromStart; int blockEnd = blockStart + sizes[block]; int vEnd; /* stay within region */ if (blockEnd < region->start || blockStart > region->end) continue; if (blockStart < region->start) blockStart = region->start; if (blockEnd > region->end) blockEnd = region->end; /* index 0 is the first base in region */ vIndex = blockStart - region->start; vEnd = blockEnd - region->start; if (vEnd > vector->maxCount) vEnd = vector->maxCount; for ( ; vIndex < vEnd; ++vIndex) vector->value[vIndex] = value; } } /* for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) */ } /* if (bedFieldCount > 11) bed 12 +, filling exon locations with 1.0 */ else internalErr(); /* it should have been one of those types */ lmCleanup(&lm); vector->start = vector->position[0]; if (vector->count > 0) vector->end = vector->position[(vector->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ else vector->end = vector->start; } /* static void correlateReadBed() */ struct dataVector *dataVectorFetchOneRegion(struct trackTable *table, struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* fetch all the data for this track and table in the given region */ { struct dataVector *vector; int regionSize = region->end - region->start; long startTime, endTime; if (! correlateTrackOK(table->actualTdb)) internalErr(); /* this should have been ensured long before now */ startTime = clock1000(); /* assume entire region is going to produce numbers */ vector = dataVectorNew(region->chrom, regionSize); /* wiggle tables work properly from database or custom tracks, * intersections and data value limits will * function in getWiggleData(). */ if (isBigWigTable(table->tableName)) { bigWigFillDataVector(table->tableName, region, conn, vector); } else if (table->isWig) { int span = 1; struct wigAsciiData *wigData = NULL; struct wigAsciiData *asciiData; struct wigAsciiData *next; int vIndex = vector->count; /* it is starting at zero */ register int bases = 0; char *dbTableName = table->actualTable; if (NULL != table->dbTableName) { dbTableName = table->dbTableName; conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); } /* we still do not have a proper minSpan finder for custom tracks */ /* they should have a spanList setup during their encoding, then it * would always be there. */ if (table->isCustom && (NULL == table->dbTableName)) span = 1; else span = minSpan(conn, dbTableName, region->chrom, region->start, region->end, cart, table->actualTdb); wigData = getWiggleData(conn, table->actualTable, region, vector->maxCount, span); for (asciiData = wigData; asciiData; asciiData = next) { struct asciiDatum *data = asciiData->data; int i; next = asciiData->next; for (i = 0; i < asciiData->count; ++i, ++data) { float value = data->value; int cStart = data->chromStart; int cEnd = cStart + asciiData->span; int j; if (cEnd < region->start || cStart > region->end) continue; if (cStart < region->start) cStart = region->start; if (cEnd > region->end) cEnd = region->end; for (j = cStart; (j < cEnd) && (vIndex < vector->maxCount);++j,++vIndex) { vector->value[vIndex] = value; vector->position[vIndex] = j; ++bases; } } } vector->count += bases; freeWigAsciiData(&wigData); vector->start = vector->position[0]; if (vector->count > 0) vector->end = vector->position[(vector->count)-1] + 1;/*non-inclusive*/ else vector->end = vector->start; if (table->dbTableName != NULL) hFreeConn(&conn); } else correlateReadBed(table, vector, region, conn); endTime = clock1000(); vector->fetchTime += endTime - startTime; if (vector->count > 0) return vector; else freeDataVector(&vector); return NULL; } /* struct dataVector *dataVectorFetchOneRegion() */ static void scavengeVectorSpace(struct dataVector *dv) /* Realloc dv->value and dv->position if newCount is sufficiently smaller * than dv->maxCount. */ { /* if our count of numbers is more than 1000K less than planned for, * save some space and reallocate the data lists. * The potential savings here is three different data vectors, * where each data point occupies about 8 bytes on a vector, * thus: bytes saved at least 1024000 * 3 * 8 = 24,576,000 */ if ((dv->count > 0) && ((dv->maxCount - dv->count) > 1024000)) { int *ip = NULL; float *fp = NULL; ip = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(int) * dv->count)); memcpy((void *)ip, (void *)dv->position, (size_t)(sizeof(int)*dv->count)); freeMem(dv->position); dv->position = ip; fp = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(float) * dv->count)); memcpy((void *)fp, (void *)dv->value, (size_t)(sizeof(float)*dv->count)); freeMem(dv->value); dv->value = fp; dv->maxCount = dv->count; } } static void truncateVectors(struct dataVector *v1, struct dataVector *v2, int size) /* reduce two intersected vectors to specified size */ { int i; double sumProducts = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) sumProducts += v1->value[i] * v2->value[i]; v1->count = size; v2->count = size; v1->sumProduct = sumProducts; v2->sumProduct = sumProducts; v1->start = v1->position[0]; v1->end = v1->position[(v1->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ v2->start = v2->position[0]; v2->end = v2->position[(v2->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ } static void intersectVectors(struct dataVector *v1, struct dataVector *v2) /* collapse vector data sets down to only values when positions are equal * Also, compute sumProduct while we have the values in hand. */ { int v1Index = 0; int v2Index = 0; int i, j; double sumProducts = 0.0; long startTime, endTime; startTime = clock1000(); i = 0; j = 0; v1Index = 0; v2Index = 0; while ((i < v1->count) && (j < v2->count)) { if (v1->position[i] == v2->position[j]) /* points accepted */ { if (v1Index < i) /* only move data when necessary */ { v1->position[v1Index] = v1->position[i]; v1->value[v1Index] = v1->value[i]; } if (v2Index < j) /* only move data when necessary */ { v2->position[v2Index] = v2->position[j]; v2->value[v2Index] = v2->value[j]; } sumProducts += v1->value[v1Index] * v2->value[v2Index]; ++v1Index; ++v2Index; ++i; ++j; } else if (v1->position[i] < v2->position[j]) ++i; /* skip data point on v1 */ else if (v1->position[i] > v2->position[j]) ++j; /* skip data point on v2 */ } /* ensure sanity check */ if (v1Index != v2Index) errAbort("intersected table counts not equal: %d != %d\n", v1->count, v2->count); v1->count = v1Index; v2->count = v2Index; v1->sumProduct = sumProducts; v2->sumProduct = sumProducts; /* if our count of numbers is more than 1000K less than planned for, * save some space and reallocate the data lists. * The potential savings here is three different data vectors, * where each data point occupies about 8 bytes on a vector, * thus: bytes saved at least 1024000 * 3 * 8 = 24,576,000 */ if ((v1Index > 0) && ((v1->maxCount - v1Index) > 1024000)) { int *ip; float *fp; ip = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(int) * v1Index)); memcpy((void *)ip, (void *)v1->position, (size_t)(sizeof(int)*v1Index)); freeMem(v1->position); v1->position = ip; ip = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(int) * v2Index)); memcpy((void *)ip, (void *)v2->position, (size_t)(sizeof(int)*v2Index)); freeMem(v2->position); v2->position = ip; fp = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(float) * v1Index)); memcpy((void *)fp, (void *)v1->value, (size_t)(sizeof(float)*v1Index)); freeMem(v1->value); v1->value = fp; fp = needHugeMem((size_t)(sizeof(float) * v2Index)); memcpy((void *)fp, (void *)v2->value, (size_t)(sizeof(float)*v2Index)); freeMem(v2->value); v2->value = fp; } v1->start = v1->position[0]; v1->end = v1->position[(v1->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ v2->start = v2->position[0]; v2->end = v2->position[(v2->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ #ifdef NOT_WORKING XXXX something is wrong with needHugeMemResize, it corrupts the arena if (1 || (v1Index * 2) < v1->maxCount) { hPrintf("

before realloc: %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x

\n", (unsigned long) v1->position, (unsigned long) v1->value, (unsigned long) v2->position, (unsigned long) v2->value); carefulCheckHeap(); v1->position = (int *)needHugeMemResize((void *)v1->position, (size_t)(sizeof(int)*v1Index)); carefulCheckHeap(); XXXX exits here after this previous call v1->value = (float *)needHugeMemResize((void *)v1->value, (size_t)(sizeof(float)*v1Index)); v2->position = (int *)needHugeMemResize((void *)v2->position, (size_t)(sizeof(int)*v2Index)); v2->value = (float *)needHugeMemResize((void *)v2->value, (size_t)(sizeof(float)*v2Index)); hPrintf("

after realloc: %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x

\n", (unsigned long) v1->position, (unsigned long) v1->value, (unsigned long) v2->position, (unsigned long) v2->value); } #endif endTime = clock1000(); v1->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } static void intersectVectorWithBoolean(struct dataVector *v1, struct dataVector *v2) /* v1 has dataVector with real values; v2 has dataVector with booleans, * i.e. all points in range are present and value is 1 where there is an * item and 0 where there is no item. * Remove positions/values from v1 for which v2 contains 0. * Note: this does not change v2, unlike intersectVectors, nor does it * compute any statistics. It is solely for distilling v1. */ { int v1Index = 0; int i = 0, j = 0; long startTime, endTime; startTime = clock1000(); i = 0; j = 0; v1Index = 0; while ((i < v1->count) && (j < v2->count)) { if (v1->position[i] == v2->position[j]) /* points in both... */ { if (v2->value[j]) /* v2 TRUE: keep v1 */ { if (v1Index < i) /* only move data when necessary */ { v1->position[v1Index] = v1->position[i]; v1->value[v1Index] = v1->value[i]; } ++v1Index; ++i; ++j; } else /* v2 FALSE: skip v1 */ { ++i; ++j; } } else if (v1->position[i] < v2->position[j]) ++i; /* skip data point on v1 */ else if (v1->position[i] > v2->position[j]) ++j; /* skip data point on v2 */ } v1->count = v1Index; v1->start = v1->position[0]; v1->end = v1->position[(v1->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ scavengeVectorSpace(v1); endTime = clock1000(); v1->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } void dataVectorBinaryOp(struct dataVector *v1, struct dataVector *v2, enum dataVectorBinaryOpType op, boolean requireBoth) /* Store op(v1, v2) in v1. * If requireBoth is TRUE, remove a value from v1 if v2 has no value at the * same position; if FALSE, leave v1 value unchanged if v2 has no value at * same position. */ { int i=0, j=0; long startTime=0, endTime=0; if (v1 == NULL) return; if (requireBoth) { if (v2 == NULL || v2->count < 1) { v1->count = 0; return; } intersectVectors(v1, v2); } startTime = clock1000(); for (i=0, j=0; i < v1->count && j < v2->count; ) { if (v1->position[i] == v2->position[j]) { switch (op) { case dataVectorBinaryOpSum: v1->value[i] += v2->value[j]; break; case dataVectorBinaryOpProduct: v1->value[i] *= v2->value[j]; break; case dataVectorBinaryOpMin: if (v2->value[j] < v1->value[i]) v1->value[i] = v2->value[j]; break; case dataVectorBinaryOpMax: if (v2->value[j] > v1->value[i]) v1->value[i] = v2->value[j]; break; default: errAbort("dataVectorBinaryOp: unrecognized type %d", op); } i++; j++; } else if (v1->position[i] < v2->position[j]) i++; else j++; } endTime = clock1000(); v1->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } void dataVectorNormalize(struct dataVector *dv, float denominator) /* Divide each value in dv by denominator. */ { int i=0; long startTime=0, endTime=0; if (dv == NULL) return; startTime = clock1000(); for (i=0; i < dv->count; i++) { dv->value[i] /= denominator; } endTime = clock1000(); dv->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } void dataVectorFilterMin(struct dataVector *dv, float minScore) /* Remove values less than minScore from dv. */ { int i=0, dvIndex=0; long startTime=0, endTime=0; if (dv == NULL) return; startTime = clock1000(); for (i=0; i < dv->count; i++) { if (dv->value[i] >= minScore) { dv->value[dvIndex] = dv->value[i]; dv->position[dvIndex] = dv->position[i]; dvIndex++; } } dv->count = dvIndex; dv->start = dv->position[0]; dv->end = dv->position[(dv->count)-1] + 1; /* non-inclusive */ scavengeVectorSpace(dv); endTime = clock1000(); dv->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } struct dataVector *dataVectorInvert(struct dataVector *dv, int start, int end) /* Return a new dataVector that has a value of 1 where dv has no value, * and no value where dv has any value, with positions in [start,end). */ { struct dataVector *dvNew = dataVectorNew("inv", end-start); if (dv == NULL || dv->count < 1) { int i=0; for (i=0; i < end-start; i++) { dvNew->position[i] = i + start; dvNew->value[i] = 1; } dvNew->count = end-start; } else { int oldIndex = 0, newIndex = 0; int pos = start; while (oldIndex < dv->count && pos < end) { if (dv->position[oldIndex] < start) oldIndex++; else if (dv->position[oldIndex] == pos) { oldIndex++; pos++; } else /* dv->pos > pos */ { dvNew->position[newIndex] = pos; dvNew->value[newIndex] = 1; pos++; newIndex++; } } while (pos < end) { dvNew->position[newIndex] = pos; dvNew->value[newIndex] = 1; pos++; newIndex++; } dvNew->count = newIndex; scavengeVectorSpace(dvNew); } return dvNew; } struct dataVector *dataVectorBoolComp(struct dataVector *dv, int start, int end) /* Return a new dataVector that has a value of 1 where dv has a value of 0, * and a value of 0 where dv has any nonzero value, with positions in * [start,end). */ { struct dataVector *dvNew = dataVectorNew("comp", end-start); if (dv == NULL || dv->count < 1) { int i=0; for (i=0; i < end-start; i++) { dvNew->position[i] = i + start; dvNew->value[i] = 1; } dvNew->count = end-start; } else { int oldIndex = 0, newIndex = 0; int pos = start; while (oldIndex < dv->count && pos < end) { if (dv->position[oldIndex] < start) oldIndex++; else if (dv->position[oldIndex] == pos) { dvNew->position[newIndex] = pos; if (dv->value[oldIndex]) dvNew->value[newIndex] = 0; else dvNew->value[newIndex] = 1; oldIndex++; newIndex++; pos++; } else /* dv->pos > pos */ { dvNew->position[newIndex] = pos; dvNew->value[newIndex] = 1; pos++; newIndex++; } } while (pos < end) { dvNew->position[newIndex] = pos; dvNew->value[newIndex] = 1; pos++; newIndex++; } dvNew->count = newIndex; scavengeVectorSpace(dvNew); } return dvNew; } void dataVectorIntersect(struct dataVector *dv1, struct dataVector *dv2, boolean dv2IsWiggle, boolean complementDv2) /* Remove a value from dv1 if dv2 has no value (or if complementDv2, any value) * at the same position. Note: this will change dv2 too, unless complementDv2 * is set! */ { if (dv1 == NULL || dv1->count < 1) return; if (complementDv2) { int dv1Start = dv1->position[0]; int dv1End = dv1->position[dv1->count-1]; struct dataVector *dv2Inv = NULL; if (dv2 == NULL || dv2->count < 1) return; /* Complement of nothing is everything, so no change to dv1 */ if (dv2IsWiggle) dv2Inv = dataVectorInvert(dv2, dv1Start, dv1End); else dv2Inv = dataVectorBoolComp(dv2, dv1Start, dv1End); if (dv2Inv == NULL || dv2Inv->count < 1) dv1->count = 0; else { if (dv2IsWiggle) intersectVectors(dv1, dv2Inv); else intersectVectorWithBoolean(dv1, dv2Inv); } freeDataVector(&dv2Inv); } else { if (dv2 == NULL || dv2->count < 1) dv1->count = 0; else { if (dv2IsWiggle) intersectVectors(dv1, dv2); else intersectVectorWithBoolean(dv1, dv2); } } } int dataVectorWriteWigAscii(struct dataVector *dataVectorList, char *filename, int maxOut, char *description) /* Write wigAscii for all dataVectors in dataVectorList to filename. * Return the number of datapoints written. */ { FILE *out = mustOpen(filename, "w"); struct dataVector *dv = NULL; int i = 0, total = 0; boolean firstTime = TRUE; for (dv = dataVectorList; dv != NULL; dv = dv->next) { int countLimit = maxOut ? min(dv->count, (maxOut - total)) : dv->count; if (dv->count < 1) continue; if (firstTime) { time_t now = time(NULL); char *dateStamp = sqlUnixTimeToDate(&now,TRUE); /* TRUE == gmTime */ fprintf(out, "#\toutput date: %s UTC\n", dateStamp); freez(&dateStamp); firstTime = FALSE; } fprintf(out, "#\tchrom specified: %s\n", dv->chrom); fprintf(out, "#\tposition specified: %d-%d\n", dv->start, dv->end); if (description) fprintf(out, "%s", description); fprintf(out, "variableStep chrom=%s span=1\n", dv->chrom); for (i=0; i < countLimit; i++) { fprintf(out, "%d\t%g\n", dv->position[i]+1, dv->value[i]); } total += countLimit; if (maxOut && (total >= maxOut)) break; } carefulClose(&out); return total; } struct bed *dataVectorToBedList(struct dataVector *dvList) /* Allocate and return a bedList of ranges where dataVectors in dvList * contain values. */ { struct dataVector *dv = NULL; struct bed *bedList = NULL; int i=0, start=0, lastPos=0; int n=0; for (dv = dvList; dv != NULL; dv = dv->next) { start = lastPos = dv->position[0]; for (i=1; i < dv->count; i++) { int pos = dv->position[i]; if (pos != (lastPos+1)) { struct bed *bed = NULL; char buf[256]; AllocVar(bed); bed->chrom = cloneString(dv->chrom); bed->chromStart = start; bed->chromEnd = lastPos+1; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%d", dv->chrom, ++n); bed->name = cloneString(buf); slAddHead(&bedList, bed); start = pos; } lastPos = pos; } if (dv->count > 0) { struct bed *bed = NULL; char buf[256]; AllocVar(bed); bed->chrom = cloneString(dv->chrom); bed->chromStart = start; bed->chromEnd = lastPos+1; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%d", dv->chrom, ++n); bed->name = cloneString(buf); slAddHead(&bedList, bed); } } slReverse(&bedList); return bedList; } int dataVectorWriteBed(struct dataVector *dvList, char *filename, int maxOut, char *description) /* Print out bed of ranges where dataVectors in dvList contain values. * Return the number of datapoints distilled into bed (the number of bed * items will usually be smaller than the number of datapoints). */ { FILE *out = mustOpen(filename, "w"); struct dataVector *dv = NULL; int i=0, total=0, start=0, lastPos=0; int n=0; boolean firstTime = TRUE; for (dv = dvList; dv != NULL; dv = dv->next) { int countLimit = maxOut ? min(dv->count, (maxOut - total)) : dv->count; if (dv->count < 1) continue; if (firstTime) { if (description) fprintf(out, "%s", description); firstTime = FALSE; } start = lastPos = dv->position[0]; for (i=1; i < countLimit; i++) { int pos = dv->position[i]; if (pos != (lastPos+1)) { fprintf(out, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", dv->chrom, start, lastPos+1, dv->chrom, ++n); start = pos; } lastPos = pos; } fprintf(out, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", dv->chrom, start, lastPos+1, dv->chrom, ++n); total += countLimit; if (maxOut && (total >= maxOut)) break; } carefulClose(&out); return total; } static struct dataVector *tbDataVectorOneRegion(struct trackTable *tt, struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Get a data vector on which all table browser processing has been performed: * filter, subtrack merge, and intersection (some of which require a lower- * level data vector fetch followed by some processing). */ { struct dataVector *dv = NULL; /* For wiggle and bedGraph, subtrack merge is implemented on top of * dataVectorFetchOneRegion. For bed-able tables, it's handled below * dataVectorFetchOneRegion (under cookedBedList). */ if (isWiggle(database, tt->tableName)) dv = wiggleDataVector(tt->tdb, tt->tableName, conn, region); else if (isBedGraph(tt->tableName)) dv = bedGraphDataVector(tt->tableName, conn, region); else dv = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt, region, conn); return dv; } static void overallCounts(struct trackTable *t) /* find overall min,max,sum,sumSquares in a set of data vectors */ { register double minimum = INFINITY; register double maximum = -INFINITY; double sumData = 0.0; double sumSquares = 0.0; int count = 0; struct dataVector *dv; for (dv = t->vSet; dv != NULL; dv = dv->next) { minimum = min(minimum,dv->min); maximum = max(maximum,dv->max); count += dv->count; sumData += dv->sumData; sumSquares += dv->sumSquares; } t->count = count; t->min = minimum; t->max = maximum; t->sumData = sumData; t->sumSquares = sumSquares; } static void calcMeanMinMax(struct dataVector *v) { long startTime, endTime; register double sum = 0.0; register double sumSquares = 0.0; register int i; register double value; register double min; register double max; startTime = clock1000(); min = v->min; /* was initialized to INFINITY */ max = v->max; /* was initialized to -INFINITY */ for (i = 0; i < v->count; ++i) { value = v->value[i]; min = min(min,value); max = max(max,value); sum += value; sumSquares += (value * value); } v->sumData = sum; v->sumSquares = sumSquares; v->min = min; v->max = max; endTime = clock1000(); v->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } /* static void calcMeanMinMax(struct dataVector *v) */ static void statsRowOut(char *chrom, char *name, char *shortLabel, int chromStart, int chromEnd, int dataPoints, double min, double max, double sumData, double sumSquares, double r, long fetchMs, long calcMs, char *table1, char *table2, char *compositeTable1, char *compositeTable2, double a, double b) /* display a single line of statistics */ { double mean = 0.0; double variance = 0.0; double stddev = 0.0; if (dataPoints > 0) { mean = sumData/dataPoints; if (dataPoints > 1) { variance = (sumSquares - ((sumData*sumData)/dataPoints)) / (double)(dataPoints-1); if (variance > 0.0) stddev = sqrt(variance); } } hPrintf(""); /* Check for first or second data rows, 2nd has 0,0 coordinates. * Summary row has 1,1 start,end for the first data */ if (chromStart || chromEnd) { if ((1 == chromStart) && (1 == chromEnd)) /* OVERALL first row */ hPrintf("%s", chrom); else { char posBuf[64]; safef(posBuf, ArraySize(posBuf), "%s:%d-%d", chrom, chromStart+1, chromEnd); hPrintf(""); /* Construct browser anchor URL with tracks we're looking at open. */ hPrintf(""); if (name) { hPrintf("%s", name); } else { hPrintf("%s:", chrom); if (!((1 == chromStart) && (1 == chromEnd))) { /* browser 1-relative start coordinates */ printLongWithCommas(stdout,(long)chromStart+1); hPrintf("-"); printLongWithCommas(stdout,(long)chromEnd); } hPrintf(""); } } hPrintf("
\n"); printLongWithCommas(stdout,(long)dataPoints); hPrintf(" data points"); } if (chromStart || chromEnd) { hPrintf("%.4g", r); hPrintf("%.4g", r*r); } else { hPrintf(" "); } hPrintf("%s", shortLabel); hPrintf("%.3g", min); hPrintf("%.3g", max); hPrintf("%.4g", mean); hPrintf("%.4g", variance); hPrintf("%.4g", stddev); if (chromStart || chromEnd) { hPrintf("%.4g", a); hPrintf("%.4g", b); } else hPrintf(" "); /* hPrintf("%.3f", 0.001*fetchMs); hPrintf("%.3f\n", 0.001*calcMs); */ hPrintf("\n"); } static void tableLabels() { hPrintf("Position and
# of data points in
" "intersection"); hPrintf("Correlation
r"); hPrintf("r2"); hPrintf("Track"); hPrintf("MinimumMaximumMeanVariance"); hPrintf("Standard
deviation"); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("y = m*x + b
"); hPrintf(""); /* hPrintf("Data fetch
time (sec)"); hPrintf("Calculation
time (sec)\n"); */ hPrintf("\n"); } static void showThreeVectors(struct trackTable *table1, struct trackTable *table2, struct dataVector *result) { struct dataVector *v1 = table1->vSet; struct dataVector *v2 = table2->vSet; int rowsOutput = 0; int totalBases1 = 0; int totalBases2 = 0; long totalFetch1 = 0; long totalFetch2 = 0; long totalCalc1 = 0; long totalCalc2 = 0; double totalSum1 = 0.0; double totalSumSquares1 = 0.0; double totalSum2 = 0.0; double totalSumSquares2 = 0.0; double min1 = INFINITY; double min2 = INFINITY; double max1 = -INFINITY; double max2 = -INFINITY; /* start the table with the funky border thing to make sure all the * inner border lines work */ hPrintf("

\n"); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); tableLabels(); rowsOutput = 0; for ( ; (v1 != NULL) && (v2 !=NULL); v1 = v1->next, v2=v2->next) { ++rowsOutput; min1 = min(min1,v1->min); min2 = min(min2,v2->min); max1 = max(max1,v1->max); max2 = max(max2,v2->max); totalBases1 += v1->count; totalBases2 += v2->count; totalFetch1 += v1->fetchTime; totalFetch2 += v2->fetchTime; totalCalc1 += v1->calcTime; totalCalc2 += v2->calcTime; totalSum1 += v1->sumData; totalSum2 += v2->sumData; totalSumSquares1 += v1->sumSquares; totalSumSquares2 += v2->sumSquares; } if ((totalBases1 != totalBases2) || (totalBases1 != result->count)) { hPrintf("

what is this, total bases do not add up properly

\n"); hPrintf("

totalBases1,2: %d, %d, result count: %d

\n", totalBases1, totalBases2, result->count); } if (0 == rowsOutput) hPrintf("\n"); else if (rowsOutput > 1) { statsRowOut("OVERALL", NULL, table1->shortLabel, 1, 1, totalBases1, min1, max1, totalSum1, totalSumSquares1, result->r, totalFetch1, totalCalc1, table1->actualTable, table2->actualTable, NULL, NULL, result->m, result->b); statsRowOut("OVERALL", NULL, table2->shortLabel, 0, 0, totalBases2, min2, max2, totalSum2, totalSumSquares2, result->r, totalFetch2, totalCalc2, table1->actualTable, table2->actualTable, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0.0); hPrintf("\n"); } rowsOutput = 0; v1 = table1->vSet; v2 = table2->vSet; for ( ; (v1 != NULL) && (v2 !=NULL); v1 = v1->next, v2=v2->next) { ++rowsOutput; statsRowOut(v1->chrom, v1->name, table1->shortLabel, v1->start, v1->end, v1->count, v1->min, v1->max, v1->sumData, v1->sumSquares, v1->r, v1->fetchTime, v1->calcTime, table1->actualTable, table2->actualTable, table1->tdb->table, table2->tdb->table, v1->m, v1->b); statsRowOut(v2->chrom, v2->name, table2->shortLabel, 0, 0, v2->count, v2->min, v2->max, v2->sumData, v2->sumSquares, v2->r, v2->fetchTime, v2->calcTime, table1->actualTable, table2->actualTable, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0.0); } if (rowsOutput > 1) { hPrintf("\n"); statsRowOut("OVERALL", NULL, table1->shortLabel, 1, 1, totalBases1, min1, max1, totalSum1, totalSumSquares1, result->r, totalFetch1, totalCalc1, table1->actualTable, table2->actualTable, NULL, NULL, result->m, result->b); statsRowOut("OVERALL", NULL, table2->shortLabel, 0, 0, totalBases2, min2, max2, totalSum2, totalSumSquares2, result->r, totalFetch2, totalCalc2, table1->actualTable, table2->actualTable, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0.0); tableLabels(); } hPrintf("

\n"); /* and end the special container table */ hPrintf("

\n"); /* debugging when 1 region, less than 100000 dataPoints, show all values */ if ((1 == 0) && ((1 == rowsOutput) || (1 != rowsOutput)) && (table1->count < 100000) && (table2->count < 100000)) { v1 = table1->vSet; v2 = table2->vSet; hPrintf("
    hPrintf("# Position\t%s\t%s\tResiduals\n",
	    table1->shortLabel, table2->shortLabel);

    for ( ; (v1 != NULL) && (v2 !=NULL); v1 = v1->next, v2=v2->next)
	int start, end, i;
	int v1Index = 0;
	int v2Index = 0;
	start = min(v1->start,v2->start);
	end = max(v1->end,v2->end);

	for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
	    int printResidual = 0;

	    if ((i == v1->position[v1Index]) || (i == v2->position[v2Index]))
		hPrintf("%d\t", i+1);

	    if (i >= v1->start)
		if (i == v1->position[v1Index])
		    hPrintf("%g\t", v1->value[v1Index]);
		else if (i > v1->position[v1Index])
	    if (i >= v2->start)
		if (i == v2->position[v2Index])
		    hPrintf("%g\t", v2->value[v2Index]);
		else if (i > v2->position[v2Index])
	    if (printResidual == 2)
		hPrintf("%g\n", result->value[v1Index-1]);
\n"); } } /* static void showThreeVectors() */ static int windowData(struct trackTable *tableList, int winSize) /* window data in first and second table to winSize */ { struct trackTable *yTable = tableList; struct trackTable *xTable = tableList->next; struct dataVector *y; /* the response variable of interest */ struct dataVector *x; /* the estimator variable, predicting the response */ int totalDataPoints = 0; hPrintf("

window data to %d bases per data point

\n",winSize); /* for each set of data (for each region we have collected data) * The length of both data sets is expected to be the same, * i.e. y->count == x->count */ for (y = yTable->vSet, x = xTable->vSet; (y != NULL) && (x != NULL); y = y->next, x = x->next) { /* only need to process where more than one number */ if (y->count > 1) { int winStart = y->position[0]; int winEnd = winStart + winSize; int newDataCount = 0; /* index for accumulating new data */ int lastPosition = y->position[(y->count)-1]; double ySumData = y->value[0]; double xSumData = x->value[0]; int dataCountInWindow = 1; int i; y->sumProduct = 0.0; x->sumProduct = y->sumProduct; if (winEnd > lastPosition) winEnd = lastPosition; for (i = 1; i < y->count; ++i) { if (y->position[i] < winEnd) /* accumulating in window */ { ySumData += y->value[i]; xSumData += x->value[i]; ++dataCountInWindow; } else /* window completed */ { if (dataCountInWindow > 0) { y->value[newDataCount] = ySumData / dataCountInWindow; x->value[newDataCount] = xSumData / dataCountInWindow; y->position[newDataCount] = winStart; x->position[newDataCount] = winStart; y->sumProduct += y->value[newDataCount] * x->value[newDataCount]; x->sumProduct = y->sumProduct; ++newDataCount; } winStart = y->position[i]; winEnd = winStart + winSize; if (winEnd > lastPosition) winEnd = lastPosition; ySumData = y->value[i]; /* new sum starts */ xSumData = x->value[i]; dataCountInWindow = 1; } } if (dataCountInWindow > 0) /* last one perhaps ? */ { y->value[newDataCount] = ySumData / dataCountInWindow; x->value[newDataCount] = xSumData / dataCountInWindow; y->position[newDataCount] = winStart; x->position[newDataCount] = winStart; y->sumProduct += y->value[newDataCount] * x->value[newDataCount]; x->sumProduct = y->sumProduct; ++newDataCount; } totalDataPoints += newDataCount; y->count = newDataCount; x->count = newDataCount; } else totalDataPoints += y->count; /* only one data value */ } return (totalDataPoints); } /* static int windowData() */ static int collectData(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackTable *tableList, int maxLimitCount) /* for each track in the list, collect its raw data */ { char *regionType = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaRegionType, "genome"); struct region *regionList = getRegions(); struct region *region; int regionCount = 0; struct trackTable *table1; struct trackTable *table2; struct dataVector *vSet1; struct dataVector *vSet2; int totalBases = 0; boolean reachedMaxLimit = FALSE; vSet1 = NULL; /* initialize linked list */ vSet2 = NULL; /* initialize linked list */ table1 = tableList; table2 = tableList->next; /* count the regions, just to get an idea of where we may be going */ for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next) ++regionCount; //hPrintf("

regionCount: %d

\n", regionCount); /* show the region(s) being worked on */ if (1 == regionCount) { long bases = 0; region = regionList; bases = region->end - region->start; hPrintf("

position: %s:", region->chrom); printLongWithCommas(stdout,(long)(region->start+1)); /* 1-relative */ hPrintf("-"); printLongWithCommas(stdout,(long)region->end); hPrintf(" bases: "); printLongWithCommas(stdout,bases); hPrintf("

\n"); } else if (sameString(regionType,"genome")) { hPrintf("

position: full genome, %d chromosomes

\n", regionCount); } else if (sameString(regionType,"encode")) hPrintf("

position: %d encode regions

\n", regionCount); if ( (table1->isCustom && checkWigDataFilter("ct", curTable, NULL, NULL, NULL)) || checkWigDataFilter(database, curTable, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { hPrintf("

data filter on '%s':", table1->shortLabel); wigShowFilter(conn); hPrintf("

\n"); } if (anySubtrackMerge(database, table1->actualTable)) { hPrintf("

subtrack merge as specified on '%s'\n", table1->shortLabel); } if (anyIntersection()) { hPrintf("

intersecting both tables "); hPrintf("'%s' and '%s' with '%s':

\n", table1->shortLabel, table2->shortLabel, cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTrack)); } /* walk through the regions and fetch each table's data * after you have them both, condense them down to only those * places that overlap each other */ for (region = regionList; (totalBases < maxLimitCount) && (region != NULL); region = region->next) { struct dataVector *v1; struct dataVector *v2; long bases = region->end - region->start; if (bases > MAX_POINTS) { hPrintf("

warning: This region: %s:%d-%d is too large", region->chrom, region->start, region->end); hPrintf(" to process. This function can currently only work on\n"); hPrintf("regions of less than %s bases. Perhaps future\n", MAX_POINTS_STR); hPrintf("improvements will raise this limit.\n"); errAbort(" "); } /* makes no sense to work on less than two numbers */ if (bases < 2) continue; /* next region */ v1 = tbDataVectorOneRegion(table1, region, conn); if (v1) /* if data there, fetch the second one */ { v2 = tbDataVectorOneRegion(table2, region, conn); if (v2) /* if both data, construct a result set */ { intersectVectors(v1, v2); if (v1->count < 1) /* possibly no intersection */ { freeDataVector(&v1); /* no data in intersection */ freeDataVector(&v2); /* no data in intersection */ continue; /* next region */ } if ((totalBases + v1->count) >= maxLimitCount) { int size = maxLimitCount - totalBases; truncateVectors(v1, v2, size); reachedMaxLimit = TRUE; } totalBases += v1->count; if (region->name) { v1->name = cloneString(region->name); v2->name = cloneString(region->name); } slAddTail(&vSet1, v1); slAddTail(&vSet2, v2); } else freeDataVector(&v1); /* no data in second */ } } if (reachedMaxLimit) { hPrintf("warning: reached maximum data points: "); printLongWithCommas(stdout,(long)maxLimitCount); hPrintf(" before end of data.
"); } /* returning results, the collected data */ table1->vSet = vSet1; table2->vSet = vSet2; return totalBases; } /* static void collectData() */ static struct dataVector *runRegression(struct trackTable *tableList, int totalBases) /* runs regression calculations on the first two tables in the * tableList, returning a residual vector result */ { struct trackTable *yTable, *xTable; struct dataVector *result = NULL; struct dataVector *y; /* the response variable of interest */ struct dataVector *x; /* the estimator variable, predicting the response */ double totalSumProduct = 0.0; double ySumData = 0.0; double xSumData = 0.0; double ySumSquares = 0.0; double xSumSquares = 0.0; double yVariance = 0.0; double xVariance = 0.0; double yStdDev = 0.0; double xStdDev = 0.0; long startTime, endTime; int rIndex = 0; /* index for result vector data values */ /* expecting two tables */ if (NULL == tableList) internalErr(); /* expecting two tables */ yTable = tableList; xTable = tableList->next; if (NULL == xTable) internalErr(); /* expecting two tables */ /* find the mean, min and max */ for (y = yTable->vSet; y != NULL; y = y->next) calcMeanMinMax(y); for (x = xTable->vSet; x != NULL; x = x->next) calcMeanMinMax(x); /* XXXX - this single result vector is going to lose the chrom * identification for multiple region results. We need that later * for sending this overall result back to a custom track. * It can be reconstructed because there is a one-to-one * relationship between the result vector and the y data set * positions. */ result = dataVectorNew("result", totalBases); rIndex = 0; /* index for result vector data values */ /* This loop walks through all the regions in the data vectors. * Each region will have its own r calculated, and stats will be * accumulated to enable an overall result to be calculated at the * end. */ for (y = yTable->vSet, x = xTable->vSet; (y != NULL) && (x != NULL); y = y->next, x = x->next) { double sumProduct = y->sumProduct; /* sum of products */ double Sxy = 0.0; /* aka Numerator of the CoVariance */ double Sxx = 0.0; /* aka numerator of the Variance */ double Syy = 0.0; /* aka numerator of the Variance */ startTime = clock1000(); if ((y->count != x->count) || (0 == y->count)) errAbort("unequal sized, or zero length data vectors given to regression"); result->count += y->count; totalSumProduct += sumProduct; ySumData += y->sumData; xSumData += x->sumData; ySumSquares += y->sumSquares; xSumSquares += x->sumSquares; result->fetchTime += y->fetchTime; result->fetchTime += x->fetchTime; result->calcTime += y->calcTime; result->calcTime += x->calcTime; /* Sxy - page 101, page 488, Mendenhall, Beaver, Beaver - 2003 */ Sxy = sumProduct - ((y->sumData*x->sumData)/y->count); /* Sxx - page 61, page 488, Mendenhall, Beaver, Beaver - 2003 */ Sxx = x->sumSquares - ((x->sumData*x->sumData)/x->count); Syy = y->sumSquares - ((y->sumData*y->sumData)/y->count); /* slope m = Sxy / Sxx page 489 (== b) Mendenhall, Beaver, Beaver - 2003 */ if (0.0 != Sxx) y->m = Sxy / Sxx; else y->m = 0; /* what does it mean if the Sxx is zero ? */ /* intercept b = mean(y) - m*mean(x) page 489 (== a) Mendenhall, Beaver, Beaver - 2003 */ y->b = (y->sumData/y->count) - (y->m * (x->sumData/x->count)); /* if we still have the two data sets, compute the residuals */ if ((y->value != NULL) && (x->value != NULL)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < y->count; ++i) { /* residual = actual - predicted */ result->value[rIndex]=y->value[i]-((y->m * x->value[i]) + y->b); result->position[rIndex] = y->position[i]; ++rIndex; } result->start = result->position[0]; result->end = result->position[rIndex-1] + 1;/*non inclusive*/ } x->r = y->r = 0.0; /* do not compute r for this region if N is < 2 */ if (y->count > 1) { /* For this region, ready to compute r, N is y->count */ yVariance = Syy / (double)(y->count-1); xVariance = Sxx / (double)(x->count-1); yStdDev = xStdDev = 0.0; if (yVariance > 0.0) yStdDev = sqrt(yVariance); if (xVariance > 0.0) xStdDev = sqrt(xVariance); /* page 101,498, Mendenhall, Beaver, Beaver - 2003 */ if ((yStdDev * xStdDev) != 0.0) x->r = y->r = (Sxy / (y->count - 1)) / (yStdDev * xStdDev); else x->r = y->r = 1.0; } endTime = clock1000(); result->calcTime += endTime - startTime; } if (rIndex != result->count) errAbort("did not get the correct number of data points in the result vector"); result->r = 0.0; if (result->count > 1) { double Sxy = 0.0; double Sxx = 0.0; double Syy = 0.0; Sxy = totalSumProduct - ((ySumData*xSumData)/result->count); Sxx = xSumSquares - ((xSumData*xSumData)/result->count); Syy = ySumSquares - ((ySumData*ySumData)/result->count); if (0.0 != Sxx) result->m = Sxy / Sxx; else result->m = 0.0; result->b = (ySumData/result->count) - (result->m * (xSumData/result->count)); yVariance = Syy / (double)(result->count-1); xVariance = Sxx / (double)(result->count-1); yStdDev = xStdDev = 0.0; if (yVariance > 0.0) yStdDev = sqrt(yVariance); if (xVariance > 0.0) xStdDev = sqrt(xVariance); if ((yStdDev * xStdDev) != 0.0) result->r = (Sxy / (result->count - 1)) / (yStdDev * xStdDev); else result->r = 1.0; } calcMeanMinMax(result); return result; } /* struct dataVector *runRegression() */ static void residualStats(struct dataVector *residuals) { hPrintf("

\n"); hPrintf("\n"); } static void showPlots(struct trackTable *table1, struct trackTable *table2, struct dataVector *result) { struct tempName *scatterPlotGif = NULL; struct tempName *residualPlotGif = NULL; struct tempName *histogram1PlotGif = NULL; struct tempName *histogram2PlotGif = NULL; double F_statistic = 0.0; double fitMin, fitMax; int totalWidthScatter, totalHeightScatter; int totalWidthResidual, totalHeightResidual; int totalWidthHisto1, totalHeightHisto1; int totalWidthHisto2, totalHeightHisto2; scatterPlotGif = scatterPlot(table1, table2, result, &totalWidthScatter, &totalHeightScatter); residualPlotGif = residualPlot(table1, table2, result, &F_statistic, &fitMin, &fitMax, &totalWidthResidual, &totalHeightResidual); histogram1PlotGif=histogramPlot(table1, &totalWidthHisto1, &totalHeightHisto1); histogram2PlotGif=histogramPlot(table2, &totalWidthHisto2, &totalHeightHisto2); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("", residuals->min); hPrintf("", residuals->max); hPrintf("", residuals->sumData / residuals->count); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("\n", result->r*result->r); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n", scatterPlotGif->forHtml, totalWidthScatter, totalHeightScatter); hPrintf("
scatter plot, r2 %.4g
\n", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("\n", F_statistic); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n", residualPlotGif->forHtml, totalWidthResidual, totalHeightResidual); hPrintf("
Residuals vs. Fitted, F statistic: %.4g
\n"); hPrintf("
\n"); if (1 == 0) /* not really useful */ residualStats(result); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("
\n"); if ((histogram1PlotGif != NULL) && (histogram2PlotGif != NULL)) { hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("\n", table1->shortLabel); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n", histogram1PlotGif->forHtml, totalWidthHisto1, totalHeightHisto1); hPrintf("
\n", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("", HG_COL_INSIDE); hPrintf("\n", table2->shortLabel); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n", histogram2PlotGif->forHtml, totalWidthHisto2, totalHeightHisto2); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("
\n"); } } static void tableInfoDebugDisplay(struct trackTable *tableList) { /* some debugging stuff, do we have the tables correctly identified */ { struct trackTable *table; hPrintf("

\n"); hPrintf("\n"); } } void doCorrelateMore(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Continue working in correlate page. */ { struct trackDb *tdb2; char *tableName2; char *onChange = onChangeEither(); /*char *op;*/ char *table2onEntry; char *table2; boolean correlateOK1 = FALSE; char *maxLimitCountStr = NULL; int maxLimitCount = 40000000; char *windowingSizeStr = NULL; int windowingSize = 1; char *tmpString; struct trackTable *tableList; long startTime, endTime; startTime = clock1000(); tableList = NULL; /* initialize the list */ /* We are going to be TRUE here since this selection was limited on * the mainPage to only these types of tables. */ correlateOK1 = correlateTrackOK(curTrack); table2onEntry = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaNextCorrelateTable, "none"); /* add first table to the list */ tableList = allocTrackTable(); tableList->tdb = curTrack; tableList->tableName = cloneString(curTable); fillInTrackTable(tableList, conn); if (differentWord(table2onEntry,"none") && strlen(table2onEntry)) { htmlOpen("Correlate table '%s' (%s) with table '%s'", tableList->shortLabel, tableList->tableName, table2onEntry); } else htmlOpen("Correlate table '%s' (%s)", tableList->shortLabel, tableList->tableName); hPrintf("\n"); cartSaveSession(cart); /* Print group, track, and table selection menus */ tdb2 = showGroupTrackRowLimited(hgtaNextCorrelateGroup, onChange, hgtaNextCorrelateTrack, onChange, hgtaNextCorrelateTable, &table2); tableName2 = tdb2->shortLabel; maxLimitCountStr = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaCorrelateMaxLimitCount, maxResultsMenu[1]); tmpString = cloneString(maxLimitCountStr); stripChar(tmpString, ','); maxLimitCount = sqlUnsigned(tmpString); freeMem(tmpString); windowingSizeStr = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaCorrelateWinSize, "1"); tmpString = cloneString(windowingSizeStr); stripChar(tmpString, ','); windowingSize = sqlUnsigned(tmpString); freeMem(tmpString); /* limit total data points and window size options */ hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("" "" "" "\n", HG_COL_INSIDE); for (table = tableList; table != NULL; table = table->next) { hPrintf("\n", table->shortLabel, table->tdb->table, table->tableName, table->actualTdb->type, table->isBedGraph ? "bedGraph" : table->isWig ? "wiggle" : "other", table->bedGraphColumnNum, table->bedGraphColumnName, table->isCustom ? "YES" : "NO", table->bedColumns); } hPrintf("
debugging information
(perhaps composite)
\n"); hPrintf("
Limit total data points in result: \n"); cgiMakeDropList(hgtaCorrelateMaxLimitCount, maxResultsMenu, maxResultsMenuSize, maxLimitCountStr); hPrintf("  Window data to: \n"); cgiMakeTextVar(hgtaCorrelateWinSize, cartUsualString(cart, hgtaCorrelateWinSize, "1"), 8); hPrintf(" bases
\n"); #ifdef NOT hPrintf("

\n"); op = cartUsualString(cart, hgtaNextCorrelateOp, "any"); jsTrackingVar("op", op); makeOpButton("any", op); printf("All %s records that have any overlap with %s
\n", name, tableName2); makeOpButton("none", op); printf("All %s records that have no overlap with %s
\n", name, tableName2); /* keep javaScript onClick happy */ hPrintf("

\n"); /* keep javaScript onClick happy */ jsTrackingVar("op", op); #endif hPrintf("

\n"); cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoCorrelateSubmit, "calculate"); hPrintf(" "); cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoClearContinueCorrelate, "clear selections"); hPrintf(" "); cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoMainPage, "return to table browser"); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("

\n"); /* If we had a second table coming into this screen, do the * calculations */ if (differentWord(table2onEntry,"none") && strlen(table2onEntry)) { if (correlateOK1) { struct trackTable *tt; int totalBases = 0; /* add second table to the list */ tt = allocTrackTable(); tt->tdb = tdb2; tt->tableName = cloneString(table2); fillInTrackTable(tt, conn); slAddTail(&tableList,tt); /* collected data ends up attached to each table in the * table List in a dataVector list */ totalBases = collectData(conn, tableList, maxLimitCount); if (windowingSize > 1) totalBases = windowData(tableList, windowingSize); if (totalBases > 0) { struct trackTable *table1 = tableList; struct trackTable *table2 = tableList->next; struct dataVector *residuals; residuals = runRegression(tableList, totalBases); overallCounts(table1); overallCounts(table2); showThreeVectors(table1, table2, residuals); showPlots(table1, table2, residuals); freeDataVector(&residuals); } else hPrintf("

no intersection between the two tables " "in this region

\n"); if (1 == 0) tableInfoDebugDisplay(tableList); /* dbg */ freeTrackTableList(&tableList); endTime = clock1000(); hPrintf("

total elapsed time for this calculation:"); hPrintf(" %.3f seconds.

\n", 0.001*(endTime-startTime)); } } hPrintf("%s", corrHelpText); /* Hidden form - for benefit of javascript. */ { static char *saveVars[32]; int varCount = ArraySize(nextVars); memcpy(saveVars, nextVars, varCount * sizeof(saveVars[0])); saveVars[varCount] = hgtaDoCorrelateMore; jsCreateHiddenForm(cart, getScriptName(), saveVars, varCount+1); } htmlClose(); } static void removeCartVars(struct cart *cart, char **vars, int varCount) /* Remove array of variables from cart. */ { int i; for (i=0; i