/* correlate.h - a help text string for correlate.c */ /* and communication between correlate.c and correlatePlot.c */ #ifndef CORRELATE_H #define CORRELATE_H #if defined(INCL_HELP_TEXT) static char *corrHelpText = "\



\ The data points from each table are projected down to the base level. \ At this level, the two data sets are intersected such that they each \ have data values at the same bases, resulting in data sets of equal length \ n. \ These two data sets (X,Y) are then used \ in a standard linear correlation function, computing the \ correlation coefficient:

\ r = sxy / (sx * sy)
\ where sx and sy are the \ standard deviations of the data sets X and Y, and \ sxy is the covariance, computed as:
\ sxy = ( sum(Xi*Yi) - \ ((sum(Xi)*sum(Yi))/n) ) / (n - 1) \


\ When available, the data values from a track are used in the calculations. \ For tracks that do not have data values, such as gene-structured tracks, \ the data value used in the calculation is 1.0 for bases that are covered \ by exons and 0.0 at all other positions in the region. For simple tracks \ that are not gene structures, or data-valued tracks, the calculation \ uses the value 1.0 over the extent of the item and 0.0 for all other \ positions in the region.\


Known Limitations


The number of bases that can be processed is limited, on the order of \ about 300,000,000, due to memory and processing time limits. Therefore, \ large chromosomes, e.g. chr1 on human, cannot be processed entirely. \ Future improvements are expected to remove this processing limit.\


\ Intersection filters set on the main table browser page will function here, \ but they will apply to both tables when possible. The various intersection \ options can produce unusual results. It is probably best to avoid \ intersections or to use the results of an intersection that have been \ saved in a custom track.\

"; #endif #include "hgTables.h" /* Each track data's values will be copied into one of these structures, * This is also the form that a result vector will take. * There can be a linked list of these for multiple regions. * The positions are in order, there are no gaps, count is the * length of the position and value arrays. */ struct dataVector { struct dataVector *next; /* linked list for multiple regions */ char *chrom; /* Chromosome. */ int start; /* Zero-based. */ int end; /* Non-inclusive. */ char *name; /* potentially a region name (for encode) */ int count; /* number of data values */ int maxCount; /* no more than this number of data values */ int *position; /* array of chrom positions, 0-relative */ float *value; /* array of data values at these positions */ double min; /* minimum data value in the set */ double max; /* maximum data value in the set */ double sumData; /* sum of all data here, sum(Xi) */ double sumSquares; /* sum of squares of all data here, sum(Xi*Xi) */ double sumProduct; /* accumulates sum(Xi * Yi) here */ double r; /* correlation coefficient */ double m; /* the m in: y = mx + b [linear regression line] */ double b; /* the b in: y = mx + b [linear regression line] */ long fetchTime; /* msec */ long calcTime; /* msec */ }; /* there can be a list of these for N number of tables to work with */ /* the first case will be two only, later improvements may do N tables */ struct trackTable { struct trackTable *next; struct trackDb *tdb; /* may be wigMaf primary */ char *tableName; /* the actual name, without composite confusion */ char *dbTableName; /* the actual database name, without ct confusion */ char *shortLabel; char *longLabel; boolean isBedGraph; /* type of data in table */ boolean isWig; /* type of data in table */ boolean isBigWig; /* type of data in table */ boolean isCustom; /* might be a custom track */ int bedGraphColumnNum; /* the column where the dataValue is */ char *bedGraphColumnName; /* the name of the bedGraph column */ int bedColumns; /* the number of columns in the bed table */ /* as specified in the type line */ struct trackDb *actualTdb; /* the actual tdb, without composite/wigMaf confusion */ char *actualTable; /* without composite/wigMaf confusion */ struct dataVector *vSet; /* the data for this table, all regions */ int count; /* number of data values over all regions */ double min; /* minimum data value over all regions */ double max; /* maximum data value over all regions */ double sumData; /* sum of all data here, all regions */ double sumSquares; /* sum of squares of all data here, all regions */ }; /* functions in correlatePlot.c */ #define GRAPH_WIDTH 300 /* actual graphing area size */ #define GRAPH_HEIGHT 300 /* left and bottom text will add to this */ #define PLOT_MARGIN 2 /* around graph and around everything */ #define DOT_SIZE 2 /* size of plotted point */ struct tempName *scatterPlot(struct trackTable *table1, struct trackTable *table2, struct dataVector *result, int *width, int *height); /* create scatter plot gif file in trash, return path name */ struct tempName *residualPlot(struct trackTable *table1, struct trackTable *table2, struct dataVector *result, double *F_statistic, double *fitMin, double *fitMax, int *width, int *height); /* create residual plot gif file in trash, return path name */ struct tempName *histogramPlot(struct trackTable *table, int *width, int *height); /* create histogram plot gif file in trash, return path name */ struct trackTable *trackTableNew(struct trackDb *tdb, char *tableName, struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Allocate, fill in and return a trackTable. */ struct dataVector *dataVectorFetchOneRegion(struct trackTable *table, struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn); /* Return a dataVector containing all the data for this track and table * in the given region */ struct dataVector *dataVectorNew(char *chrom, int size); /* allocate a dataVector for 'size' number of data points on specified chrom */ void freeDataVector(struct dataVector **v); /* free up space belonging to a dataVector */ #define dataVectorFree(x) freeDataVector(x) enum dataVectorBinaryOpType { dataVectorBinaryOpSum, dataVectorBinaryOpProduct, dataVectorBinaryOpMin, dataVectorBinaryOpMax, }; void dataVectorBinaryOp(struct dataVector *dv1, struct dataVector *dv2, enum dataVectorBinaryOpType op, boolean requireBoth); /* Store op(dv1, dv2) in dv1. * If requireBoth is TRUE, remove a value from dv1 if dv2 has no value at the * same position; if FALSE, leave dv1 value unchanged if dv2 has no value at * same position. */ #define dataVectorSum(dv1,dv2,r) (dataVectorBinaryOp(dv1, dv2, dataVectorBinaryOpSum, r)) #define dataVectorProduct(dv1,dv2,r) (dataVectorBinaryOp(dv1, dv2, dataVectorBinaryOpProduct, r)) #define dataVectorMin(dv1,dv2,r) (dataVectorBinaryOp(dv1, dv2, dataVectorBinaryOpMin, r)) #define dataVectorMax(dv1,dv2,r) (dataVectorBinaryOp(dv1, dv2, dataVectorBinaryOpMax, r)) void dataVectorNormalize(struct dataVector *dv, float denominator); /* Divide each value in dv by denominator. */ void dataVectorFilterMin(struct dataVector *dv, float minScore); /* Remove values less than minScore from dv. */ void dataVectorIntersect(struct dataVector *dv1, struct dataVector *dv2, boolean dv2IsWiggle, boolean complementDv2); /* Remove a value from dv1 if dv2 has no value (or if complementDv2, any value) * at the same position. Note: this will change dv2 too, unless complementDv2 * is set! */ int dataVectorWriteWigAscii(struct dataVector *dataVectorList, char *filename, int maxOut, char *description); /* Write wigAscii for all dataVectors in dataVectorList to filename. * Return the number of datapoints written. */ struct bed *dataVectorToBedList(struct dataVector *dvList); /* Allocate and return a bedList of ranges where dataVectors in dvList * contain values. */ int dataVectorWriteBed(struct dataVector *dvList, char *filename, int maxOut, char *description); /* Print out bed of ranges where dataVectors in dvList contain values. * Return the number of datapoints distilled into bed (the number of bed * items will usually be smaller than the number of datapoints). */ struct dataVector *bedGraphDataVector(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region); /* Read in bedGraph as dataVector and return it. Filtering, subtrack merge * and intersection are handled. */ struct dataVector *wiggleDataVector(struct trackDb *tdb, char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region); /* Read in wiggle as dataVector and return it. Filtering, subtrack merge * and intersection are handled. */ struct dataVector *bigWigDataVector(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region); /* Read in bigWig as dataVector and return it. Filtering, subtrack merge * and intersection are handled. */ void bigWigFillDataVector(char *table, struct region *region, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct dataVector *vector); /* Fill in data vector with bigWig info on region. Handles filters and * intersections, but not merging. */ struct dataVector *mergedWigDataVector(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region); /* Perform the specified subtrack merge wiggle-operation on table and * all other selected subtracks and intersect if necessary. */ int wigPrintDataVectorOut(struct dataVector *dataVectorList, enum wigOutputType wigOutType, int maxOut, char *description); /* Print out bed or data points from list of dataVectors. */ #endif /* CORRELATE_H */