/* gffOut - output GFF (from bed data structures). */ #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "trackDb.h" #include "bed.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "gff.h" #include "hgTables.h" static void addGffLineFromBed(struct bed *bed, char *source, char *feature, int start, int end, char frame, char *txName) /* Create a gffLine from a bed and line-specific parameters and print it out. */ { struct gffLine gff; ZeroVar(&gff); char strand; gff.seq = bed->chrom; gff.source = source; gff.feature = feature; gff.start = start; gff.end = end; gff.score = bed->score; strand = bed->strand[0]; if (strand != '+' && strand != '-') strand = '.'; gff.strand = strand; gff.frame = frame; gff.group = txName; if (bed->name != NULL) gff.geneId = bed->name; else { static int namelessIx = 0; char buf[64]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "gene%d", ++namelessIx); gff.geneId = buf; } gffTabOut(&gff, stdout); } static char *computeFrames(struct bed *bed, int *retStartIndx, int *retStopIndx) /* Compute frames, in order dictated by strand. bed must be BED12. */ { char *frames = needMem(bed->blockCount); boolean gotFirstCds = FALSE; int nextPhase = 0, startIndx = 0, stopIndx = 0; // If lack of thick region has been represented this way, fix: if (bed->thickStart == 0 && bed->thickEnd == 0) bed->thickStart = bed->thickEnd = bed->chromStart; int i; for (i=0; i < bed->blockCount; i++) { int j = (bed->strand[0] == '-') ? bed->blockCount-i-1 : i; int exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[j]; int exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[j]; if ((exonStart < bed->thickEnd) && (exonEnd > bed->thickStart)) { int cdsS = max(exonStart, bed->thickStart); int cdsE = min(exonEnd, bed->thickEnd); int cdsSize = cdsE - cdsS; if (! gotFirstCds) { gotFirstCds = TRUE; startIndx = j; } frames[j] = '0' + nextPhase; nextPhase = (3 + ((nextPhase - cdsSize) % 3)) % 3; stopIndx = j; } else { frames[j] = '.'; } } if (retStartIndx) *retStartIndx = startIndx; if (retStopIndx) *retStopIndx = stopIndx; return frames; } static void addStartStopCodon(struct bed *bed, int exonIndx, int anchor, int offset, char *codon, char *source, char *txName) /* Output a start or stop codon -- if it is split across multiple exons, output multiple lines. * anchor must fall in the exonIndx exon of bed. * If offset is positive, we are computing an end coord; if negative, a start coord. */ { int simpleAnswer = anchor + offset; int exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx]; int exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[exonIndx]; if ((offset >= 0 && (anchor >= exonEnd || anchor < exonStart)) || (offset < 0 && (anchor > exonEnd || anchor <= exonStart))) errAbort("addStartStopCodon: anchor %d is not in exon %d [%d,%d]", anchor, exonIndx, exonStart, exonEnd); if (offset < 0) { if (simpleAnswer < exonStart) { if (exonIndx >= 1) { int stillNeeded = simpleAnswer - exonStart; int prevExonEnd = (bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx-1] + bed->blockSizes[exonIndx-1]); addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx-1, prevExonEnd, stillNeeded, codon, source, txName); } addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, exonStart, anchor, '.', txName); } else addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, simpleAnswer, anchor, '.', txName); } else if (offset > 0) { if (simpleAnswer > exonEnd) { addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, anchor, exonEnd, '.', txName); if (exonIndx < bed->blockCount - 1) { int stillNeeded = simpleAnswer - exonEnd; int nextExonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx+1]; addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx+1, nextExonStart, stillNeeded, codon, source, txName); } } else addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, codon, anchor, simpleAnswer, '.', txName); } } static void addCdsStartStop(struct bed *bed, char *source, int exonCdsStart, int exonCdsEnd, char *frames, int exonIndx, int cdsStartIndx, int cdsStopIndx, boolean gtf2StopCodons, char *txName) /* Output a CDS record for the trimmed CDS portion of exonIndx, and a start_codon or * stop_codon if applicable. */ { boolean isRc = (bed->strand[0] == '-'); /* start_codon (goes first for + strand) overlaps with CDS */ if ((exonIndx == cdsStartIndx) && !isRc) addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsStart, 3, "start_codon", source, txName); /* If gtf2StopCodons is set, then we follow the GTF2 convention of excluding * the stop codon from the CDS region. In other GFF flavors, stop_codon is * part of the CDS, which is the case in our table coords too. * This function would already be complicated enough without gtf2StopCodons, * due to strand and the possibility of a start or stop codon being split * across exons. Excluding the stop codon from CDS complicates it further * because cdsEnd on the current exon may affect the CDS line of the previous * or next exon. The cdsPortion* variables below are the CDS extremities that * may have the stop codon excised. */ if (exonIndx == cdsStopIndx) { if (isRc) { addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsStart, 3, "stop_codon", source, txName); int cdsPortionStart = gtf2StopCodons ? exonCdsStart + 3 : exonCdsStart; if (cdsPortionStart < exonCdsEnd) addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", cdsPortionStart, exonCdsEnd, frames[exonIndx], txName); } else { int cdsPortionEnd = gtf2StopCodons ? exonCdsEnd - 3 : exonCdsEnd; if (cdsPortionEnd > exonCdsStart) addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", exonCdsStart, cdsPortionEnd, frames[exonIndx], txName); addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsEnd, -3, "stop_codon", source, txName); } } else { int cdsPortionStart = exonCdsStart; int cdsPortionEnd = exonCdsEnd; if (gtf2StopCodons) { if (isRc && exonIndx - 1 == cdsStopIndx) { int lastExonEnd = (bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx-1] + bed->blockSizes[exonIndx-1]); int basesWereStolen = 3 - (lastExonEnd - bed->thickStart); if (basesWereStolen > 0) cdsPortionStart += basesWereStolen; } if (!isRc && exonIndx + 1 == cdsStopIndx) { int nextExonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[exonIndx+1]; int basesWillBeStolen = 3 - (bed->thickEnd - nextExonStart); if (basesWillBeStolen > 0) cdsPortionEnd -= basesWillBeStolen; } } if (cdsPortionEnd > cdsPortionStart) addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", cdsPortionStart, cdsPortionEnd, frames[exonIndx], txName); } /* start_codon (goes last for - strand) overlaps with CDS */ if ((exonIndx == cdsStartIndx) && isRc) addStartStopCodon(bed, exonIndx, exonCdsEnd, -3, "start_codon", source, txName); } static int bedToGffLines(struct bed *bedList, struct hTableInfo *hti, int fieldCount, char *source, boolean gtf2StopCodons) /* Translate a (list of) bed into gff and print out. * Note that field count (perhaps reduced by bitwise intersection) * can in effect override hti. */ { struct hash *nameHash = newHash(20); struct bed *bed; int i, exonStart, exonEnd; char txName[256]; int itemCount = 0; static int namelessIx = 0; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { /* Enforce unique transcript_ids. */ if (bed->name != NULL) { struct hashEl *hel = hashLookup(nameHash, bed->name); int dupCount = (hel != NULL ? ptToInt(hel->val) : 0); if (dupCount > 0) { safef(txName, sizeof(txName), "%s_dup%d", bed->name, dupCount); hel->val = intToPt(dupCount + 1); } else { safef(txName, sizeof(txName), "%s", bed->name); hashAddInt(nameHash, bed->name, 1); } } else safef(txName, sizeof(txName), "tx%d", ++namelessIx); if (hti->hasBlocks && hti->hasCDS && fieldCount > 4) { /* first pass: compute frames, in order dictated by strand. */ int startIndx = 0, stopIndx = 0; char *frames = computeFrames(bed, &startIndx, &stopIndx); /* second pass: one exon (possibly CDS, start/stop_codon) per block. */ for (i=0; i < bed->blockCount; i++) { exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i]; exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[i]; if ((exonStart < bed->thickEnd) && (exonEnd > bed->thickStart)) { int exonCdsStart = max(exonStart, bed->thickStart); int exonCdsEnd = min(exonEnd, bed->thickEnd); addCdsStartStop(bed, source, exonCdsStart, exonCdsEnd, frames, i, startIndx, stopIndx, gtf2StopCodons, txName); } addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", exonStart, exonEnd, '.', txName); } freeMem(frames); } else if (hti->hasBlocks && fieldCount > 4) { for (i=0; i < bed->blockCount; i++) { exonStart = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i]; exonEnd = exonStart + bed->blockSizes[i]; addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", exonStart, exonEnd, '.', txName); } } else if (hti->hasCDS && fieldCount > 4) { if (bed->thickStart == 0 && bed->thickEnd == 0) bed->thickStart = bed->thickEnd = bed->chromStart; if (bed->thickStart > bed->chromStart) { addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", bed->chromStart, bed->thickStart, '.', txName); } if (bed->thickEnd > bed->thickStart) addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "CDS", bed->thickStart, bed->thickEnd, '0', txName); if (bed->thickEnd < bed->chromEnd) { addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", bed->thickEnd, bed->chromEnd, '.', txName); } } else { addGffLineFromBed(bed, source, "exon", bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, '.', txName); } itemCount++; } hashFree(&nameHash); return itemCount; } void doOutGff(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean outputGtf) /* Save as GFF/GTF. */ { struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(database, table, conn); struct bed *bedList; char source[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING]; int itemCount; struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions(); textOpen(); safef(source, sizeof(source), "%s_%s", database, table); itemCount = 0; for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next) { struct lm *lm = lmInit(64*1024); int fieldCount; bedList = cookedBedList(conn, table, region, lm, &fieldCount); itemCount += bedToGffLines(bedList, hti, fieldCount, source, outputGtf); lmCleanup(&lm); } if (itemCount == 0) hPrintf(NO_RESULTS); }