/* oneTrack: load and draw a single track. This is written for use in * GBrowse plugins but could find other uses. */ #ifndef ONETRACK_H #define ONETRACK_H #include "hvGfx.h" void oneTrackInit(); /* Set up global variables using cart settings and initialize libs. */ struct hvGfx *oneTrackMakeTrackHvg(char *trackName, char *gifName); /* Set up a single track, load it, draw it and return the graphics object: */ unsigned char *oneTrackHvgToUcscGlyph(struct hvGfx *hvg, int *retVecSize); /* Translate the memGfx implementation of hvGfx into a byte vector which * GBrowse's Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ucsc_glyph will render into the main * GBrowse image. */ void oneTrackCloseAndWriteImage(struct hvGfx **pHvg); /* Write out the graphics object to the filename with which it was created. * This also destroys the graphics object! */ #endif /* ONETRACK_H */