UCSC Genome Bioinformatics
  Procedure for Creating a Mirror Site for the UCSC Genome Browser

The most complete and up-to-date instructions for setting up a mirror can be found in our source tree. You may choose to set up either a full mirror browser or a partial one, depending on your disk space and needs. Additionally, these blog posts may be helpful with setting up a mirror site on CentOS and Ubuntu.

A license is required for commercial download and/or installation of the Genome Browser binaries and source code. No license is needed for academic, nonprofit, and personal use. To purchase a license, see our License Instructions.

Space required:

The amount of data available in the Genome Browser is growing constantly. To determine the size of any of the download directories mentioned in these instructions, use the rsync "-n" option on the directory prior to actually transferring the data. For instance, to find the size of the /gbdb directory, run:

rsync -navP rsync://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/gbdb/
The rsync options used in this command are:
-n, --dry-run         show what would have been transferred
-a, --archive         archive mode, equivalent to -rlptgoD
-v, --verbose         increase verbosity
-P                    equivalent to --partial --progress

Mirror site questions may be directed to the mailing list genome-mirror@soe.ucsc.edu. Messages sent to this address will be posted to the moderated genome-mirror mailing list, which is archived on a public Web-accessible pipermail archive. This archive may be indexed by non-UCSC sites such as Google.

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