#ifndef AXTLIB_H #define AXTLIB_H void axtListReverse(struct axt **axtList, char *queryDb); /* reverse complement an entire axtList */ struct axt *createAxtGap(char *nibFile, char *chrom, int start, int end, char strand); /* return an axt alignment with the query all deletes - null aligment */ void axtFillGap(struct axt **aList, char *nibDir, char direction); /* fill gaps between blocks with null axts with seq on t and q seq all gaps*/ /* direction = '+' ascending on + strand, - is descending on - strand */ char *getAxtFileName(char *chrom, char *toDb, char *alignment, char *fromDb); /* return file name for a axt alignment */ struct axt *netFillToAxt(struct cnFill *fill, struct dnaSeq *tChrom, int tSize, struct hash *qChromHash, char *nibDir, struct chain *chain, boolean swap); /* Convert subset of chain as defined by fill to axt. swap query and target if swap is true.*/ #endif