/* chromKeeper - Wrapper for binKeepers around the whole genome. */ #ifndef CHROMKEEPER_H #define CHROMKEEPER_H #ifndef BINRANGE_H #include "binRange.h" #endif void chromKeeperInit(char *db); /* Initialize the chromKeeper to a given database (hg15,mm2, etc). */ void chromKeeperInitChroms(struct slName *nameList, int maxChromSize); /* Initialize a chrom keeper with a list of names and a size that will be used for each one. */ void chromKeeperAdd(char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, void *val); /* Add an item to the chromKeeper. */ struct binElement *chromKeeperFind(char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd); /* Return a list of all items in chromKeeper that intersect range. Free this list with slFreeList. */ void chromKeeperRemove(char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, void *val); /* Remove the item from the proper chromKeeper. */ #endif /* CHROMKEEPER_H */