#ifndef HGCONFIG_H #define HGCONFIG_H char* cfgOption(char* name); /* return the option with the given name, or null if not found */ char* cfgOptionDefault(char* name, char* def); /* return the option with the given name or the given default if it doesn't exist */ boolean cfgOptionBooleanDefault(char* name, boolean def); /* return the boolean value for option with the given name or the given * default if it doesn't exist. Booleans of yes/no/on/off/true/false are * recognized */ char *cfgOptionEnv(char *envName, char* name); /* get a configuration optional value, from either the environment or the cfg * file, with the env take precedence. Return NULL if not found */ char *cfgOptionEnvDefault(char *envName, char* name, char *def); /* get a configuration optional value, from either the environment or the cfg * file, with the env take precedence. Return default if not found */ char *cfgOption2(char *prefix, char *suffix); /* Return the option with the given two-part name, formed from prefix.suffix. * Return NULL if it doesn't exist. */ char* cfgOptionDefault2(char *prefix, char *suffix, char* def); /* Return the option with the given two-part name, formed from prefix.suffix, * or the given default if it doesn't exist. */ char *cfgVal(char *name); /* Return option with given name. Squawk and die if it * doesn't exist. */ struct slName *cfgNames(); /* get list of names in config file. slFreeList when finished */ struct slName *cfgNamesWithPrefix(); /* get list of names in config file with prefix. slFreeList when finished */ unsigned long cfgModTime(); /* Return modification time of config file */ #endif