/* hgnc.h was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also * generated hgnc.c and hgnc.sql. This header links the database and * the RAM representation of objects. */ #ifndef HGNC_H #define HGNC_H #define HGNC_NUM_COLS 41 struct hgnc /* A cross-reference table between HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) IDs and other database IDs. */ { struct hgnc *next; /* Next in singly linked list. */ char *hgncId; /* HGNC ID */ char *symbol; /* Approved Symbol */ char *name; /* Approved Name */ char *status; /* Status */ char *locusType; /* Locus Type */ char *locusGroup; /* Locus Group */ char *prvSymbols; /* Previous Symbols */ char *prvNames; /* Previous Names */ char *synonyms; /* Synonyms */ char *nameSyns; /* Name synonyms */ char *chrom; /* Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold */ char *dateApprv; /* Date Approved */ char *dateMod; /* Date Modified */ char *dateSymChange; /* Date Symbol Changed */ char *dateNmChange; /* Date Name Changed */ char *accession; /* Accession Numbers */ char *enzymeIds; /* Enzyme IDs */ char *entrezId; /* Entrez Gene ID */ char *ensId; /* Ensembl Gene ID */ char *mgdId; /* MGD ID */ char *miscDbs; /* Misc Database Links */ char *miscIds; /* Misc Database IDs */ char *pubMed; /* Pubmed IDs */ char *refSeqIds; /* RefSeq IDs */ char *geneFamilyNm; /* Gene Family Name */ char *geneFamilyDesc; /* Gene Family Description */ char *recType; /* Record Type */ char *primaryId; /* Primary ID */ char *secondaryId; /* Secondary ID */ char *ccdsId; /* CCDS ID */ char *vegaId; /* Vega ID */ char *locusDbs; /* Locus-Specific Databases */ char *gdbMapped; /* GDB ID (mapped data) */ char *entrezMapped; /* Entrez Gene ID (mapped data) */ char *omimMapped; /* OMIM ID (mapped data) */ char *refSeqMapped; /* RefSeq (mapped data) */ char *uniProtMapped; /* UniProt ID (mapped data) */ char *ensMapped; /* ENSEMLB ID (mapped data) */ char *ucscMapped; /* UCSC ID (mapped data) */ char *mgiMapped; /* MGD ID (mapped data) */ char *rgdMapped; /* Rat genome database ID (mapped data) */ }; void hgncStaticLoadWithNull(char **row, struct hgnc *ret); /* Load a row from hgnc table into ret. The contents of ret will * be replaced at the next call to this function. */ struct hgnc *hgncLoadWithNull(char **row); /* Load a hgnc from row fetched with select * from hgnc * from database. Dispose of this with hgncFree(). */ struct hgnc *hgncLoadAll(char *fileName); /* Load all hgnc from whitespace-separated file. * Dispose of this with hgncFreeList(). */ struct hgnc *hgncLoadAllByChar(char *fileName, char chopper); /* Load all hgnc from chopper separated file. * Dispose of this with hgncFreeList(). */ #define hgncLoadAllByTab(a) hgncLoadAllByChar(a, '\t'); /* Load all hgnc from tab separated file. * Dispose of this with hgncFreeList(). */ struct hgnc *hgncCommaIn(char **pS, struct hgnc *ret); /* Create a hgnc out of a comma separated string. * This will fill in ret if non-null, otherwise will * return a new hgnc */ void hgncFree(struct hgnc **pEl); /* Free a single dynamically allocated hgnc such as created * with hgncLoad(). */ void hgncFreeList(struct hgnc **pList); /* Free a list of dynamically allocated hgnc's */ void hgncOutput(struct hgnc *el, FILE *f, char sep, char lastSep); /* Print out hgnc. Separate fields with sep. Follow last field with lastSep. */ #define hgncTabOut(el,f) hgncOutput(el,f,'\t','\n'); /* Print out hgnc as a line in a tab-separated file. */ #define hgncCommaOut(el,f) hgncOutput(el,f,',',','); /* Print out hgnc as a comma separated list including final comma. */ /* -------------------------------- End autoSql Generated Code -------------------------------- */ #endif /* HGNC_H */