/* pbCommon - contains data shared within the pb* family of programs * (which are used in building the Proteome Browser and data */ #ifndef PBCOMMON_H #define PBCOMMON_H /* define the number of expected amino acid residues, including wildcards */ #define NUM_AMINO_ACIDS 26 /* define the expected amino acid residues, including wildcards and * nonstandard residues. It's possible that the order is important*/ #define AA_ALPHABET "WCMHYNFIDQKRTVPGEASLXZBJOU" /* define the size of the standard amino acid alphabet */ #define NUM_STANDARD_AMINO_ACIDS 20 /* define the standard amino acid alphabet. The order here _might_ be * important (I'm guessing that the unusual order is there for a reason) */ #define STNADARD_AA_ALPHABET "WCMHYNFIDQKRTVPGEASL" #endif /* PBCOMMON_H */