import*; /* Container for chrom, start, end */ class Coords { // data String chrom; int start; int end; // constructors Coords(String chromVar, int startVar, int endVar) { chrom = chromVar; start = startVar; end = endVar; } Coords(String filename) { FileReader fin; BufferedReader br; String thisline = ""; int pos = 0; Integer myint; try { fin = new FileReader(filename); br = new BufferedReader(fin); // only need to read the first line thisline = br.readLine(); fin.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); chrom = "chr1"; start = 1; end = 1; return; } pos = thisline.indexOf("\t"); chrom = thisline.substring(0, pos); thisline = thisline.substring(pos+1); pos = thisline.indexOf("\t"); String startstr = thisline.substring(0, pos); myint = new Integer(startstr); start = myint.intValue(); thisline = thisline.substring(pos+1); myint = new Integer(thisline); end = myint.intValue(); } boolean match(String newChrom, int newStart, int newEnd) { if (!chrom.equals(newChrom)) return (false); if (start != newStart) return (false); if (end != newEnd) return (false); return (true); } void print() { System.out.println(chrom + ":" + start + "-" + end); } }