/* hgAccessCrawl - Go through Apache access log collecting stats on hgXXX programs. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "apacheLog.h" FILE *errLog = NULL; int errCode = 0; FILE *nonRoboLog = NULL; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "hgAccessCrawl - Go through Apache access log collecting stats on hgXXX programs\n" "usage:\n" " hgAccessCrawl access_log(s)\n" "options:\n" " -errLog=err.log - Put errors into err.log\n" " -errCode=NNN - Only write out to errLog when status code matches errCode\n" " -nonRobot=file - Write out non-robot CGI lines to file\n" " -verbose=N - Set verbosity level. 0 for silent, 1 for input data warnings, \n" " 2 for status.\n" ); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { {"errLog", OPTION_STRING}, {"errCode", OPTION_INT}, {"nonRobot", OPTION_STRING}, {NULL, 0}, }; boolean cgiHashVal(struct hash *cgiHash, char *var, char *val) /* Return TRUE if var exists in hash with given value. */ { struct cgiVar *cv = hashFindVal(cgiHash, var); return cv != NULL && sameString(cv->val, val); } struct nameCount /* List of name/count pairs. */ { struct nameCount *next; char *name; int count; }; boolean isRobot(char *ip, char *program) /* Return TRUE if it appears to be a robot ip address. */ { static struct hash *roboHash = NULL; if (startsWith("Java", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Wget", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("AgentName", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("libwww-perl", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Googlebot", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("ia_archiver", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Hatena Antenna", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("webBlat", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("HTTP::Lite", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Python-urllib", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("LWP::Simple", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("httpunit", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Teleport Pro", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("WWW-Mechanize", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Bio::Das::", program)) return TRUE; else if (stringIn("Googlebot", program)) return TRUE; else if (sameString("-", program)) return TRUE; else if (startsWith("Microsoft Data Access", program)) return TRUE; if (roboHash == NULL) { roboHash = hashNew(0); hashAdd(roboHash, "joiner.stanford.edu", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "pc-glass-1.ucsd.edu", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "pc-glass-2.ucsd.edu", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "pc-glass-3.ucsd.edu", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "64-170-97-98.ded.pacbell.net", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "ce.hosts.jhmi.edu", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "technetium.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu", NULL); hashAdd(roboHash, "", NULL); } return hashLookup(roboHash, ip) != NULL; } int nameCountCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort based on count - biggest first. */ { const struct nameCount *a = *((struct nameCount **)va); const struct nameCount *b = *((struct nameCount **)vb); return b->count - a->count; } struct visCount /* Keep track of visibility settings observed. */ { struct visCount *next; char *track; /* Name of track. Not allocated here. */ int hideCount; int denseCount; int squishCount; int packCount; int fullCount; int visCount; /* Sum of all but hide. */ }; int visCountCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort based on visCount - biggest first. */ { const struct visCount *a = *((struct visCount **)va); const struct visCount *b = *((struct visCount **)vb); return b->visCount - a->visCount; } boolean isTrackVal(char *val) /* Return TRUE if this is a value we expect in a track name */ { return sameString(val, "hide") || sameString(val, "dense") || sameString(val, "squish") || sameString(val, "pack") || sameString(val, "full"); } void recordTrackVis(struct cgiVar *cv, struct hash *trackHash, struct visCount **pVcList) /* If var looks like it is a track, update trackHash with visibility * value. */ { char *val = cv->val; if (isTrackVal(val)) { struct visCount *vc = hashFindVal(trackHash, cv->name); if (vc == NULL) { AllocVar(vc); hashAddSaveName(trackHash, cv->name, vc, &vc->track); slAddHead(pVcList, vc); } if (sameString(val, "hide")) vc->hideCount += 1; else if (sameString(val, "dense")) { vc->denseCount += 1; vc->visCount += 1; } else if (sameString(val, "squish")) { vc->squishCount += 1; vc->visCount += 1; } else if (sameString(val, "pack")) { vc->packCount += 1; vc->visCount += 1; } else if (sameString(val, "full")) { vc->fullCount += 1; vc->visCount += 1; } } } struct cgiProgram /* Data on one cgi program. */ { struct cgiProgram *next; char *name; /* Name of program. */ int totalHits; /* Total hit count. */ int roboHits; /* Robot hit count. */ }; int cgiProgramCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort based on count - biggest first. */ { const struct cgiProgram *a = *((struct cgiProgram **)va); const struct cgiProgram *b = *((struct cgiProgram **)vb); return b->totalHits - a->totalHits; } void hgAccessCrawl(int logCount, char *logFiles[]) /* hgAccessCrawl - Go through Apache access log collecting stats on hgXXX programs. */ { struct cgiProgram *progList = NULL, *prog; struct hash *progHash = hashNew(0); int i; int hgTracksTotal = 0; int hgTracksPosted = 0; /* int hgNearTotal = 0; int hgGeneTotal = 0; int hgTextTotal = 0; int hgBlatTotal = 0; int hgTablesTotal = 0; */ int hgcTotal = 0; int dbTotal = 0; int other = 0; int fromGateway = 0; int fromHgBlat = 0; int fromOtherBlat = 0; int fromHgGene = 0; int fromHgc = 0; int fromHgNear = 0; int fromEncode = 0; int fromOutside = 0; int zoomIn = 0; int zoomOut = 0; int dink = 0; int left = 0; int right = 0; int jump = 0; int refresh = 0; int gatewayMultiple = 0; int zoomInRuler = 0; int hgTracksRobot = 0; /* int hgTablesRobot = 0; int hgTextRobot = 0; int hgGeneRobot = 0; int hgNearRobot = 0; int hgBlatRobot = 0; */ int undisclosedOutsideSimple = 0; int undisclosedOutsideWithCustom = 0; int resetAll = 0; int hideAll = 0; int postScriptOutput = 0; int addYourOwn = 0; struct hash *gHash = hashNew(0); /* g (track) var for hgc */ struct nameCount *gList = NULL, *gEl, *gNone, *gPost, *gRobot; struct hash *dbHash = hashNew(8); /* db var in hgTracks after hgGateway */ struct nameCount *dbList = NULL, *dbEl; struct hash *trackHash = hashNew(10); struct visCount *vcList = NULL; /* struct visCount *vcList = NULL, *vc; */ /* Allocate dummy group for POSTed htc's. */ AllocVar(gPost); gPost->name = "Posted (no CGI vars available)"; slAddHead(&gList, gPost); /* Allocate dummy group for htc's with no 'g' variable. */ AllocVar(gNone); gNone->name = "no 'g'"; slAddHead(&gList, gNone); /* Allocate dummy group for htc robots. */ AllocVar(gRobot); gRobot->name = "robot"; slAddHead(&gList, gRobot); for (i=0; ifileName, lf->lineIx); if (ll != NULL) { if (errLog != NULL && ll->status != 200 && ll->status != 304 && ll->status != 206 && ll->status != 301) { if (errCode == 0 || errCode == ll->status) if (!isRobot(ll->ip, ll->program)) fprintf(errLog, "%s\n", line); } if (startsWith("/cgi-bin/", ll->url)) { boolean thisIsRobot = isRobot(ll->ip, ll->program); char *progNameStart = ll->url + strlen("/cgi-bin/"); char *progNameEnd = strchr(progNameStart, '?'); char *progName; if (!thisIsRobot && nonRoboLog != NULL) fprintf(nonRoboLog, "%s\n", line); if (progNameEnd == NULL) progName = cloneString(progNameStart); else progName = cloneStringZ(progNameStart, progNameEnd-progNameStart); progNameEnd = strchr(progName, '/'); if (progNameEnd != NULL) *progNameEnd = 0; prog = hashFindVal(progHash, progName); if (prog == NULL) { AllocVar(prog); hashAddSaveName(progHash, progName, prog, &prog->name); slAddHead(&progList, prog); } prog->totalHits += 1; if (thisIsRobot) prog->roboHits += 1; if (sameString(ll->method, "GET")) { struct hash *cgiHash; struct cgiVar *cgiList, *cv; char *cgiString = strchr(ll->url, '?'); int cgiCount; if (cgiString == NULL) cgiString = ""; else cgiString += 1; cgiString = cloneString(cgiString); if (!cgiParseInput(cgiString, &cgiHash, &cgiList)) { if (verboseLevel() > 1) printf("%s\n", ll->url); continue; } cgiCount = slCount(cgiList); if (startsWith("/cgi-bin/hgTracks", ll->url)) { ++hgTracksTotal; /* Here we try to determine the popularity of each * database (organism+assembly) by looking at * initial entries from hgGateway into hgTracks. */ if (ll->referrer != NULL && !thisIsRobot && stringIn("hgGateway", ll->referrer)) { cv = hashFindVal(cgiHash, "db"); if (cv != NULL) { char *db = cv->val; dbEl = hashFindVal(dbHash, db); if (dbEl == NULL) { AllocVar(dbEl); hashAddSaveName(dbHash, db, dbEl, &dbEl->name); slAddHead(&dbList, dbEl); } dbEl->count += 1; dbTotal += 1; } } /* Count up dense/squished/packed/full track usage */ if (!thisIsRobot) { for (cv = cgiList; cv != NULL; cv = cv->next) recordTrackVis(cv, trackHash, &vcList); } /* Count up hits in a bunch of mutually exclusive * categories. */ if (thisIsRobot) ++hgTracksRobot; else if (cgiHashVal(cgiHash, "Submit", "Submit")) ++fromGateway; else if (cgiHashVal(cgiHash, "submit", "jump")) ++jump; else if (cgiHashVal(cgiHash, "submit", "refresh")) ++refresh; else if (stringIn("hgt.out", ll->url)) ++zoomOut; else if (stringIn("hgt.in", ll->url)) ++zoomIn; else if (stringIn("hgt.left", ll->url)) ++left; else if (stringIn("hgt.right", ll->url)) ++right; else if (stringIn("hgt.dink", ll->url)) ++dink; else if (ll->referrer != NULL && stringIn("cgi-bin/hgBlat", ll->referrer)) ++fromHgBlat; else if (ll->referrer == NULL && hashLookup(cgiHash, "ss")) ++fromOtherBlat; else if (ll->referrer != NULL && !startsWith("http://genome.ucsc.edu", ll->referrer) && !startsWith("http://genome.cse.ucsc.edu", ll->referrer)) ++fromOutside; else if (cgiCount == 2 && hashLookup(cgiHash, "position") && hashLookup(cgiHash, "hgsid")) { ++zoomInRuler; } else if (cgiCount == 3 && hashLookup(cgiHash, "position") && hashLookup(cgiHash, "hgsid")) { ++gatewayMultiple; } else if (stringIn("dummyEnterButton", ll->url)) { if (stringIn("guideline", ll->url)) ++jump; else ++fromGateway; } else if (ll->referrer == NULL && cgiCount == 2 && hashLookup(cgiHash, "db") && hashLookup(cgiHash, "position")) ++undisclosedOutsideSimple; else if (ll->referrer == NULL && cgiCount == 2 && hashLookup(cgiHash, "org") && hashLookup(cgiHash, "position")) ++undisclosedOutsideSimple; else if (ll->referrer == NULL && cgiCount == 3 && hashLookup(cgiHash, "db") && hashLookup(cgiHash, "org") && hashLookup(cgiHash, "position")) ++undisclosedOutsideSimple; else if (ll->referrer == NULL && hashLookup(cgiHash, "hgt.customText")) ++undisclosedOutsideWithCustom; else if (hashLookup(cgiHash, "hgt.reset")) ++resetAll; else if (hashLookup(cgiHash, "hgt.hideAll")) ++hideAll; else if (ll->referrer != NULL && stringIn("cgi-bin/hgc", ll->referrer)) ++fromHgc; else if (ll->referrer != NULL && stringIn("cgi-bin/hgNear", ll->referrer)) ++fromHgNear; else if (ll->referrer != NULL && stringIn("cgi-bin/hgGene", ll->referrer)) ++fromHgGene; else if (ll->referrer != NULL && (stringIn("ENCODE", ll->referrer) || stringIn("Encode", ll->referrer)) ) ++fromEncode; else if (hashLookup(cgiHash, "hgt.psOutput")) ++postScriptOutput; else if (stringIn("Add+Your+Own", ll->url)) ++addYourOwn; else { ++other; if (verboseLevel() >= 3) printf("%s\n", line); } } else if (startsWith("/cgi-bin/hgc", ll->url)) { struct cgiVar *cv = hashFindVal(cgiHash, "g"); struct nameCount *gEl; ++hgcTotal; if (thisIsRobot) { gRobot->count += 1; } else if (cv == NULL) { gNone->count += 1; } else { gEl = hashFindVal(gHash, cv->val); if (gEl == NULL) { AllocVar(gEl); hashAddSaveName(gHash, cv->val, gEl, &gEl->name); slAddHead(&gList, gEl); } gEl->count += 1; } } hashFree(&cgiHash); slFreeList(&cgiList); freez(&cgiString); } else if (sameString(ll->method, "POST")) { if (startsWith("/cgi-bin/hgc", ll->url)) { hgcTotal += 1; if (isRobot(ll->ip, ll->program)) gRobot->count += 1; else gPost->count += 1; } else if (startsWith("/cgi-bin/hgTracks", ll->url)) { hgTracksTotal += 1; if (isRobot(ll->ip, ll->program)) hgTracksRobot += 1; else hgTracksPosted += 1; } } freez(&progName); } apacheAccessLogFree(&ll); } } } printf("CGI Programs:\n"); slSort(&progList, cgiProgramCmp); for (prog = progList; prog != NULL; prog = prog->next) { char *name = prog->name; if (strchr(name, '%') == NULL && !endsWith(name, "_files")) printf("%s total %d, robot %d (%3.2f%%)\n", prog->name, prog->totalHits, prog->roboHits, 100.0 * prog->roboHits/prog->totalHits); } printf("\n"); slSort(&dbList, nameCountCmp); printf("Total entries from hgGateway with db set: %d\n", dbTotal); for (dbEl = dbList; dbEl != NULL; dbEl = dbEl->next) { printf("%4.2f%% db %s: %d\n", 100.0 * dbEl->count/dbTotal, dbEl->name, dbEl->count); } printf("hgTracksTotal: %d\n", hgTracksTotal); printf("hgTracksPosted: %d\n", hgTracksPosted); printf("fromGateway: %d\n", fromGateway); printf("gatewayMultiple: %d\n", gatewayMultiple); printf("fromHgBlat: %d\n", fromHgBlat); printf("fromOtherBlat: %d\n", fromOtherBlat); printf("fromHgNear: %d\n", fromHgNear); printf("fromHgc: %d\n", fromHgc); printf("fromHgGene: %d\n", fromHgGene); printf("zoomIn: %d\n", zoomIn); printf("zoomOut: %d\n", zoomOut); printf("dink: %d\n", dink); printf("left: %d\n", left); printf("right: %d\n", right); printf("jump: %d\n", jump); printf("refresh: %d\n", refresh); printf("zoomInRuler: %d\n", zoomInRuler); printf("fromOutside: %d\n", fromOutside); printf("undisclosedOutsideSimple: %d\n", undisclosedOutsideSimple); printf("undisclosedOutsideWithCustom: %d\n", undisclosedOutsideWithCustom); printf("robot: %d\n", hgTracksRobot); printf("resetAll: %d\n", resetAll); printf("hideAll: %d\n", hideAll); printf("fromEncode: %d\n", fromEncode); printf("postScriptOutput: %d\n", postScriptOutput); printf("addYourOwn: %d\n", addYourOwn); printf("other: %d\n", other); printf("\n"); #ifdef OLD /* Sadly track visibilities are now posted now so we don't know. */ printf("\n"); slSort(&vcList, visCountCmp); printf("Count of track visibility\n"); for (vc = vcList; vc != NULL; vc = vc->next) { int total = vc->visCount + vc->hideCount; double scale = 100.0/total; printf("%s: %d visible, %4.2f%% hidden, %4.2f%% dense, " "%4.2f%% squish, %4.2f%% pack, %4.2f%% full\n", vc->track, vc->visCount, scale*vc->hideCount, scale*vc->denseCount, scale*vc->squishCount, scale*vc->packCount, scale*vc->fullCount); } #endif /* OLD */ slSort(&gList, nameCountCmp); printf("total hgc clicks: %d\n", hgcTotal); for (gEl = gList; gEl != NULL; gEl = gEl->next) { printf("%4.2f%% hgc %s: %d\n", 100.0 * gEl->count/hgcTotal, gEl->name, gEl->count); } printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (optionExists("errLog")) errLog = mustOpen(optionVal("errLog", NULL), "w"); errCode = optionInt("errCode", 0); if (optionExists("nonRobot")) nonRoboLog = mustOpen(optionVal("nonRobot", NULL), "w"); if (argc < 2) usage(); hgAccessCrawl(argc-1, argv+1); return 0; }