############ wgEncodeHaibTfbs composite hg19 submissions ############### 2010-06-08 Mini-freeze ====================== 2 need failed validation for minor things. Pipeline closed but should load. /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/doEncodeValidate.pl -database=hg19 -configDir=/hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/config x /hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/1261 > validate_error 2>&1 view 'Peaks' has already been loaded as track 'wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xPkRep2' grep TAF1 ../1215/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1216/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1217/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1219/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1222/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1224/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1225/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1226/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1227/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1239/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1240/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1241/*.ddf | grep GM12878 data/SL588_Peaks.bed.broadPeak Peaks GM12878 TAF1 PCR1x None 2 MACS SL588 data/SL588.bam Alignments GM12878 TAF1 PCR1x None 2 SL588 grep TAF1 ../1242/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1251/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1252/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1253/*.ddf | grep GM12878 grep TAF1 ../1254/*.ddf | grep GM12878 # Rep 1 perhaps? #Thanks a lot for doing this. SL588 is rep1 and SL805 is rep2 for TAF1 #in GM12878. #Thanks, #Preti ## Go correct 1241 rename table wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xPkRep2 to wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xPkRep1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) cd downloadsDir mv wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep2.bam.gz wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep12.bam.gz mv wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xPkRep2.broadPeak.gz wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xPkRep1.broadPeak.gz cd {pip}1241/out e mdb.txt trackDb.ra unload.ra load.ra fileDb.ra # Change all references from rep2 to rep1 for TAF1 cd .. e *.ddf cd ../1261 /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/doEncodeValidate.pl -database=hg19 x /hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/1261 > validate_error 2>&1 doEncodeLoad.pl x /hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/1261 > load_error 2>&1 encodeStatus.pl 1261 loaded doEncodeValidate.pl -database=hg19 -configDir=/hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/config x /hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/1258 > validate_error 2>&1 doEncodeLoad.pl x /hive/groups/encode/dcc/pipeline/encpipeline_prod/1258 > load_error 2>&1 encodeStatus.pl 1258 loaded Things we should do before making index.html 1) Clean up wig mess 2) Update all remaps with origAssembly hg18 3) Update dateSubmitted, dateResubmitted, dateUnrestricted by getting these dates from hg18 mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -recreate mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1215/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1216/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1217/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1219/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1222/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1224/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1225/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1226/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1227/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1239/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1240/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1241/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1242/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1251/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1252/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1253/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1254/out/mdb.txt mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all -countObjs 277 objects mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="grant=Myers" setVars="origAssembly=hg18" -test 277 ### Why didn't A549/GR origAssembly get into mdb?? Because we never loaded it!!! mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="grant=Myers" setVars="origAssembly=hg18" # Clean out wigs mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -countObjs 60 objects encpipeline_prod> mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -line | grep -v wig | wl objects:60 vars:1320 0 They are all wigs. Get rid of them. mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete -test Command would affected 1320 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete Affected 1320 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all -countObjs 217 objects # Add in 1258 and 1261 late mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1258/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1261/out/mdb.txt mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all -countObjs -countVars 235 objects 5092 variables # Experiment defining vars? mdbPrint hg18 -table=metaDb -vars="composite=wgEncodeHudsonalphaChipSeq" -countObjs -countVars 701 objects 15168 variables # Added special command to mdbPrint!! ~/bin/x86_64/mdbPrint hg18 -table=metaDb -vars="composite=wgEncodeHudsonalphaChipSeq" -updDb=hg19 -updMdb=tmpMdb -updExp="grant,cell,treatment,antibody,protocol,replicate,view" -updVars="dateSubmitted,dateUnrestricted" > hg18Mdb.txt wl hg18Mdb.txt 701 hg18Mdb.txt chmod 755 hg18Mdb.txt ./hg18Mdb.txt > mdbUp.out 2>&1 e hg18Mdb.txt # remove '-test' ./hg18Mdb.txt > mdbUp.out 2>&1 # It all worked except!! Damn it, I forgot the dateResubmissted should be this date! The remapped submissions are 1210* 1224 1225 1226 1227 1239 1240 1241 1242 1252 1258 1261 Newly submitted Chips by June 7th 1130 1143 1150 1151 1158 1171 1172 1180 1188 1215* 1216* 1251* 1253* 1254* mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1215" | grep dateSubmitted # dates not updated so we are cool. # remove origAssembly mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1215" var=origAssembly -delete -test mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1215" var=origAssembly -delete mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1216" var=origAssembly -delete mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1251" var=origAssembly -delete mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1253" var=origAssembly -delete mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1254" var=origAssembly -delete # add the dateResubmitted that I accidentally left out! mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1217" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1219" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1222" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1224" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1225" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1226" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1227" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1239" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-04" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1240" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1241" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1242" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1252" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1258" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1261" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-06-07" # Get the one remap submission that I did not load mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb 1210/out/mdb.txt mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete -test mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete Affected 42 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all -countObjs -countVars 239 objects 5365 variables # Limit the hg18 update to the 1210 exp. grep "H1-hESC" hg18Mdb.txt | grep Pol2 > hg18MdbH1.txt wl hg18MdbH1.txt 16 hg18MdbH1.txt chmod 755 hg18MdbH1.txt ./hg18MdbH1.txt Affected 0 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 2 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 0 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 2 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 0 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 2 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 0 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb Affected 2 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb ... 4 exps updated. mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb vars="subId=1210" -setVars="dateResubmitted=2010-05-25" # Now go ahead and add all those non-remappings in: rm tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1130" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1143" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1150" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1151" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1158" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1171" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1172" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1180" >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 metaDb -vars="subId=1188" >> tmp.ra mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb tmp.ra Read 50 metadata objects from hg19 Affected 1068 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb # Scrup the wigs mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete -test mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete Affected 294 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all -countObjs -countVars # run encodeDownoladsPage.pl # These are still missing! wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878ControlV0416101AlnRep1.bam.gz 866M 2010-05-13 type=bam wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep12.bam.gz 1.2G 2010-06-07 type=bam wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12891ControlV0416101AlnRep1.bam.gz 1021M 2010-05-13 type=bam wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12892ControlV0416101AlnRep1.bam.gz 820M 2010-05-13 type=bam wgEncodeHaibTfbsHepg2ControlV0416101AlnRep1.bam.gz 1.1G 2010-05-13 type=bam wgEncodeHaibTfbsSknmcControlV0416101AlnRep1.bam.gz 1.2G 2010-05-13 type=bam # Look for them in Venkat's mdb rm tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb_vsmalladi -obj=wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878ControlV0416101AlnRep1 >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb_vsmalladi -obj=wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep12 >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb_vsmalladi -obj=wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12891ControlV0416101AlnRep1 >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb_vsmalladi -obj=wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12892ControlV0416101AlnRep1 >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb_vsmalladi -obj=wgEncodeHaibTfbsHepg2ControlV0416101AlnRep1 >> tmp.ra mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb_vsmalladi -obj=wgEncodeHaibTfbsSknmcControlV0416101AlnRep1 >> tmp.ra grep subId tmp.ra subId 1189 subId 1189 subId 1189 subId 1189 subId 1189 # None should be remaps! mdbUpdate hg19 -table=tmpMdb tmp.ra Read 5 metadata objects from hg19 Affected 105 row(s) in hg19.tmpMdb # Still missing 1: wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep12 ### MY TYPO mv wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep12.bam.gz wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Taf1Pcr1xAlnRep1.bam.gz # All metadata is set. cd {t19}/metaDb/alpha mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all -countObjs -countVars 280 objects 6248 variables mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibTfbs" -countObjs -countVars 333 objects 7121 variables Difference would seem to be the wigs mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibTfbs view=RawSignal" -countObjs -countVars 81 objects 1701 variables mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibTfbs view!=RawSignal" -countObjs -countVars 252 objects 5420 variables # I want to replace wgEncodeHaibTfbs.ra so mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all > wgEncodeHaibTfbs.ra # looks like some non-TFBS stuff was in the old one! mdbPrint hg19 -table=metaDb -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs view!=RawSignal" > wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs.ra # a mess so: rm wgEncodeHaibTfbs cvs up wgEncodeHaibTfbs.ra mdbUpdate hg19 -recreate table=metaDb_tdreszer wgEncodeHaibTfbs.ra mdbPrint hg19 -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs" > wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs.ra Still only seems like TFBS, so... mdbPrint hg19 -vars="view=RawSignal" -countObjs -countVars mdbUpdate hg19 -vars="view=RawSignal" -delete Using table named 'hg19.metaDb_tdreszer'. Affected 1701 row(s) in hg19.metaDb_tdreszer mdbPrint hg19 -table=tmpMdb -all > wgEncodeHaibTfbs.test grep Methyl wgEncodeHaibTfbs.test | wl 140 So there is the infection. mdbUpdate hg19 table=metaDb_tdreszer wgEncodeHaibTfbs.test Read 280 metadata objects from hg19 Affected 1167 row(s) in hg19.metaDb_tdreszer mdbPrint hg19 -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs" > wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbs.ra Using table named 'hg19.metaDb_tdreszer'. objects:28 vars:476 mdbPrint hg19 -vars="composite=wgEncodeHaibTfbs" > wgEncodeHaibTfbs.ra Using table named 'hg19.metaDb_tdreszer'. objects:252 vars:5772 mdbUpdate hg19 table=metaDb -replace wgEncodeHaibTfbs.ra 2010-06-21 forgot to update status when tracks were released ============================================================ select id,name,status,user_id from projects where user_id = 8 and status = "reviewing"; +------+----------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | id | name | status | user_id | +------+----------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | 6 | HudsonAlpha PFSK-1/SK-N-MC Control | reviewing | 8 | | 7 | HudsonAlpha PFSK-1/SK-N-MC FOXP2 | reviewing | 8 | | 259 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPSeq_Sin3Ak-20_K562_GM12878_Feb2709 | reviewing | 8 | | 260 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPSeq_Egr-1_K562_GM12878_Feb2709 | reviewing | 8 | | 261 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPSeq_USF-1_K562_GM12878_Feb2709 | reviewing | 8 | | 262 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPSeq_CONTROL_K562_GM12878_Feb2709 | reviewing | 8 | | 268 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-Seq-FEB09_FASTQ | reviewing | 8 | | 422 | HudsonAlpha_GM12878_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 432 | HudsonAlpha_HepG2_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 433 | HudsonAlpha_HeLa_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 434 | HudsonAlpha_U87_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 435 | HudsonAlpha_PANC1_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 436 | HudsonAlpha_PFSK1_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 437 | HudsonAlpha_BE2C_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 438 | HudsonAlpha_HTB11_Jul-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 741 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_Oct-09 | reviewing | 8 | | 756 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_Oct-09_noReps | reviewing | 8 | | 759 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_Oct-09_RestOf | reviewing | 8 | | 768 | HAIBChIPseq_RawData_Oct09 | reviewing | 8 | | 774 | HudsonAlpha_GR_ChIP-seq | reviewing | 8 | | 776 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_HepG2_GABPa-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 780 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_HepG2_TAF250-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 781 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_HeLa_GABPa-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 782 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_HeLa_TAFIIp250-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 783 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_GM12878_Bcl11a-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 795 | HAIB_Chipseq_p300_GM12878-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 798 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_ZBTB33_GM12878-Nov09 | reviewing | 8 | | 801 | Hudsonalpha_Chipseq_A549_GR_5nMDex_09Dec | reviewing | 8 | | 802 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_A549_GR_50nMDex_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 803 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_A549_GR_500pMDex_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 804 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_GM12878_Pax5_c20_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 814 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_hESC_NRSF_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 806 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_GM12878_Pax5-N19_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 807 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_K562_TAF1_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 809 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_A549_Pol2_Dex_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 812 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_GM12878_Bcl3_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 813 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPSeq_A549_Pol2_1hEtOH_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 832 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_ZBTB33_HepG2 | reviewing | 8 | | 830 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_GM12878_Sp1 | reviewing | 8 | | 833 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPSeq_H1-hESC_Taf1 | reviewing | 8 | | 867 | HAIB_Chipseq_HepG2_FosL2 | reviewing | 8 | | 876 | HAIB_Chipseq_HepG2_HEY1_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 878 | HAIB_Chipseq_HepG2_RXRA_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 879 | HAIB_Chipseq_H1-hESC_Pol2_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 1191 | HudsonAlpha_ReloadedFastqFiles | reviewing | 8 | | 1060 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_Dec1_HepG2_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 1028 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_Jurkat_Pol2_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 1003 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_CTCF_A549_EtOH_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 994 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_GM12892_TAF1_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 980 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_GM12892_Pol2_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 981 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_GM12892_Pol2-4H8_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 978 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_Oct2_GM12891_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 979 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_GM12891_TAF1_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 977 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_pol2WG-GM12891_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 976 | HAIB_Chipseq_pol2-4H8-GM12891 | reviewing | 8 | | 880 | HAIB FASTQ_Submissions_Dec09 | reviewing | 8 | | 899 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_A549_CTCF_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 913 | HudsonAlpha_ChipSeq_USF1_A549_Dex_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 901 | HudsonAlpha__Chipseq_A549_USF1_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 920 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_Pol2-4H8_GM12878_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 958 | HudsonAlpha_Chipseq_Pol2-4H8_hESC_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | | 973 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP-seq_GM12891_SPI1_Jan10 | reviewing | 8 | +------+----------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ 62 rows in set (0.00 sec) /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 6 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 7 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 259 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 260 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 261 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 262 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 268 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 422 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 432 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 433 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 434 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 435 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 436 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 437 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 438 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 741 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 756 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 759 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 768 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 774 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 776 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 780 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 781 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 782 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 783 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 795 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 798 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 801 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 802 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 803 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 804 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 814 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 806 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 807 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 809 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 812 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 813 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 832 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 830 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 833 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 867 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 876 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 878 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 879 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1191 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1060 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1028 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1003 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 994 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 980 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 981 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 978 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 979 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 977 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 976 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 880 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 899 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 913 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 901 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 920 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 958 released /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 973 released select id,name,status,user_id from projects where user_id = 8 and status = "reviewing"; Empty set (0.00 sec) 2010-06-22 Change all those downloads to displayed ================================================== select id,name,status,user_id from projects where status = "downloads" and user_id = 8 order by id; +------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | id | name | status | user_id | +------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | 1215 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_hESC_EGR1_May10 | downloads | 8 | | 1216 | HudsonAlpha_ECC1_ESR1sc-543_May10 | downloads | 8 | | 1224 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_GM12891_May10 | downloads | 8 | | 1225 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_GM12892_May10 | downloads | 8 | | 1226 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_hESC_May10 | downloads | 8 | | 1227 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_HepG2_BioRupter_May10 | downloads | 8 | | 1239 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_HepG21PCR_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1240 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_K562_1PCR_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1241 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_GM12878_1PCR_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1242 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RaisedLibraries_Hela_1PCR_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1251 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPseq_HEB_HepG2_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1252 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPseq_Six5_GM12878_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1253 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPseq_RxRalpha_GM12878_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1254 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPseq_GR_ECC1-Dex_June10 | downloads | 8 | | 1258 | HudsonAlpha_ChIPseq_A549_Raised_June10_Set1 | downloads | 8 | | 1261 | HudsonAlpha_ChIP_RandomRaised_June10_Set1 | downloads | 8 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ 16 rows in set (0.00 sec) /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1215 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1216 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1224 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1225 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1226 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1227 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1239 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1240 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1241 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1242 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1251 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1252 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1253 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1254 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1258 displayed -force /cluster/data/encode/pipeline/bin/encodeStatus.pl 1261 displayed -force select id,name,status,user_id from projects where status = "downloads" and user_id = 8 order by id; Empty set (0.00 sec)