# generated by braney hands This is a release1 of the "ENCODE wgEncodeGencodeV7" The composite track is wgEncodeGencodeV7 Categories of tables and files('): A) Untouched - are on public browser and should remain B) Deprecated - are currently on RR but will no longer be needed and should not be referenced by the public site. NOTE: NO FILES SHOULD BE REMOVED from the downloads directory on hgdownloads (RR). This list is provided for completeness. Any files marked here as in gbdb may be eliminated. C) New - are only currently on test but will need to be pushed to the RR. D) Additional items of note Summary total counts for release1 (new+untouched): Tables: 15 Files: 0 Gbdbs: 0 A) Untouched Tables (0): A') Untouched Files (0 downloadables, 0 gbdbs): B) Deprecated tables (0): B') Deprecated files (0 downloadables, 0 gbdbs): C) New tables (15): wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoV7 wgEncodeGencodeAttrsV7 wgEncodeGencodeBasicV7 wgEncodeGencodeCompV7 wgEncodeGencodeExonSupportV7 wgEncodeGencodeGeneSourceV7 wgEncodeGencodePdbV7 wgEncodeGencodePolyaV7 wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneV7 wgEncodeGencodePubMedV7 wgEncodeGencodeRefSeqV7 wgEncodeGencodeTagV7 wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSourceV7 wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSupportV7 wgEncodeGencodeUniProtV7 ### what are we doing about downloads? C') New files (0 downloadables, 0 gbdbs): current location on alpha: /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeGencodeV7/release1/ NOT on RR but must be placed in: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeGencodeV7/ D) Additional items: current location on alpha: /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeYaleRnaSeq/release1/ should be placed on the RR in (overwritting any existing copy): /usr/local/apache/htdocs/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeYaleRnaSeq/ /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeYaleRnaSeq/release1/index.html /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeYaleRnaSeq/release1/files.txt /usr/local/apache/htdocs-hgdownload/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeYaleRnaSeq/release1/md5sum.txt