This file describes how we made the browser database on the Mouse Feb 2002 freeze assembly. CREATING DATABASE AND STORING mRNA/EST SEQUENCE AND AUXILIARRY INFO o - Create the database. - ssh cc94 - hgap - create database hg3; - quit o - Store the mRNA (non-alignment) info in database. - hgLoadRna new hg3 - hgLoadRna add hg3 /projects/cc/hg/h/mrna/mrna.fa ~/cc/h/mrna/mrna.ra - hgLoadRna add hg3 /projects/cc/hg/h/mrna/est.fa ~/cc/h/mrna/est.ra STORING O+O SEQUENCE AND ASSEMBLY INFORMATION o - Create packed chromosome sequence files and put in database - mysql hg3 < ~/src/hg/lib/chromInfo.sql - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/allctgs - hgNibSeq hg3 /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/nib *.fa o - Store o+o info in database. - cd ~/cc/gs.3/oo.15 - jkStuff/ - jkStuff/ - hgGoldGapGl hg3 ~/cc/gs.3/oo.15 - cd ~/cc/gs.3 - hgClonePos hg3 oo.15 ffa/sequence.inf . - hgContigPos hg3 oo.15 REPEAT MASKING o - Repeat mask the assembled FPC contigs as so: - rmskOoJobs /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15 /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/jkStuff/rmsk2 - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/jkStuff/rmsk2 - edit all.con to split into two files first.con and second.con. Replicate header in second.con. (This step necessary because of a hopefully temporary limitation in the number of jobs you can submit at once.) - condor_submit first.con - condor_submit second.con - Wait for 12 hours. - Rescue the condor jobs that are still going by ssh to the machines still running, doing a 'cd /var/tmp/hg/jk/rm.gs1' and then a 'ls -lt | more' to see the contig they are working on. Then copying the .fa.masked file to the contig, and running 'fakeOut' to generate a .out file from it. o - Load RepeatMasker output into database: - ssh cc - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15 - jkStuff/ - hgLoadOut ?/*.out ??/*.out (Ignore the "Strange perc. field warnings. Maybe mention them to Arian someday.) MAKING AND STORING mRNA AND EST ALIGNMENTS o - Generate mRNA and EST alignments as so: - cdnaOnOoJobs /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15 /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/jkStuff/postPsl - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/jkStuff/postPsl - edit all.con to split into five files. - run '' to run condor_submit on each with a ten minute delay between. (Edit out initial 7 hour delay.) - Wait 12 hours or so. o - Process mRNA alignments into near best in genome. - ssh cc - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15 - cat */lift/*.lft > jkStuff/liftAll.lft - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/jkStuff/postPsl/psl - mkdir /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl - mkdir /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl/mrnaRaw - ln */*.mrna.psl *.mrna.psl !$ - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl - rm /scratch/jk/* - pslSort dirs mrnaGoodRaw.psl /scratch/jk mrnaRaw - pslReps mrnaGoodRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psr - liftUp all_mrna.psl ../jkStuff/liftAll.lft mrnaBestRaw.psl (Ignore warnings about chrXX not being in liftSpec file.) - pslSortAcc nohead mrna /scratch/jk all_mrna.psl - check mrna dir looks good. - rm -r mrnaRaw mrnaGoodRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psr o - Load mRNA alignments into database. - ssh cc94 - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl/mrna - foreach i (*.psl) mv $i $i:r_mrna.psl end - hgLoadPsl hg3 *.psl - cd .. - remove header lines from all_mrna.psl - hgLoadPsl hg3 all_mrna.psl o - Process EST alignments into chromosome-oriented near best in genome. (In general this follows the same pattern as the mRNA alignments.) - ssh cc - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/jkStuff/postPsl/psl - mkdir /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl/estRaw - ln */*.est.psl *.est.psl !$ - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl - rm /scratch/jk/* - pslSort dirs estGoodRaw.psl /scratch/jk estRaw - pslReps estGoodRaw.psl estBestRaw.psl estBestRaw.psr - liftUp all_est.psl ../jkStuff/liftAll.lft estBestRaw.psl (Ignore warnings about chrXX not being in liftSpec file.) - pslSortAcc nohead est /scratch/jk all_est.psl - check est dir looks good. - rm -r estRaw estGoodRaw.psl estBestRaw.psl estBestRaw.psr o - Load EST alignments into database. - ssh cc94 - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/psl/est - foreach i (*.psl) mv $i $i:r_est.psl end - hgLoadPsl hg3 *.psl - cd .. - remove header lines from all_est.psl - hgLoadPsl hg3 all_est.psl LOADING IN EXTERNAL FILES o - Load rnaGene table - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.3/oo.15/bed - mkdir rnaGene - cd rnaGene - download data from - unzip - liftUp chrom.gff ../../jkStuff/liftAll.lft ncrna-oo15.gff - grep chr21 ncrna-oo15.gff >> chrom.gff - grep chr22 ncrna-oo15.gff >> chrom.gff - hgRnaGenes hg3 chrom.gff