This file describes how we made the browser database on the Sept 7th freeze. CREATING DATABASE AND STORING mRNA/EST SEQUENCE AND AUXILIARRY INFO o - Create the database. - ssh cc94 - hgap - create database hg4; - quit o - Make sure there is at least 5 gig free on cc94:/var/tmp (which is on same device as database dirs, wherever that is.) o - Store the mRNA (non-alignment) info in database. - hgLoadRna new hg4 - hgLoadRna add hg4 /projects/cc/hg/h/mrna.119/mrna.fa ~/cc/h/mrna.119/mrna.ra - hgLoadRna add hg4 /projects/cc/hg/h/mrna.119/est.fa ~/cc/h/mrna.119/est.ra The last line will take quite some time to complete. It will count up to about 2,000,000 before it is done. REPEAT MASKING o - Lift up the repeat masker coordinates as so: - ssh cc - cd ~/cc/gs.4/oo.18 - edit jkStuff/ and update ooGreedy version number - source jkStuff/ o - Load RepeatMasker output into database: - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18 - hgLoadOut hg4 ?/*.fa.out ??/*.fa.out (Ignore the "Strange perc. field warnings. Maybe mention them to Arian someday.) STORING O+O SEQUENCE AND ASSEMBLY INFORMATION o - Create packed chromosome sequence files and put in database - mysql hg4 < ~/src/hg/lib/chromInfo.sql - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18 - hgNibSeq hg4 /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/nib ?/chr*.fa ??/chr*.fa o - Store o+o info in database. - cd ~/cc/gs.4/oo.18 - jkStuff/ - jkStuff/ - hgGoldGapGl hg4 ~/cc/gs.4/oo.18 - cd ~/cc/gs.4 - hgClonePos hg4 oo.18 ffa/sequence.inf /projects/cc/hg/gs.4 - hgCtgPos hg4 oo.18 MAKING AND STORING mRNA AND EST ALIGNMENTS o - Generate mRNA and EST alignments as so: - cdnaOnOoJobs /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18 /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/jkStuff/postPsl - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/jkStuff/postPsl - edit all.con to remove the big contig on chromosome 6 (ctg15907) - edit all.con to split into five files. - submit each to condor - run psLayout to generate ctg15907.mrna.psl and ctg15907.est.psl on kks00 because it has a gigabyte of memory (need 400 meg). - Wait 2 days or so for last stragglers. o - Process EST and mRNA alignments into near best in genome. Since some of the EST files are over 2 gig, you need to do this on an Alpha. - ssh beta - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18 - cat */lift/*.lft > jkStuff/liftAll.lft - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/jkStuff/postPsl/psl - mkdir /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/psl - mkdir /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/psl/mrnaRaw - ln */*.mrna.psl *.mrna.psl !$ - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/psl - rm /scratch/jk/* - pslSort dirs mrnaGoodRaw.psl /scratch/jk mrnaRaw - pslReps mrnaGoodRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psr - liftUp all_mrna.psl ../jkStuff/liftAll.lft mrnaBestRaw.psl (Ignore warnings about chrXX not being in liftSpec file.) - pslSortAcc nohead mrna /scratch/jk all_mrna.psl - check mrna dir looks good. - rm -r mrnaRaw mrnaGoodRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psl mrnaBestRaw.psr Repeat this for the ests. You may be able to do this with the script ~/oo/jkStuff/ It's written but not tested. o - Load mRNA alignments into database. - ssh cc94 - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/psl/mrna - foreach i (*.psl) mv $i $i:r_mrna.psl end - hgLoadPsl hg4 *.psl - cd .. - remove header lines from all_mrna.psl - hgLoadPsl hg4 all_mrna.psl o - Load EST alignments into database. - ssh cc94 - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/psl/est - foreach i (*.psl) mv $i $i:r_est.psl end - hgLoadPsl hg4 *.psl - cd .. - remove header lines from all_est.psl - hgLoadPsl hg4 all_est.psl o - Create subset of ESTs with introns and load into database. - ssh kks00 - cd ~/oo - source jkStuff/ - ssh cc94 - cd ~/oo/psl/intronEst - hgLoadPsl hg4 *.psl o - Load SNPs into database. - Download SNPs from - Unpack. - perl all_snp_nih.txt > snpNih.contig.bed - perl all_snp_tsc.txt > snpTsc.contig.bed - liftUp snpNih.bed ../../jkStuff/liftAll.lft snpNih.contig.bed - liftUp snpTsc.bed ../../jkStuff/liftAll.lft snpTsc.contig.bed - Start up mySQL with the command 'hg4'. At the prompt do: load data local infile 'snpTsc.bed' into table snpTsc; load data local infile 'snpNihbed' into table snpNih; FAKING DATA FROM PREVIOUS VERSION (This is just for until proper track arrives. Rescues about 97% of data). o - Rescuing STS track: - log onto cc94 - mkdir ~/oo/rescue - cd !$ - mkdir sts - cd sts - bedDown hg3 mapGenethon sts.fa - echo ~/oo/sts.fa > fa.lst - pslOoJobs ~/oo ~/oo/rescue/sts/fa.lst ~/oo/rescue/sts g2g - log onto cc01 - cc ~/oo/rescue/sts - split all.con into 3 parts and condor_submit each part - wait for assembly to finish - cd psl - mkdir all - ln ?/*.psl ??/*.psl *.psl all - pslSort dirs raw.psl temp all - pslReps raw.psl contig.psl /dev/null - rm raw.psl - liftUp chrom.psl ../../../jkStuff/liftAll.lft carry contig.psl - rm contig.psl - mv chrom.psl ../convert.psl - LOADING IN EXTERNAL FILES o - Make external submission directory - mkdir /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/bed o - Load rnaGene table - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < rnaGene.sql - cd /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/bed - mkdir rnaGene - cd rnaGene - download data from - unzip - liftUp chrom.gff ../../jkStuff/liftAll.lft ncrna-oo18.gff - grep chr21 ncrna-oo18.gff >> chrom.gff - grep chr22 ncrna-oo18.gff >> chrom.gff - hgRnaGenes hg4 chrom.gff o - Load exoFish table - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < exoFish.sql - Put email attatchment from Olivier Jaillon ( into /projects/cc/hg/gs.4/oo.18/bed/exoFish/septgp.ecore1.4.jimkent - Substitute "chr" for "CHR" in that file using subs. - Add dummy name column and convert to tab separated with awk -f filter.awk septgp.ecore1.4.jimkent > - Enter database with "hg4" command. - At mysql> prompt type in: load data local infile '' into table exoFish o - Load GC percent table - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < gcPercent.sql - cd /projects/compbiousr/booch/GCcontent/oo.18 - Enter database with "hg4" command. - At mysql> prompt type in: load data local infile 'GCpercent.BED' into table gcPercent o - Load STSs - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < stsMarker.sql - cd ~/oo/bed - mkdir stsMarker - cd stsMarker - hgStsMarkers hg4 /projects/cc/hg/mapplots/data/oo.18/final o - Load aliases for STSs - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < stsAlias.sql - cd ~/oo/bed - mkdir stsAlias - cd stsAlias - hgStsAlias hg4 /projects/cc/hg/mapplots/data/genethon_sex/dbSTS.aliases o - Load Genie known genes - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < knownInfo.sql - mkdir ~/oo/bed/neoKnown - cd ~/oo/bed/neoKnown - Download nr-knowns-20001102.tar from (David Kulp has given explicit ok for us to use the known genes from here and to distribute them as well.) - tar -xfv nr-k*.tar - gunzip */ctg*/*.gz - cat */ctg*/*.gtf > nrContigs.gtf - edit ~/oo/jkStuff/liftAll.lft to put in ctgC21 anc ctgC22 fake lines. - liftUp nrChrom.gtf ~/oo/jkStuff/liftAll.lft warn nrContigs.gtf - ldHgGene hg4 genieKnown nrChrom.gtf - hgKnownGene hg4 nrChrom.gtf o - Load Genie known peptides - login to cc94 - cd ~kent/src/hg/makeDb/hgPepPred - Edit hgPepPred.c and make sure that all the gene suffixes are covered - AK., C., RS. in this case. Make program if necessary. - cd ~/oo/bed/neoKnown - Download known-proteins-20001107.tar from - tar -xfv knonw-pro*.tar - hgPepPred hg4 genie */ctg*/*.aa o - Load cpgIslands - login to cc94 - cd ~/kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < cpgIsland.sql - mkdir ~/oo/bed/cpgIsland - cd ~/oo/bed/cpgIsland - download *.bed from - awk -f filter.awk chr*.bed > all.bed - Enter database with "hg4" command. - At mysql> prompt type in: load data local infile 'all.bed' into table cpgIsland o - Load simpleRepeats - login to cc94 - cd ~/kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < simpleRepeat.sql - mkdir ~/oo/bed/simpleRepeat - cd ~/oo/bed/simpleRepeat - download *.bed from - catUncomment chr*.bed > all.bed - Enter database with "hg4" command. - At mysql> prompt type in: load data local infile 'all.bed' into table simpleRepeat o - Mouse synteny track - login to cc94. - cd ~/kent/src/hg/lib - hg4 < mouseSyn.sql - mkdir ~/oo/bed/mouseSyn - cd ~/oo/bed/mouseSyn - Put Dianna Church's ( email attatchment as HumMmSegNoCen.txt - awk -f format.awk *.txt > mouseSyn.bed - delete first line of mouseSyn.bed - Enter database with "hg4" command. - At mysql> prompt type in: load data local infile 'mouseSyn.bed' into table mouseSyn