# for emacs: -*- mode: sh; -*- # This file describes how the proteins092903 database was made using # 09/29/03 release of NR database files from SWISS-PROT o Create and populate sp092903 database according to makeSp092903.doc. o create proteins092903 mySQL databases at hgwdev from interactive mysql create database proteins092903; o make a subdirectory of: /cluster/bluearc/fan/proteins/092903 and go there. o dump table definitions from proteins072003 mysqldump -d proteins072003 -u hgcat -p$HGPSWD > proteins.sql o edit proteins.sql to commented out index i1, i2, i3, i4 of the spXref2 table o create tables in proteins mysql -u hgcat -p$HGPSWD -A proteins092903