#!/bin/tcsh -efx # uses the following binaries: pbHgnc spToSpXref2 # This file describes how the proteome database was # built. See also the uniProt database doc, which needs # to be built first. set kent = ~/kent set date = 120806 set spdate = 120323 set db = proteins$date set spdb = sp$spdate hgsqladmin create $db cd /hive/data/inside/proteins mkdir -p $date cd $date mkdir build # Get HGNC data wget -O hgnc.tab "http://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/hgnc_downloads.cgi?title=HGNC+output+data&col=gd_hgnc_id&col=gd_app_sym&col=gd_app_name&col=gd_status&col=gd_locus_type&col=gd_locus_group&col=gd_prev_sym&col=gd_prev_name&col=gd_aliases&col=gd_name_aliases&col=gd_pub_chrom_map&col=gd_date2app_or_res&col=gd_date_mod&col=gd_date_sym_change&col=gd_date_name_change&col=gd_pub_acc_ids&col=gd_enz_ids&col=gd_pub_eg_id&col=gd_pub_ensembl_id&col=gd_mgd_id&col=gd_other_ids&col=gd_other_ids_list&col=gd_pubmed_ids&col=gd_pub_refseq_ids&col=gd_gene_fam_name&col=gd_gene_fam_pagename&col=gd_record_type&col=gd_primary_ids&col=gd_secondary_ids&col=gd_ccds_ids&col=gd_vega_ids&col=gd_lsdb_links&col=md_gdb_id&col=md_eg_id&col=md_mim_id&col=md_refseq_id&col=md_prot_id&col=md_ensembl_id&col=md_ucsc_id&col=md_mgd_id&col=md_rgd_id&status=Approved&status=Entry+Withdrawn&status_opt=1&where=&order_by=gd_app_sym_sort&format=text&limit=&submit=submit&.cgifields=&.cgifields=chr&.cgifields=status&.cgifields=hgnc_dbtag" hgsql $db < $kent/src/hg/lib/hgnc.sql hgsql $db -e 'load data local infile "hgnc.tab" into table hgnc ignore 1 lines' pbHgnc $date hgsql $db < $kent/src/hg/lib/hgncXref.sql hgsql $db -e 'load data local infile "hgncXref.tab" into table hgncXref' # BUILD spXref2 and spXref3 tables. cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date/build # Create a bioentry table to use as an internal replacement for accession. # Takes a minute hgsql $spdb -e "create table bioentryID (acc char(16) NOT NULL, bioentryID int not null auto_increment, primary key (bioentryID), unique (acc))" hgsql $spdb -e "insert into bioentryID (acc) select acc from $spdb.info order by acc" # get records with HUGL symbol and descriptions hgsql $spdb -N -e "select d.acc, d.val, taxon, id.bioentryID, 2-isCurated, des.val,hx.symbol, hx.description from displayId d, info i, accToTaxon t, bioentryID id, description des, $db.hgncXref hx where d.acc=t.acc and d.acc=i.acc and d.acc=id.acc and d.acc = id.acc and d.acc=des.acc and hx.uniProt=d.acc " >spXref3a.tab # get records with HUGL symbol and descriptions for variant splice proteins hgsql $spdb -N -e "select v.varAcc, v.varAcc, taxon, id.bioentryID, 2-isCurated, des.val,hx.symbol, hx.description from varAcc v, displayId d, info i, accToTaxon t, bioentryID id, description des, $db.hgncXref hx where v.parAcc=d.acc and d.acc=t.acc and d.acc=i.acc and d.acc=id.acc and d.acc = id.acc and d.acc=des.acc and hx.uniProt=d.acc " >spXref3av.tab # get all records and set HUGO symbol and description to "" hgsql $spdb -N -e 'select d.acc, d.val, taxon, id.bioentryID, 2-isCurated, des.val,"", "" from displayId d, info i, accToTaxon t, bioentryID id, description des where d.acc=t.acc and d.acc=i.acc and d.acc=id.acc and d.acc = id.acc and d.acc=des.acc ' >spXref3b.tab # get all records and set HUGO symbol and description to "" for variant splice proteins hgsql $spdb -N -e 'select v.varAcc, v.varAcc, taxon, id.bioentryID, 2-isCurated, des.val,"", "" from varAcc v, displayId d, info i, accToTaxon t, bioentryID id, description des where v.parAcc=d.acc and d.acc=t.acc and d.acc=i.acc and d.acc=id.acc and d.acc = id.acc and d.acc=des.acc ' >spXref3bv.tab # Clean up temp table. hgsql $spdb -e "drop table bioentryID" # collect all data from the resulting 4 files. cat spXref3a.tab spXref3b.tab spXref3av.tab spXref3bv.tab >spXref3.tab # load into the spXref3 table hgLoadSqlTab $db spXref3 $kent/src/hg/lib/spXref3.sql spXref3.tab # load the same data into a second temp table hgLoadSqlTab $db spXref3B $kent/src/hg/lib/spXref3.sql spXref3.tab # remove records that have empty HUGO symbol, yet other records # of the same accession does have non-empty HUGO symbols. hgsql $db -e 'delete spXref3 from spXref3, spXref3B where spXref3.accession=spXref3B.accession and spXref3.hugoSymbol="" and spXref3B.hugoSymbol!=""' # Drop temp table hgsql $db -e "drop table spXref3B" #ifdef DIDNTDO ###################################################################### # BUILD spXref2 TABLE cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date/build # This step takes several hours and produces a table of ~100 million lines. spToSpXref2 $spdate >spXref2.tab # create and load the big spXref2 table hgsql $db < $kent/src/hg/lib/spXref2.sql cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date/build hgsql $db -e 'load data local infile "spXref2.tab" into table spXref2' # create the indices, took about 40 minutes for each index. hgsql $db -e 'create index displayID on spXref2(displayID)' hgsql $db -e 'create index extAC on spXref2(extAC)' hgsql $db -e 'create index accession on spXref2(accession)' ######################################################################## # Build spOrganism table hgsql $spdb -N -e 'select d.val, taxon from displayId d, accToTaxon t where d.acc=t.acc ' >spOrganism.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db spOrganism $kent/src/hg/lib/spOrganism.sql ./spOrganism.tab #endif DIDNTDO # Build spSecondaryID table cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date hgsql -e "select displayId.val, displayId.acc, otherAcc.val from displayId, \ otherAcc where otherAcc.acc = displayId.acc;" $spdb \ | sed -e "1d" > spSecondaryID.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db spSecondaryID $kent/src/hg/lib/spSecondaryID.sql ./spSecondaryID.tab # Build pfamXref and pfamDesc tables # First get pfam info into /hive/data/outside/pfam/current/Pfam-A.full.gz somehow. # Did it this time with # wget --timestamping ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.full.gz cd /hive/data/outside/pfam/current/ gunzip -c Pfam-A.full.gz | pfamXref $db stdin pfamADesc.tab pfamAXref.tab >pfamXref.log hgLoadSqlTab $db pfamDesc $kent/src/hg/lib/pfamDesc.sql pfamADesc.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db pfamXref $kent/src/hg/lib/pfamXref.sql pfamAXref.tab # Build the pdbSP table, new process using extDbRef data from spXXXXXX cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date hgsql $spdb -N -e 'select extAcc1, d.val from extDbRef x, displayId d, extDb where x.acc=d.acc and extDb.val="PDB" and x.extDb=extDb.id'|sort -u >pdbSP.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db pdbSP $kent/src/hg/lib/pdbSP.sql pdbSP.tab # Build the spDisease table cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date hgsql -N -e \ 'select comment.acc, displayId.val, commentVal.val from comment, commentVal, commentType ct, displayId where comment.commentType=ct.id and ct.val="DISEASE" and commentVal.id=comment.commentVal and displayId.acc=comment.acc;' \ $spdb > spDisease.tab wc spDisease.tab # 4909 289325 2100354 spDisease.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db spDisease $kent/src/hg/lib/spDisease.sql spDisease.tab # create swInterPro table cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date/build # Fetch interpro file, last time like so: wget --timestamping "ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/interpro/protein2ipr.dat.gz" gunzip protein2ipr.dat.gz # rearrange col position to match the old format awk '{print $1,$4,$5,$6,$2,$3}' protein2ipr.dat > interProXref.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db interProXref $kent/src/hg/lib/interProXref.sql ./interProXref.tab hgsql $db -N -e 'select accession, interProId from interProXref;'|sort -u >swInterPro.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db swInterPro $kent/src/hg/lib/swInterPro.sql ./swInterPro.tab cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date mkdir alias cd alias # this is very funky, but I'm leaving it in for the moment (braney) hgsql $db -N -e 'select accession, accession, "uAcc", "2006-01-15" from spXref3' >j1.tmp hgsql $db -N -e 'select accession, accession2, "u2Ac", "2006-01-15" from spSecondaryID' >j2.tmp hgsql $db -N -e 'select accession, displayID, "uDis", "2006-01-15" from spXref3' >j3.tmp hgsql proteins040515 -N -e 'select accession, displayID, "oDis", "2004-05-15" from spXref3' >j4.tmp cat j1.tmp j2.tmp j3.tmp j4.tmp >uniProtAlias.tab rm j1.tmp j2.tmp j3.tmp j4.tmp hgLoadSqlTab $db uniProtAlias $kent/src/hg/lib/uniProtAlias.sql ./uniProtAlias.tab hgsql $db -e 'create index alias on uniProtAlias(alias)' hgsql proteins111004 -N -e 'select * from spOldNew' >spOldNew.tab hgLoadSqlTab $db spOldNew $kent/src/hg/lib/spOldNew.sql ./spOldNew.tab hgsql $db -e 'create index oldDisplayId on spOldNew(oldDisplayId)' hgsql $db -e 'create index newDisplayId on spOldNew(newDisplayId)' # CREATE spVariant TABLE TO ENABLE UNIPROT VARIANT SPLICE ISOFORM PROCESSING cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/$date hgsql $db -N -e 'select accession,accession from spXref3' >j1 cat j1 |grep "-" |sed -e 's/-/\t/'|cut -f 1,3 >j2 cat j1 |grep -v "-" >>j3 cat j2 j3 |sort -u >spVariant.tab rm j1 j2 j3 hgLoadSqlTab $db spVariant $kent/src/hg/lib/spVariant.sql ./spVariant.tab hgsql $db -e 'create index parent on spVariant(parent)' #this is build of reactome tables cd /hive/data/outside/reactome cd reactome41/ sed '1,4d' ucsc_events41 | hgLoadSqlTab proteome spReactomeEvent ~/kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql stdin sed '1,6d' ucsc_entity41 | hgLoadSqlTab proteome spReactomeId ~/kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql stdin #STOPPED HERE # BUILD TABLES FOR pbGlobal (PB V1.1). These tables are used by the Proteome # Browser. cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/111004 mkdir pbGlobal cd pbGlobal # Calculate Pi values for all proteins pbCalPi sp111004 pi111004.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepPi $kent/src/hg/lib/pepPi.sql ./pi111004.tab # Build pepMwAa table hgsql sp111004 -N -e "select acc, molWeight, aaSize from info" >pepMwAa.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepMwAa $kent/src/hg/lib/pepMwAa.sql ./pepMwAa.tab # Calculate global protein property distributions cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/111004/pbGlobal nice pbCalDistGlobal sp111004 proteins111004 # Load the tables cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/111004/pbGlobal hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepCCntDist $kent/src/hg/lib/pepCCntDist.sql pepCCntDist.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepHydroDist $kent/src/hg/lib/pepHydroDist.sql pepHydroDist.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepIPCntDist $kent/src/hg/lib/pepIPCntDist.sql pepIPCntDist.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepMolWtDist $kent/src/hg/lib/pepMolWtDist.sql pepMolWtDist.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepPiDist $kent/src/hg/lib/pepPiDist.sql pepPiDist.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pepResDist $kent/src/hg/lib/pepResDist.sql pepResDist.tab # Calculate global AA residue distributions pbCalResStdGlobal 111004 # Load distribution tables: hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pbAnomLimit $kent/src/hg/lib/pbAnomLimit.sql ./pbAnomLimit.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pbResAvgStd $kent/src/hg/lib/pbResAvgStd.sql ./pbResAvgStd.tab # Get taxonomy names table from NCBI. cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/111004 mkdir taxon cd taxon wget --timestamping ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdmp.zip unzip taxdmp.zip # Create table taxonNames in proteins111004 # Load from the file names.dmp into taxonNames table. # hgsql proteins111004 -e 'drop table taxonNames' hgsql proteins111004 < $kent/src/hg/lib/taxonNames.sql hgsql proteins111004 -e 'load data local infile "names.dmp" into table taxonNames fields terminated by "|" enclosed by "\t";' # Load and edit pbStamp table cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/111004 hgsql proteins060115 -N -e "select * from pbStamp" > pbStamp.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 pbStamp $kent/src/hg/lib/pbStamp.sql ./pbStamp.tab # Build spDeleted table # Download list of deleted accession numbers from UniProt cd /hive/data/inside/proteins/111004 wget --timestamping ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/knowledgebase/docs/delac_tr.txt cp delac_tr.txt spDeleted.tab # Edit spDeleted.tab to get rid of other lines except accession numbers vi spDeleted.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteins111004 spDeleted $kent/src/hg/lib/spDeleted.sql ./spDeleted.tab # move this endif statement past business that has successfully been completed endif # BRACKET # EXTEND pfamXref TO COVER VARIANT SPLICE PROTEINS hgsql proteins111004 -N -e \ 'select pfamAC, variant, variant from spVariant, pfamXref where swissAC = parent and variant like "%-%" and swissAC=parent;' \ >pfamXrefVar.tab hgLoadSqlTab -append proteins111004 pfamXref $kent/src/hg/lib/pfamXref.sql ./pfamXrefVar.tab # move this exit statement to the end of the section to be done next exit $status # BRACKET # SWITCH SYMBOLIC PROTEIN DATABASE LINKS (TBD) # Ask system admin to switch the following symbolic database links after # reaching this point in this script, and running the companion script # sp111004: swissProt --> sp111004 proteins --> proteins111004 uniProt --> proteins111004 proteome --> proteins111004 # Run some simple test on hgTracks, hgNear, hgGene, pbTracks, and pbGlobal # to make sure things are running OK. # First check to see if pbGateway and pbGlobal are working. # Then edit pbStamp.tab to adjust maximum y values for various stamps # and load it to pbStamp tables until all their scales look reasonable. # For this particular release, no adjustment seems necessary. ######################################################### # CREATE REACTOME TABLES # Obtain the ucsc_events24.dat.txt and ucsc_entity24.dat from Reactome. # Contact: Gopinathrao, Gopal [gopinath@cshl.edu] # Note - Gopal is no longer with Reactome, and the format has changed. For now # just using previous data. Should double-check that Reactome links still work # both on hg18 and with the hg19 build.... cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome24 hgsql proteins111004 < $kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteins111004 -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events24.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteins111004 < $kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteins111004 -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity24.tab" into table spReactomeId' # move this endif statement past business that has been successfully completed ######################################################### # UPDATE REACTOME TABLES WITH V32 DATA (DONE, Fan 3/19/10) # Obtain the ucsc_events32.dat.txt and ucsc_entity32.dat from Reactome. # Contact: Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] ssh hgwdev mkdir /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome32 rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome32 /hive/data/outside/reactome/current rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome32 /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome # save these two .dat files to this subdirectory. cp ucsc_events32.dat ucsc_events32.tab cp ucsc_entity32.dat ucsc_entity32.tab # edit two .tab files to get rid of top head lines. hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events32.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeId' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity32.tab" into table spReactomeId' # Generate lists for Reactome to link back to UCSC site. hgsql hg17 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref,proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >rn4.lis # !!! NOTE: Email the above 6 list files to Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] # AFTER THE NEW PROTEIN DBs ARE RELEASED ON RR. ######################################################### # UPDATE REACTOME TABLES WITH V33 DATA (DONE, Fan 6/22/10) # Obtain the ucsc_events33.dat.txt and ucsc_entity33.dat from Reactome. # Contact: Robin Haw [Robin.Haw@oicr.on.ca] ssh hgwdev mkdir /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome33 rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome33 /hive/data/outside/reactome/current rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome33 /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome # save these two .dat files to this subdirectory. cp ucsc_events33.dat ucsc_events33.tab cp ucsc_entity33.dat ucsc_entity33.tab # edit two .tab files to get rid of top head lines. hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events33.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeId' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity33.tab" into table spReactomeId' # Generate lists for Reactome to link back to UCSC site. hgsql hg17 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref,proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' |sort -u >rn4.lis # !!! NOTE: Email the above 6 list files to Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] # AFTER THE NEW PROTEIN DBs ARE RELEASED ON RR. ######################################################### # UPDATE REACTOME TABLES WITH V34 DATA (DONE, Fan 10/25/10) # Obtain the ucsc_events34.dat.txt and ucsc_entity34.dat from Reactome. # Contact: Robin Haw [Robin.Haw@oicr.on.ca] ssh hgwdev mkdir /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome34 rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome34 /hive/data/outside/reactome/current rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome34 /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome # save these two .dat files to this subdirectory. cp ucsc_events34.dat ucsc_events34.tab cp ucsc_entity34.dat ucsc_entity34.tab # edit two .tab files to get rid of top head lines. hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events34.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeId' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity34.tab" into table spReactomeId' # Generate lists for Reactome to link back to UCSC site. hgsql hg17 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref,proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >rn4.lis # !!! NOTE: Email the above 6 list files to Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] # AFTER THE NEW PROTEIN DBs ARE RELEASED ON RR. ######################################################### # UPDATE REACTOME TABLES WITH V35 DATA (DONE, Fan 01/03/10) # Obtain the ucsc_events35 and ucsc_entity35 from Reactome. # Contact: Robin Haw [Robin.Haw@oicr.on.ca] ssh hgwdev mkdir /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome35 rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome35 /hive/data/outside/reactome/current rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome35 /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome # save these two .dat files to this subdirectory. cp ucsc_events35 ucsc_events35.tab cp ucsc_entity35 ucsc_entity35.tab # edit two .tab files to get rid of top head lines. hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events35.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeId' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity35.tab" into table spReactomeId' # Generate lists for Reactome to link back to UCSC site. hgsql hg17 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref,proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >rn4.lis # !!! NOTE: Email the above 6 list files to Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] # AFTER THE NEW PROTEIN DBs ARE RELEASED ON RR. ######################################################### # UPDATE REACTOME TABLES WITH V36 DATA (DONE, Fan 03/18/2011) # Obtain the ucsc_events36 and ucsc_entity36 from Reactome. # Contact: Robin Haw [Robin.Haw@oicr.on.ca] ssh hgwdev mkdir /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome36 rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome36 /hive/data/outside/reactome/current rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome36 /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome # save these two .dat files to this subdirectory. cp ucsc_events36.dat ucsc_events36.tab cp ucsc_entity36.dat ucsc_entity36.tab # edit two .tab files to get rid of top head lines. hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events36.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeId' hgsql proteome < $kent/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity36.tab" into table spReactomeId' # Generate lists for Reactome to link back to UCSC site. hgsql hg17 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref,proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >rn4.lis # !!! NOTE: Email the above 6 list files to Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] # AFTER THE NEW PROTEIN DBs ARE RELEASED ON RR. ######################################################### # UPDATE REACTOME TABLES WITH V38 DATA (DONE, Fan 10/14/2011) # Obtain the ucsc_events38 and ucsc_entity38 from Reactome. # Contact: Robin Haw [Robin.Haw@oicr.on.ca] ssh hgwdev mkdir /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome38 rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome38 /hive/data/outside/reactome/current rm /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome38 /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome cd /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome # save these two .dat files to this subdirectory. cp ucsc_events38 ucsc_events38.tab cp ucsc_entity38 ucsc_entity38.tab # edit two .tab files to get rid of top head lines. hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome < ~/kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_events38.tab" into table spReactomeEvent' hgsql proteome -e 'drop table spReactomeId' hgsql proteome < ~/kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql hgsql proteome -e 'load data local infile "ucsc_entity38.tab" into table spReactomeId' # Generate lists for Reactome to link back to UCSC site. hgsql hg17 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >rn4.lis # !!! NOTE: Email the above 6 list files to Lisa Matthews [lmatthews.nyumc@gmail.com] # AFTER THE NEW PROTEIN DBs ARE RELEASED ON RR. #################################################################### # REACTOME UPDATE v39 (DONE, Andy 2012-01-24) scp UCSC_Reactome_v39.zip aamp@hgwdev.cse.ucsc.edu:/hive/data/outside/reactome/ # (from redmine #5425) ssh hgwdev cd /hive/data/outside/reactome unzip UCSC_Reactome_v39.zip rm -rf __MACOSX/ UCSC_Reactome_v39.zip mkdir reactome39 mv ucsc_e* reactome39/ rm current reactome ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome39 current ln -s /hive/data/outside/reactome/reactome39 reactome cd reatome39/ tail -n +7 ucsc_entity39 > ucsc_entity39.tab tail -n +7 ucsc_events39 > ucsc_events39.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteome spReactomeEvent ~/kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeEvent.sql ucsc_events39.tab hgLoadSqlTab proteome spReactomeId ~/kent/src/hg/lib/spReactomeId.sql ucsc_entity39.tab hgsql hg17 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg17.lis hgsql hg18 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg18.lis hgsql hg19 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >hg19.lis hgsql mm9 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm9.lis hgsql mm8 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >mm8.lis hgsql rn4 -N -e \ 'select kgId, kgXref.spId from kgXref, proteome.spReactomeId,proteome.spVariant where kgXref.spID=proteome.spVariant.variant and spReactomeId.spId=parent' \ |sort -u >rn4.lis # these lists are e-mailed to someone at Reactome for updating their site, presumably. endif # BRACKET