######################################################### #mulitz pHMM conservation track for 3 solfolobus species# ######################################################### ## DONE: 8/12/05 (kpollard) cd /cluster/data/sulSol1/bed mkdir conservation cd conservation cp /cluster/data/pyrFur2/bed/conservation/HoxD55.q . #get fastas cp ../../chr.fa sulSol1.chr cp /projects/lowelab/db/blastdb/Sulf_acid_DSM_639.fa sulAci1.chr cp /projects/lowelab/db/blastdb/Sulf_toko.fa sulTok1.chr #edit > lines to say sulSol1.chr, sulTok1.chr, and sulAci1.chr #make nibs cp /cluster/data/sulSol1/nib/chr.nib sulSol1.nib /cluster/bin/i386/faToNib sulAci.chr sulAci1.nib /cluster/bin/i386/faToNib sulTok.chr sulTok1.nib #chrom sizes faSize -detailed *.chr > chrom.sizes #blastz blastz sulSol1.chr sulTok1.chr Q=HoxD55.q > sulSol1-sulTok1.lav blastz sulSol1.chr sulAci1.chr Q=HoxD55.q > sulSol1-sulAci1.lav /cluster/bin/i386/lavToAxt sulSol1-sulTok1.lav . . sulSol1-sulTok1.axt /cluster/bin/i386/lavToAxt sulSol1-sulAci1.lav . . sulSol1-sulAci1.axt axtBest sulSol1-sulTok1.axt sulSol1.chr -winSize=500 -minScore=5000 sulSol1-sulTok1-best.axt axtBest sulSol1-sulAci1.axt sulSol1.chr -winSize=500 -minScore=5000 sulSol1-sulAci1-best.axt axtToMaf sulSol1-sulTok1-best.axt chrom.sizes chrom.sizes sulSol1-sulTok1.maf axtToMaf sulSol1-sulAci1-best.axt chrom.sizes chrom.sizes sulSol1-sulAci1.maf #multiz: v10 has new parameter (3rd par), 0=2 seqs not align to ref, else 1. # stick with v8 for now. multiz sulSol1-sulTok1.maf sulSol1-sulAci1.maf - > sulSol1-sulTok1-sulAci1.maf #phyloHMM /cluster/bin/phast/msa_view -i MAF -M sulSol1.chr -o SS sulSol1-sulTok1-sulAci1.maf > sulSol1.ss /cluster/bin/phast/phyloFit -i SS sulSol1.ss -t "(sulSol1,(sulTok1,sulAci1))" /cluster/bin/phast/msa_view -i SS sulSol1.ss --summary-only /cluster/bin/phast/phastCons sulSol1.ss phyloFit.mod --gc 0.3527 \ --target-coverage 0.7 --estimate-trees sul-tree \ --expected-lengths 25 --no-post-probs --ignore-missing \ --nrates 1,1 /cluster/bin/phast/phastCons sulSol1.ss \ sul-tree.cons.mod,sul-tree.noncons.mod \ --target-coverage 0.7 --expected-lengths 25 \ --viterbi sulSol-elements.bed --score \ --require-informative 0 --seqname chr > cons.dat wigEncode cons.dat phastCons.wig phastCons.wib draw_tree phyloFit.mod > sul-tree.ps #make .ai and .jpg files in Illustrator cp sul-tree.jpg /usr/local/apache/htdocs/images/ #move data mkdir wib mv phastCons.wib wib/phastCons.wib mv phastCons.wig wib/phastCons.wig ln -s /cluster/data/sulSol1/bed/conservation/wib/phastCons.wib /gbdb/sulSol1/wib mkdir /gbdb/sulSol1/pwMaf mkdir -p otherSul/sulTok1 otherSul/sulAci1 mv sulSol1-sulTok1.maf otherSul/sulTok1/chr.maf mv sulSol1-sulAci1.maf otherSul/sulAci1/chr.maf ln -s /cluster/data/sulSol1/bed/conservation/otherSul/sulTok1 /gbdb/sulSol1/pwMaf/sulTok1_pwMaf ln -s /cluster/data/sulSol1/bed/conservation/otherSul/sulAci1 /gbdb/sulSol1/pwMaf/sulAci1_pwMaf mkdir multiz mv sulSol1-sulTok1-sulAci1.maf multiz/chr.maf ln -s /cluster/data/sulSol1/bed/conservation/multiz /gbdb/sulSol1/multizSs1St1Sa1 #load hgLoadWiggle sulSol1 phastCons /cluster/data/sulSol1/bed/conservation/wib/phastCons.wig hgLoadMaf -warn sulSol1 multizSs1St1Sa1 hgLoadMaf -warn sulSol1 sulTok1_pwMaf -pathPrefix=/gbdb/sulSol1/pwMaf/sulTok1_pwMaf hgLoadMaf -warn sulSol1 sulAci1_pwMaf -pathPrefix=/gbdb/sulSol1/pwMaf/sulTok1_pwMaf hgLoadBed sulSol1 phastConsElements sulSol-elements.bed #trackDb.ra entry # track multizSs1St1Sa1 # shortLabel Conservation # longLabel Sulfolobus 3-way multiz alignments # group compGeno # priority 10.0 # visibility pack # type wigMaf 0.0 1.0 # maxHeightPixels 100:40:11 # wiggle phastCons # yLineOnOff Off # autoScale Off # pairwise pwMaf # speciesOrder sulTok1 sulAci1 cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/archae/sulSol1 cvs commit -m "Added multiz track" trackDb.ra #html page for multizSs1St1Sa1 cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/archae/sulSol1 cvs add multizSs1St1Sa1.html cvs commit -m "Details page for multiz track" multizSs1St1Sa1.html # load genbank gene predictions # Create 3 files to assist parsing of the genbank # 1. for a bed file echo 'chr start end locus_tag 1000 strand' > sulSol1-params-bed.txt # 2. for the peptide parts echo 'locus_tag translation' > sulSol1-params-pep.txt # 3. for the other gene information echo 'locus_tag locus_tag product note protein_id db_xref EC_number db_xref2' > sulSol1-params-xra.txt # Now extract the genes and information: gbArchaeGenome methJann1.fix.gbk methJann1-params-bed.txt methJann1-genbank-cds.bed sed -e 's/db_xref="GeneID:/db_xref2="/' sulSol1.gbk > sulSol1.fix.gbk gbArchaeGenome sulSol1.fix.gbk sulSol1-params-bed.txt sulSol1-genbank-cds.bed gbArchaeGenome sulSol1.fix.gbk sulSol1-params-pep.txt sulSol1-genbank-cds.pep gbArchaeGenome sulSol1.fix.gbk sulSol1-params-xra.txt sulSol1-genbank-cds.xra hgsql sulSol1 < /cluster/home/baertsch/kent/src/hg/lib/minGeneInfo.sql echo rename table minGeneInfo to gbProtCodeXra | hgsql sulSol1 echo load data local infile \'sulSol1-genbank-cds.xra\' into table gbProtCodeXra | hgsql sulSol1 tawk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,1000,$6,$2,$3,0,1,$3-$2,0}' sulSol1-genbank-cds.bed | bedToGenePred stdin tmp.gp tawk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,NR,name2,"cmpl","cmpl",0}' tmp.gp > tmp2.gp # hard tab must be input for the join command in double quotes - use ctrl-v followed by tab join -t " " -o 1.1,1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 2.2 1.13 1.14 1.15 tmp2.gp sulSol1-genbank-cds.xra > sulSol1.gp ldHgGene sulSol1 refSeq sulSol1.gp -predTab -genePredExt #load COG codes grep -h COG /projects/lowelab/db/Bacteria/Sulfolobus_solfataricus/NC_00*.ptt | awk 'NR>3{OFS="\t";print $6,$8,$7}' > COG hgsql sulSol1 < /cluster/home/baertsch/kent/src/hg/lib/cogs.sql echo "load data local infile 'COG' into table COG" | hgsql sulSol1 hgsql sulSol1 < /cluster/data/metAce1/genbank/COGXra.sql #KEGG cd ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/archae/sulSol1/bed mkdir kegg cd kegg ~/kent/src/hg/protein/KGpath.sh sulSol1 sulSol1 051020&