#!/bin/bash -e usage="hgdownload-copy download Copy download files from the build server to the the download server. This runs on the build server and pushes to the specified download server" set -beEu -o pipefail trap "echo Error: $(hostname) download copy failed >&2; exit 1" ERR exec &2 exit 1 fi downloadServer="$1" # initialize gbRoot=/hive/data/outside/genbank cd $gbRoot . $gbRoot/lib/gbCommon.sh # location of the genbank root and files on the remote build server rsyncPort="rsh" gbDownloadBuildDir=${gbRoot}/data/ftp verbose="" #verbose="-verbose" goldenPathDir=/mirrordata/apache/htdocs/goldenPath # Checking for an existing lock file, Silently exits if lock file exists # and is less than one day old, error if older. gbCheckLock $gbRoot/var/downloadcp/$(hostname)/run/downloadcp.lock gbCopyDownload $verbose -rsyncPort=$rsyncPort $gbDownloadBuildDir $downloadServer $goldenPathDir