# Build all directories in makeDb include ../../../inc/common.mk # List of directories to build USE_DIRS = $(DIRS) DIRS = \ allenBrain/allenCollectSeq \ exonerateGffDoctor \ hgAvidShortBed \ hgBioCyc \ hgCGAP \ hgExonerate \ hgFiberglass \ hgFlyBase \ hgGnfMicroarray \ hgJaxQtl \ hgKegg \ hgKegg2 \ hgKegg3 \ hgLoadEranModules \ hgLsSnpPdbLoad \ hgPhMouse \ hgRnaGenes \ hgSoftPromoter \ hgSoftberryHom \ hgSuperfam \ nibb/nibbImageProbes \ nibb/nibbNameFix \ nibb/nibbParseImageDir \ nibb/nibbPrepImages \ samHit \ sanger22gtf \ vegaBuildInfo \ yeast/checkSgdSync \ yeast/fixHarbisonMotifs \ yeast/hgSgdGff3 \ yeast/hgSgdGfp \ yeast/hgSgdPep \ yeast/hgYeastRegCode all: $(USE_DIRS:%=%.all) %.all: ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) ) clean: $(USE_DIRS:%=%.clean) %.clean: ( cd $* && echo $* && $(MAKE) clean )