
RNA (from a commercial source) from 11 tissues were hybridized to Affymetrix $Organism Exon 1.0 ST arrays. For each tissue, 3 replicate experiments were performed for a total of 33 arrays. The raw intensity signal from the arrays was normalized with a quantile normalization method, then run through the PLIER algorithm. The normalized data were then converted to median-centered log-ratios, which are displayed as green for negative log-ratios (below-median expression), and red for positive (above-median expression).

The probe sets for this microarray track are shown in the the Affy Exon Probes track.


This track was produced by Andy Pohl, Kayla Smith, and Pauline Fujita of the genome browser group at UCSC, Melissa Cline of the Ares lab at UCSC, and Chuck Sugnet at Affymetrix, based on sample exon array data available from Affymetrix, produced by Tyson Clark.


Pohl AA, Sugnet CW, Clark TA, Smith K, Fujita PA, Cline MS. Affy Exon Tissues: Exon Levels in Normal Tissues in Human, Mouse, and Rat. Bioinformatics.2009 Sept 15;25(18):2442-3.
