
This track shows T-clusters (i.e., clusters having at least one EST that uniquely aligns to the genome) determined by a large-scale study of Anopheles gambiae EST and cDNA sequences structured into the AnoEST database. The analysis summarizes 215,634 A. gambiae expressed sequences grouped into clusters using the genome sequence as template. Using cDNA microarrays in conjunction with AnoEST, expression of 7,961 T-clusters during mosquito development has been experimentally confirmed. See the AnoEST database downloads page for more information and downloads.


Kriventseva EV, Koutsos AC, Blass C, Kafatos FC, Christophides GK, Zdobnov EM. AnoEST: toward A. gambiae functional genomics. Genome Res. 2005 Jun;15(6):893-9.

Thanks to Evgeny Zdobnov and EMBL for providing these predictions.