
The data are shown in a tabular format in which each column of colored boxes represents the variation in genomic DNA levels from a normal cell line for a given clone across all of the NCI60 cell lines, and each row represents the measured genomic DNA levels for clones in a single sample. The variation in genomic DNA levels for each clone is represented by a color scale, in which green indicates an increase in genomic DNA levels, and red indicates a decrease in genomic DNA levels, relative to the reference sample. The saturation of the color corresponds to the magnitude of transcript variation. A black color indicates an undetectable change in genomic DNA, while a gray box indicates missing data.

Display Options

This track has options to customize tissue types presented and the color of the display.
Cell Line: This option is only valid when the track is displayed in full. It determines how the experiments are displayed. The options are: Color Scheme: Data are presented using two color false display. By default the colors of green -> positive log ratio, red -> negative log ratio are used. However, blue can be substituted for green for those who are color blind.

Details Page

On the details page the probes presented correspond to those contained in window range seen on the Genome Browser, the exon probe and experiment selected are highlighted in blue.