
This track shows the locations of isochores (regions of homogeneous GC content) in the $organism assembly.

Display Conventions and Configuration

Isochores are represented by rectangular blocks. Features with higher scores are more darkly shaded.

To display only those items that exceed a specific unnormalized score, enter a minimum score between 0 and 1000 in the text box at the top of the track description page.


For a description of the methods used to generate these data, see Nekrutenko et al. (2000) in the References section below.


Thanks to Jianbin He at Penn State University for providing these data.


Nekrutenko, A. and Li, W.H. Assessment of Compositional Heterogeneity Within and Between Eukaryotic Genomes. Genome Res. 10(12), 1986-95 (2000).