
This track shows the assembly (Oct. 2010, CGSC 2.1.3 (GCA_000001515.3)) of the $organism genome provided by the Chimpanzee Genome Sequencing Consortium.
Please note description of this assembly in the genbank record: AACZ00000000.3

In dense mode, this track depicts the path through the fragments (contigs and finished clones) used to create the assembled chromosomes. Contig and clone boundaries are distinguished by the use of alternating gold and brown coloration. Where gaps exist in the path, spaces are shown between the gold and brown blocks. Relative order and orientation, as determined from the human/chimp alignments, is implied for the non-random chromosomes.

The fragment types within this track are:


PCAP: a whole-genome assembly program. Huang, X., Wang, J., Aluru, S., Yang, S.P., and Hillier, L. Genome Research 13(9), 2164-70 (2003).