
This track shows the draft assembly of the $organism genome. This release was assembled from whole genome shotgun (WGS) reads using the Atlas genome assembly system. Several WGS libraries, with inserts of 2 - 4 kb and 4 - 6 kb, were used to produce the data. Approximately 23 million reads were assembled, representing about 17.7 Gb of sequence and 6.2x coverage of the (clonable) bovine genome. Highly repeated sequences and BAC clones sequences were omitted from this assembly; these will be placed in a subsequent version of the draft sequence.

The assembly contains chromosomes 1-29, X, M, and Bin0, as well as 98058 scaffolds. Bin0 is an artificial chromosome consisting of contigs of 3 or fewer reads that were not incorporated into scaffolds. Baylor Chr30 is labeled chrX in the UCSC Genome Browser. Baylor artificial chromosome ChrUn was split into scaffolds for display in the browser. chrM was obtained from NCBI (gi=12800).

In dense mode, this track depicts the contigs that make up the currently viewed chromosome or scaffold. Contig boundaries are distinguished by the use of alternating gold and brown coloration. Where gaps exist between contigs, spaces are shown between the gold and brown blocks. The relative order and orientation of the contigs within a chromosome or scaffold is always known; therefore, a line is drawn in the graphical display to bridge the blocks.

All components within this track are of fragment type "W" (whole genome shotgun contig).