
This track shows RNA expression of protein coding and noncoding sequences at each major life cycle stage, as described in Stolc et al. (2004) A gene expression map for the euchromatic genome of Drosophila melanogaster, Science 306(5696):655-60. Probe sequences were mapped to Release 4 genomic sequence at UCSC using BLAT.

Six life cycle stages (early embryo, late embryo, larva, pupa, adult male and adult female) were hybridized four times each to DNA oligonucleotide microarrays with unique probe sequences tiled throughout the genome and across predicted splice junctions.

Three sets of probes can be viewed in this track:

By default, only the Probes Expressed Above Background set is visible. To enable/disable the probe sets, click on the track control button (blue or gray rectangle to the left of the track in the image) or the track control link (the short name of the track, "FEEP" in the Expression and Regulation group in the track controls section below the image).

In full, packed and squished display modes, medians of all experiments for each stage are shown. Dense display mode shows the placement of the probe sequences.


Thanks to the White lab at Yale for providing probe data and to the Bussemaker lab at Columbia for providing statistical analyses of probe expression.


Stolc V, Gauhar Z, Mason C, Halasz G, van Batenburg MF, Rifkin SA, Hua S, Herreman T, Tongprasit W, Barbano PE, Bussemaker HJ, White KP (2004). A gene expression map for the euchromatic genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Science 306(5696):655-660.