
This track shows DNase I Footprint data from FlyReg version 2.0. FlyReg provides access to results of the systematic curation and genome annotation of 1,350 DNase I footprints for the fruitfly D. melanogaster reported in Bergman, C.M. et al. (see below).

When available, a footprint motif is also displayed, based on a MEME matrix computed by Dan Pollard on the set of footprints for this factor.


Thanks to Casey Bergman for providing the FlyReg data. If used in published work, please cite Bergman, C.M. Carlson, J.W. and Celniker, S.E. Drosophila DNase I footprint database: a systematic genome annotation of transcription factor binding sites in the fruitfly, D. melanogaster. Bioinformatics 2004 Nov [Epub ahead of print].

Thanks to Dan Pollard for providing the footprint motif matrices.