
The All-Drosophila RefSeq Genes track shows known protein-coding genes for all Drosophila species taken from the NCBI mRNA reference sequences collection (RefSeq).

Display Conventions and Configuration

This track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. The color shading indicates the level of review the RefSeq record has undergone: predicted (light), provisional (medium), reviewed (dark).


Refseq mRNAs for all Drosophila species were aligned against the genome using blat in translated mode. When a single mRNA aligned in multiple places, only the best alignments that had at least 25% sequence identity and covered at least 30% of the mRNA were kept.


This track was produced at UCSC from mRNA sequence data generated by scientists worldwide and curated by the NCBI RefSeq project.


Kent, W.J. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 12(4), 656-664 (2002).