
The ExonWalk program merges cDNA evidence together to predict full length isoforms, including alternative transcripts. To predict transcripts that are biologically functional, rather than the result of technical or biological noise, ExonWalk requires that every intron and exon be either: 1) Present in cDNA libraries of another organism (i.e. also present in mouse), 2) Have three separate cDNA GenBank entries supporting it, or 3) Be evolving like a coding exon as determined by Exoniphy. Once the transcripts are predicted an ORF finder (BESTORF from Softberry) is used to find the best open reading frame. By default transcripts that are targets for nonsense mediated decay (NMD) are filtered out as they are less likely to be translated into proteins.


The input to the ExonWalk program is the AltSplice track which has filtered out exons and introns that are not: 1) Present in cDNA libraries of another organism (i.e. also present in mouse), 2) Have three separate cDNA GenBank entries supporting it, or 3) Be evolving like a coding exon as determined by Exoniphy.

The ExonWalk algorithm takes these filtered sequences and constructs a graph where the exons are the nodes and the introns are the edges. The goal of the program is to produce all full length transcripts implied by the transcripts. Full length transcripts are defined as transcripts that are not a subsequences of another transcript. The stages of the algorithm can be divided into three steps as illustrated in Figure 1 below:

  1. Detection and connection of compatible transcripts (Figure 1B).
  2. Merging of vertices that are identical in terms of splicing (Figure 1C).
  3. Exploration of all paths in the resulting graph (Figure 1D).
Different stages of the ExonWalk Program. A. Different transcripts for a particular gene have been aligned to the genome to give an order and orientation. B. Exons in the overlapping section of compatible transcripts are joined to form new edges. C. Vertices which are redundant are pruned from the graph, being replaced by edges from other, equivalent, vertices. This simplifies the initial graph and yet retains splicing specific information. D. The maximal paths through the graph are explored to produce a set of maximal (full length) transcripts.

Initially each each transcript is an independent sub-graph in the exon graph. Individual transcripts are then compared pairwise to determine if they are compatible. If they are compatible, an edge is created between exons of the overlap, called a compatibility edge. This results in a directed graph where overlapping exons are connected together, and thus compatible transcripts have been connected as well (Figure 1B). The algorithm then makes use of the implicit order provided by the genome sequence and the fact that splicing occurs in order to explore all of the paths present in the graph.

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