
This track shows regions detected as putative genomic duplications within the golden path. The following display conventions are used to distinguish levels of similarity:

For a region to be included in the track, at least 500 bp of the total sequence (containing at least 100 bp of non-RepeatMasked sequence) had to align and a sequence identity of at least 90% was required.


For a description of the 'fuguization' detection method, see Bailey, J.A. et. al. (2001) in the References section below.


These data were provided by Xinwei She and Evan Eichler at the University of Washington.


Bailey, J.A., Yavor, A.M., Massa, H.F., Trask, B.J. and Eichler, E.E. Segmental duplications: organization and impact within the current human genome project assembly. Genome Res 11, 1005-17 (2001).