
This track shows the Fugu v.3.0 (Aug. 2002) whole genome shotgun assembly provided by the US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI). The assembly was constructed with the JGI assembler, JAZZ, from paired end sequencing reads produced at JGI, Myriad Genetics, and Celera Genomics, resulting in a sequence coverage of 5.7X. All reads are plasmid, cosmid, or BAC end sequences, with the predominant coverage derived from 2 Kb insert plasmids. This assembly contains 20,379 scaffolds totaling 319 million base pairs. The largest 679 scaffolds total 160 million base pairs.

The scaffolds in the display are ordered numerically using the scaffold numbering provided by JGI. The Genome Browser depicts the Fugu genome as a single unordered chromosome with 1000 bp scaffold gaps, which are shown in the Gap track annotation. The scaffolds decrease in size as the scaffold number increases. Scaffold #1 is the largest.