
This track shows known HIV-1 genes and regions based on data from HIV Sequence Database.


Protein sequences from the Numbering Positions in HIV Relative to HXB2CG page at HIV Sequence Database were aligned against the $organism genome using BLAT. Those alignments spanning less than 70% length of the protein sequence were discarded.

The variable regions (V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5) of ENV are also marked according to the genomic position data found at


This track was produced at UCSC from protein sequence data obtained from the HIV Sequence Database.


Korber BT, Foley BT, Kuiken CL, Pillai SK, Sodroski JG. Numbering Positions in HIV Relative to HXB2CG, p. III-102-III-111. In: Human retroviruses and AIDS 1998. Korber B, Kuiken C, Foley B, Hahn B, McCutchan F, Mellors J, Sodroski J, editors.

Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64.